One update.

Because of the age of Wan Lao and Sister Yin, having a wedding ceremony was just a formality, and the juniors were too embarrassed to really bother them, so they simply explained what they were saying, and before half past nine, everyone went back to their homes.

After Wan Yuqiong and Niang Niang sent everyone away, they each hid in their rooms. In an instant, the couple was left alone in the new house. Although they had lived together for so many years, the sudden change in status still made the two of them a little uncomfortable.

Sister-in-law Yin sat on the bedside, twisting her clothes awkwardly. Mr. Wan wanted to say something to break the deadlock, but for a while he couldn't find a suitable topic, so he sat there stiffly.

If it were in the past, Mrs. Yin would have reminded Mr. Wan that it was time to rest at this time, but in this special situation today, she was absolutely embarrassed to remind him, but she didn't remind him, and she was a little worried about the old man's health, so she looked up from time to time. Clock on the wall.

"Haha..." Noticing Sister-in-law Yin's movements, Mr. Wan scratched his head and laughed, "Meiyuan, you have been busy for a day and you are tired. Let's rest early."

"Yes." Sister-in-law Yin responded, blushing to the root of her neck. She herself felt that her performance was a bit exaggerated, but she couldn't control herself at all, or maybe this was the difference between liking and not liking...

After washing up, Mrs. Yin finally calmed down. She found new pajamas from the cupboard and handed them to the old man: "Go take a shower first. I've already put the water for you."

The old man nodded, hesitated, and then picked up his pajamas and went to the bathroom. Mrs. Yin breathed a sigh of relief. She was so old. It's really embarrassing to act like this. But...but for her, this is marriage in the true sense. Sitting here now, her heart was beating like a drum...

Of course, there is another reason why she behaves like this. Although she is not too young, she really doesn’t know much about men in certain aspects. She now thinks that they should sleep in the same bed. I'm afraid that the old man will be in trouble. Different beds, it seems a bit pretentious...

Mr. Wan, who was in the bathroom, was not at peace. His wife had been gone for more than ten years. He never thought that one day he would get married again. Originally, he didn’t want to marry an emotionless woman, just to be taken care of. Later, age When I get older, I don’t even care about it anymore.

Marrying Mrs. Yin is not so much about love. Rather, it was for Sister Yin's future. For him, at this age, it didn't matter whether he got married or not.

but. If he didn't marry Mrs. Yin home and always let her stay by his side to take care of her, it would inevitably lead to gossip. If something happens to him one day, Mrs. Yin will not even have a place to stay.

certainly. He believed that the organization would make proper arrangements for Sister Yin.

but. He had been with the other party for so many years, but in the end he had to ask the organization to help him. He couldn't take it calmly.

In fact, no matter who does the resettlement, the final life will be similar, but I believe that from a psychological perspective, Mrs. Yin hopes that he will do this.

That's why he made up his mind to marry again.

However, it was only at this moment that he realized that he had not truly overcome the hurdle in his heart. In his heart, no one could replace his old wife...

Coming out of the bathroom, Mrs. Yin had already slept on her side. Mr. Wan breathed a sigh of relief, turned off the light, and lay down on the other side of the bed.

"Wan Lang..." Whispering Mr. Wan's name, Mrs. Yin turned around. At this moment, she thought a lot. After the old man lay down, she could feel the stiffness of his body. If he stayed like this all night Rest, the two of them must be in particularly bad condition the next morning, so she simply wanted to make things clear.

"Huh?" Mr. Wan responded softly, stood up and half leaned on the bed.

Sister-in-law Yin also sat up, turned on the bedside lamp and looked at the man who had become her husband. When she really wanted to speak, she didn't know how to express it, so the two of them froze there again.

After a moment, Mr. Wan reached out and patted Sister Yin: "Meiyuan, don't think too much, I just need some time. It's not because I have any problem with you, but because of Yuqiong's mother..."

"I understand..." Sister-in-law Yin let out a long sigh, "Really speaking, my first marriage was not happy, so I don't have much nostalgia for the past.

And I have refused to remarry all these years, and I don't want to fall into that situation again. Instead of two people dragging each other down, it is better for one person to live freely and easily.

However, because I have had a very relaxed life these years living by your side, I gradually developed feelings and wanted to truly be with you.

If I make you feel embarrassed, it doesn't matter. Whether we are separated or living apart, I will not blame you..." After a pause, she smiled bitterly, "At least I like a dedicated man. , which shows that I still have vision. "

"Don't worry too much. I definitely have no regrets about marrying you. At this age, I wouldn't have made such a decision if it hadn't been for careful consideration.

I just need some time to adapt. After all, we have had a fixed pattern of getting along in the past few years. If there is a sudden change, I need an adjustment process..."

After a slight hesitation, Mr. Wan looked at Sister-in-law Yin apologetically, "It's all my fault. I should have explained to you the opportunity to choose before. Even if you can't accept it... we can only do this for the time being. Otherwise, the two of us will look like this." There’s no place to put it, right?”

"I can't accept it..." After hearing Mr. Wan explain the reason, the pressure in Sister Yin's heart finally dissipated little by little, "I was worried that you were with me because you had to take responsibility because of your previous promise... …”

Mr. Wan interrupted her with a wry smile: "Do you still doubt my relationship with Xiao Sun?"

"No, no..." Sister-in-law Yin waved her hands repeatedly, "You have made it so clear. If I still doubt this, I would be really stupid. To be honest, when we were alone just now, I felt special Embarrassing, as you know, I have been single for too many years, and it is really difficult for me to step into the role of a wife.

As for the partiality, you have shown that it is difficult to assume the role of husband all of a sudden. I will inevitably have random thoughts, and then I am afraid that it will affect the relationship between you and your daughter because of me.

After taking care of you for the past few years, I am particularly aware of your entanglement of love and hate for Yuqiong. Now that you have let go of hatred, only love is left. I didn’t feel it before I got married. Now, I really There is a feeling that I am the only outsider in this family.

At such an old age, it's a bit pretentious to say such things, but that's what I really think, Wan Lang, why don't we make an agreement first, and if Yuqiong objects to us being together, we will separate.

Don't worry, if we really separate, I will not give up on myself. I will ask the organization to readjust my work. At my current age, it is not suitable to go to a factory, so I will go to a nursing home or something like that.

When I get older, I can just stay in it. In this way, you don't have to worry about me, whether it's my current life or my future life. "

"I've said so much, why are you still struggling with this?" Mr. Wan looked at her helplessly, "We have lived together for a few years, do you think I am the kind of person you want me to be?

How many times do you want me to explain to you that my current dilemma is just that it is difficult to let go of my guilt for Yuqiong’s mother and quickly enter a new role. In fact, I believe that our marriage is what Yuqiong’s mother wants to see most. .

When she left that year, she told me that I must find someone I can get along with to live together. The last thing she wanted to see was for me to die alone. ,

Although Yuqiong and Yanyan Dakun are back now, they still have to have their own lives after all, especially Yuqiong, who is only at this age, and it is really inappropriate to be alone for the rest of her life.

But based on what happened between her and Qian Jianming, and her temperament, if I don't get married, she might really be able to spend her money like this. Then when I leave one day, she will want to make changes, but she really can't. It's too late.

Of course, when I tell you this, I don't mean that I married you for my daughter. I just want to tell you that no matter what aspect, I have no last resort for us to be together.

It's just that people are emotional animals, and my relationship with Yuqiong's mother is not bad, so I will act a little inappropriate for a while. Don't worry, as long as we live together like this for a while, I will naturally adapt to it, you , and will definitely get used to it. "

"Okay, I understand..." Sister-in-law Yin couldn't help laughing, "What you explained is really incoherent. Fortunately, I have lived with you for several years and understand your character. Otherwise, it would be really incoherent. Let your words go down the drain, if you don’t believe what you said just now.”

Mr. Wan smiled coquettishly: "At this age, I have never explained this matter to anyone. However, fundamentally speaking, the communication between us is not enough."

"Yes." Sister-in-law Yin nodded, "To put it bluntly, these misunderstandings are that you are doubting me and I am doubting you. However, we both know each other's character, so these doubts become more entangled."

"Just say it, go to sleep." Mr. Wan reached out and patted Sister Yin, "Don't think so wildly, I'm not guarding Yuqiong's mother, give me some time..."

Sister-in-law Yin interrupted him with a blushing face: "Okay, okay, don't explain, I understand. I don't insist on doing anything to you, I just want to communicate with you. Who made you lie there as stiff as a piece of iron just now?" Same thing, if you are really so stiff all night, do I have to take you to the hospital tomorrow? That would be really embarrassing. "

"You..." Mr. Wan looked at Sister-in-law Yin with a dark look. After living together for so many years, why didn't he realize that she had such a fierce side? However, this kind of performance made him really feel like a couple... (To be continued...) ()

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