Second update. [Top ^ point ^ novel]


After returning from Wan's home, I lay on the bed after taking a shower. I was still so excited in early summer that I didn't feel sleepy at all. I leaned on my teacher's body and chatted away.

"By the way..." Suddenly, she looked at Master Tongzi with bright eyes, "Do you think Master and I would be a little envious when they see Wan Lao start a family?"

"Stop, stop..." Commander Tongzi looked at her helplessly, "Don't tell me that you want to turn into a matchmaker to find their other half. If it was really possible, they wouldn't delay it until now.

Moreover, don’t you think it would be nice for Mr. Qi and Aunt Qi to live together? Brothers and sisters understand each other best, and their relationship is definitely better than that of an ordinary couple.

If they really find each other, it may not be a good thing for them. Do you think the partners they find now will be better than each other? "

"It's a bit difficult..." Chu Xia sighed, "Actually, I just think that not getting married for the rest of your life is a shocking thing. Especially, I have noticed the look on Aunt Qi's face. She is very fond of Sister Yin. Somewhat envious."

"That kind of envy should be envy that Sister Yin has found the right person. If possible, I believe everyone would not want to find the right partner, but what you want to think about is, what are the chances that they will find the right partner now? What are the chances that both brothers and sisters will find their significant other at the same time?”

"I wanted to invite Mr. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan to come here today, but I gave up the idea later. In fact, I just didn't want to offend Master and Aunt Qi..." Chu Xia said with a bitter look on her face, "I believe that they must have some regrets in their hearts. Shocking."

"This is inevitable. However, compared to many people, they are also happy..." Zhou Mikang smiled and kissed his wife lightly on the forehead. "You should carefully consider what I said before. Is this true?"

"Yes..." Chu Xia lay on top of him and smiled sheepishly, "I'm just too lazy to worry about things. If master knew that I was thinking about this, he would definitely kick me away."

"That's not true, but he will definitely regret accepting you as his apprentice. You have disturbed his peaceful life. Do you think he is depressed or not?"

"I'm just telling you, actually. I didn't plan to be a matchmaker myself from the beginning. I just suddenly thought that one day they might meet a suitable partner and feel very happy."

"Don't worry, they are quite happy now. How many pairs of brothers and sisters in this world can be like them?"

Think about it for a while,

Chu Xia nodded: "That's true. There are many good relationships between husband and wife. There are also many brothers and sisters who have good relationships. However, there are definitely only a handful of brothers and sisters like them. In other words, this kind of happiness comes from other people. It’s elusive. Only when the right time, place and people are in place can this possibility arise. So, aren’t they the luckiest brother and sister?”

"It's hard to say whether you are the luckiest. But in this era, being like them is not a bad thing at least..." Zhou Mikang looked at his little wife seriously, "After I leave, take a good rest, don't Don’t worry about it anymore, you know?”

"I know..." Chu Xia pouted dissatisfiedly, "It sounds like I'm so ignorant. I just happened to think of this problem on a day like today. Normally, I wouldn't think about it blindly.

Moreover, I am not going against you. I know that everyone is worried about me. For my own good, they hope that I can stay at home to take care of myself. However, think about my age and let me stay in bed every day. Are you going crazy at home?

Master also said that there is nothing wrong with my health. Anyway, class is not a tiring thing for me. If you are still worried, just think of those people who were still working in the fields when they gave birth to children. Aren't you still doing well? "

"Can you compare with them?" Zhou Mikang looked at his little wife speechlessly, "With a small body like yours, don't always think of unreliable things. Okay, you don't need to explain anymore, I promise you. .

But you also have to promise me that if you feel tired from eating, you will stop showing off. You can also see that although mom and grandma didn't say anything, they were quite worried about you. "

"I know, I know..." Chu Xia nodded repeatedly, "I'm not ignorant. If something unexpected happens, even if they don't blame me, I won't be ashamed.

Moreover, for the sake of my parents, I must be careful. You can go to work with peace of mind. I will report my physical condition to you every day when I call you.

Also, there are so many medical authorities around me. They all said that if I move more and feel better, there are only benefits and no harm. What do you have to worry about, right? "

"Alas..." Zhou Mixang sighed, "The truth is clear, but I just can't control my random thoughts. You should understand this feeling."

"I understand, and I'm very happy..." Chu Xia looked at him with a smile, "If I didn't care from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't worry blindly, how could I not understand?"

"You..." Zhou Mikang looked at his little wife helplessly. He had really experienced the feeling of "helplessness". Who did he care about before?

Early the next morning, Zhou Mixang returned to City A. Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou and his wife Zhou Jingping also left together. Yu Tao and Wang Lei were about to give birth. Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe were here, and they had nothing to do. Don't worry.

After seeing off everyone, Chu Xia went to the school accompanied by Zhao Yulan. These days, the teacher Tongzi was here, but Lin Mengran, Li Xinli and others did not come over. They didn't know that the teacher Tongzi left today, so naturally no one would come to accompany them. She went to school together.

"Mom, please go back, I can go in alone..." When she arrived at the school gate, Chu Xia stopped and said, "It's not like you don't know that Zhou Mikang has arranged for someone to protect me secretly. Don't worry, in fact, even if you don't send me off , there won’t be any danger.”

"Do you think your mother will be embarrassed by you?" Zhao Yulan glared at her daughter dissatisfied, "Even if someone is protecting you, they are not by your side. How can you let your mother feel relieved?"

"Mom..." Chu Xia took Zhao Yulan's arm and acted coquettishly, "I have really become a celebrity in school. There were various rumors before. In the past few days, because Zhou Mikang accompanied me to school, the rumors that I got pregnant out of wedlock have finally come to an end. It's a little lighter.

However, some people still suspect that Zhou Mikang is my bastard. If you continue to accompany me to school every day, the discussion that has finally subsided will definitely rise again. "

Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter with a puzzled look on her face: "If I go with you, what does it have to do with getting pregnant out of wedlock?"

"Because of jealousy..." Chu Xia spread her hands, "Mom, you should know that jealousy will make many people do unreasonable things. I don't care what they say, I just think it's best for you to let I need to be more independent. After all, I am also going to be a mother. If I am always protected like this, it seems that I am too inferior. How can I hold my head up in front of my children in the future?"

Although her daughter's words were a bit unreasonable, there was a certain truth to them. Zhao Yulan knew the woman's jealousy, so she gave up on following her in. As a result, before she could speak, Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan came over and said, "Auntie Okay." They both greeted.

"Hello." When Zhao Yulan saw them in the hospital, she quickly responded with a smile.

"Auntie, the teacher has just informed us that from now on, except when my sister-in-law is at home, we must take care of her at all times. We are responsible for my sister-in-law's safety, so don't worry." Sang Qin said.

"I'm sorry to bother you. It's really troublesome for you." Zhao Yulan breathed a sigh of relief. Although she wasn't worried before, it would be best to have someone to protect her daughter.

Chu Xia had a grimace on her face. The bastard teacher Tongzi had promised her freedom last night and only asked Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan to protect her secretly. Unexpectedly, he regretted it in the blink of an eye...

In fact, the teacher Zongzi can't really be blamed for this. If he hadn't just seen a woman who was about to give birth on the road and her husband was carrying her to the hospital, he wouldn't have been so frightened that he quickly called Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan to inform Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan that they were coming back. On the way, I was laughed at by several elders. After all, Chu Xia was still more than two months away from giving birth...

"Sister-in-law, we are all classmates. When we are with you, others won't think much about it." Sang Qin saw the depression in Chu Xia's heart and quickly explained, "When you are with a few good classmates, we will feel conscious In the eyes of outsiders, the two of us are classmates who get along well with my sister-in-law, but we are a little worse than Lin Mengran and the others. Don’t worry, sister-in-law, we will definitely not cause gossip to her."

"Okay..." Chu Xia sighed, "Actually, I just hope that I don't become the focus of the campus. No matter how hard I try, in the eyes of others, I am just the lucky type."

"We can all see your sister-in-law's efforts and admire them very much. If nothing else, your test scores are real. Why are everyone talking nonsense? Isn't it because they are jealous of my sister-in-law's results?

Let’s just talk about the two of us. After being sent here, we also put in 120% of our efforts, but what was the result? "Sang Qin spread his hands and said, "Every time I take the exam, I still wander around in the wrong position. Alas..."

"You're not talking about this business..." Chu Xia smiled at the two of them, "Okay, I must admit, your comfort makes me feel better."

"Sister-in-law, have you ever thought about what you will do in the future?" Sang Qin asked curiously.

"Of course I want to be a doctor. Otherwise, what kind of school did I come here to study? What kind of teacher did I study under?"

"Do you really want to be a doctor?" Sang Qin's eyes widened, "Did Master agree?"

"Of course." Chu Xia nodded, "You don't always think that I come to school just to put money on my face, right? If that's the case, wouldn't Elder Yuan and Elder Qi strangle me to death?"

"Hehe..." The two of them laughed sarcastically. To be honest, they really ignored this point. They always thought that this sister-in-law just wanted to increase some capital for herself... (To be continued.) )

ps: Book title: "Golden Branches Like Blood"

Author: Jian Shiqi

Introduction: Shaking the golden branch and standing gracefully, no matter how beautiful the face is, how dangerous it is ()

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