One update.

"I'm also curious about something..." Chu Xia looked at Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan in confusion, "Did you get admitted to the school by yourself, or... through some other method?" Although it was a bit impolite to ask this, But she was really curious.

"Of course we passed the exam ourselves..." Sang Qin looked at Chu Xia seriously, "Sister-in-law, I must solemnly report this to you. Our scores are all real.

I believe the division commander has also told you that our elders all work in the Zhou family. Coming to work in the army was also arranged by the elders at home, and this was tacitly approved.

That's why we were placed in this position by our division commander. To be honest with you, everyone is envious of the task we have been given.

From the time you decided to enter Daxi, the teacher selected a few of us with good marks in chemical studies to take the exam. In the end, four of us were admitted, and the other six who failed to pass the exam had to be eliminated. "

"I really don't know about this..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes and looked at the two of them, "This feeling is basically like being forced to accompany me to study. Do you really have no complaints at all?

I believe that in many aspects, you are better than me, and in terms of age, I am even older than you, so I really can’t imagine how you feel about me. "

Zhou Mikang had never had any experience with her about this matter, so hearing Sang Qin say this made her feel a little novel. After thinking about it carefully, she became a little confused, so she asked the question truthfully.

"We are members of the Zhou family, and it is our duty to serve the Zhou family. Even after the changes of the times, some things will not change. To put it more bluntly, if our elders had not been favored by the Zhou family, , it is impossible to survive, so we are willing to accept any arrangement.

Moreover, during the time we have been in contact with you, we admire you from the bottom of our hearts. What you are inferior to us is probably your skills. Such expertise is nothing compared to your talent in medicine.

As for the reason why we asked you if you plan to be a doctor just now..." Sang Qin smiled sheepishly, "It was because of Meiyan and I's private curiosity.

We don’t know the teacher very well, but we know a little more than the average person. With the character of the teacher, we can’t hope that your life will be so busy in the future, right? "

"Well, we have already communicated..." Chu Xia smiled at the two of them, "I know that in the eyes of all of you, everything I have is because of Zhou Mixang.


I hope that one day, I will truly become a perfect person in your eyes, someone who can help Zhou Mikang instead of dragging him down. "

"No..." Sang Qin looked panicked and hurriedly explained, "Sister-in-law, we didn't mean that. I just said that your talent in medicine is definitely unmatched by ordinary people."

"Forget it, I won't explain to you anymore..." Chu Xia looked at her helplessly, "If we get along with each other for a while, you will know what my personality is, and I probably won't be like this anymore."

"Sister-in-law..." Zhao Meiyan, who had been silent all this time, looked at her sheepishly, "Actually, after following you these days, we know your character quite well, but... when you are anxious, you just... talk nonsense. .”

"In general, we get along less and understand each other less..." Chu Xia smiled at the two of them, "Don't worry, I'm not that difficult to get along with, and I don't have that many messy problems.

No matter what Zhou Mikang has told you, I hope that we can get along with each other in a way that makes both parties comfortable. I am a child who grew up in an ordinary family, and I don’t like the feeling of hierarchy.

If possible, I hope we can become true friends. If there is anything embarrassing, just tell me. I will definitely cooperate within my ability. "

The two looked at each other and breathed a long sigh of relief unconsciously. Sang Qin took the lead again: "Thank you, sister-in-law, we listen to you." Zhao Meiyan also said: "Yes, sister-in-law, we listen to you."

Chu Xia glanced at the time on her wrist and walked faster: "It's getting late, let's go to the classroom."

"Slow down..." Zhao Meiyan hurriedly held her arm, "You are a twin now. You must pay attention to safety. You must pay attention to safety..."

"I know..." Chu Xia looked at her helplessly, "I just sped up a little bit, but I didn't start running or jumping. Besides, pregnant women are not that delicate. If you are like this, I won't let you. I’m following you around, haven’t the people who dislike the school talked about me enough?”

"It's okay, in the eyes of outsiders, it's us walking arm in arm with you..." Sang Qin smiled while holding Chu Xia's other arm.

"Why do I feel that in the eyes of outsiders, you seem to be escorting criminals?"

Zhao Meiyan Sangqin: "..."

From a distance, Yuan Hui walked over and saw Chu Xia who was tightly fixed in the middle. A smile appeared on her lips unconsciously. When she got closer, she smiled and joked: "Young lady Zhou, how are you?"

"Sister Huihui?" Chu Xia looked surprised when she saw the person coming, "When did you come here?"

"Yesterday, I came over for training. I may stay here for a few days, so I'm not in a hurry to disturb you..." Yuan Hui looked at the time and waved to her, "I'm going to be too late. I'll come back to you in the evening."

Originally, she wanted to ask how her eldest brother was doing, but seeing how anxious she was, Chu Xia had no choice but to give up and waved to her: "Go, go, remember to go to my house for dinner tonight, I will tell the teacher and teacher's wife later. "

"Okay..." Yuan Hui responded while turning back and smiling at her, "How many masters do you have now? Let me ask again, your teacher and master's wife just now are my parents, right?"

"I hate it..." Chu Xia glared at her, "Mr. Qi is not married. If you say that again, I will go find him and complain."

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Yuan Hui apologized and ran away quickly. Her explanation came from a distance, "It's really too late. I won't be with you anymore..."

"Sister-in-law, you are so popular." Sang Qin looked at Chu Xia enviously, "It feels like everyone who is close to you is very sincere to you. Unlike us, we have no friends except those we grew up with. .”

"Our situations are different..." After thinking about it, Chu Xia looked at the two of them seriously, "If you want to live a normal life, I can say hello to Zhou Mikang."

"Don't want to, don't want to..." The two of them rejected Chu Xia's proposal without thinking. Although they envied Chu Xia's good popularity, they still couldn't accept it if they gave up the direction they had already set.

Halfway along the way, people met Lin Mengran and Li Xinli who were wandering over. When they saw Chu Xia, their pace obviously accelerated. "Where is Mr. Master?" Lin Mengran asked as they came closer.

"He went back today." Chu Xia pointed to Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan beside her, "They will join our group in the future. Let me formally introduce Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan..."

"Pull her down..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes, "We have known them for a long time, do you need to be so serious about it?" He stretched out his hand to the two of them, "Lin Mengran, she is Li Xinli. "

Sang Qin and Zhao Meiyan shook hands with her with black hair. They had just returned the favor and they had known each other for a long time. They even introduced themselves solemnly. These friends of the teacher's wife were really interesting.

"Why is Xinli so low-spirited?" Looking at Li Xinli, who had thick dark circles under her eyes, Chu Xia looked puzzled, "Is it because your roommate in the dormitory bullied you again?"

"They don't dare..." Li Xinli said with a wry smile, "After what happened last time, they don't dare to bully me anymore. Yesterday my sister came and my mother ran away with her. I didn't sleep all night. "

"Who did your mother run away with?" Chu Xia was speechless. How old she was, but she still ran away with someone. This was a strange thing.

"I don't know..." Li Xinli shook her head, "My sister didn't understand it either. Anyway, my mother left her a letter asking her to take good care of herself, and also left her five yuan."

"It's not easy to remember to keep five yuan..." Lin Mengran snorted and said, "If you want me, her sister doesn't have to worry about it, but she can't listen and is always worried about her sister. You Is she a bitch?"

"I don't want to care about her, but she is my sister. If I don't care about her, she will go to my dad. My dad's life has finally turned around. What if my sister gets in the way again?"

Li Xinli's father had an affair with a female worker in the factory some time ago, and she was also divorced. The man he met before was a gambler, and the family lost everything, so they divorced.

The woman brought a ten-year-old boy with her, and she was relatively close to Li Xinli's father. Li's father came to seek his daughter's opinion, and the matter was settled.

The wedding was originally scheduled for the ninth day of next month. Chu Xia knew about it. Therefore, she could also understand Li Xinli's mood. As a filial and soft-hearted child, it was understandable that she would worry about Li Xinlan.


Chu Xia looked at Li Xinli: "What are you going to do?"

"I should try to save as much of my monthly allowance as possible to give to my sister. Yesterday I persuaded her to move to the factory. That's all I can do, and she agreed.

But..." After hesitating, Li Xinli said, "She wants me to ask Jiang Bo to help her move. I am hesitating. Jiang Bo's mother is not satisfied with my family situation. If I ask Jiang Bo to move for my sister again, she will definitely Even more unhappy. "

"Ahem..." Lin Mengran cleared her throat and said coolly, "My sister didn't want to move. I overthought her and even gave her a lot of prescriptions.

Chu Xia, now do you think that her sister really just asked her to ask Jiang Bo for help because she couldn't find anyone to move? "r1152 ()

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