In the blink of an eye, the Bai family in City B collapsed. The Bai Group was completely shut down for review, and the responsible persons and shareholders suspected of violating the law were arrested. Bai Yuan had suffered a stroke and was paralyzed on his bed. When he heard the news, he was heartbroken. , after seeing the policemen falling from the sky, he was so excited that he completely fainted. The police rushed him to the hospital, but the hospital failed to rescue him and he was declared dead the next day!

Bai Yuan died, Bai Yan was in a vegetative state in Germany, Bai Shuo was put on trial for criminal detention, his father's death, the decline of the Bai family, and he was in jail again. This series of changes greatly stimulated him, and he was almost mentally exhausted for a time. collapse!

Eight or nine days had passed when Xiao Yan and Xu Jinqiao learned the news.

Because she was worried about Bai Shuo, and when she couldn't contact Bai Shuo, Xiao Yan kept looking for Huo Baixiao. However, after Huo Baoxiao told her the news that night, he seemed to have disappeared and was never found again. There was no trace of him in the company, Huo's home, or his apartment. His cell phone was turned off, his email was unanswered, and no one knew where he had gone.

Later, news of a major change in the Bai Group came out. Xu Jinqiao asked someone to make secret inquiries and learned the true situation of the Bai family case!

Xiao Yan felt sorry for Bai Shuo and kept crying, almost blinding her eyes from crying. Xu Jinqiao took her to Qiao's house to prevent her from staying at home alone with her thoughts and depression.

"Uncle, second uncle, in your opinion, what are the chances of Bai Shuo being sentenced?" Xu Jinqiao spoke in a low voice, his eyebrows were furrowed into a frown, and his dark eyes were full of worry.

Xiao Yan was sitting next to him, looking dumbfounded, with red eyes.

Qiao Zhenbang's face was serious, "Ah Qiao, you have to understand that the Bai family is involved in a major case this time, not an ordinary case. The situation here is very complicated, including smuggling, money laundering, huge bribes, hidden possession of prohibited firearms, etc. Although some of them happened many years ago, if they are found out now, every case will not escape the sanction of the law! And it is difficult for your friend Bai Shuo to say that after Bai Yuan is dead, some things will not be clear. There is no proof, but the evidence of Bai Shuo’s account and money laundering business he once handled is conclusive, so the possibility of being sentenced is almost 100%!”

"Sentence, how many years?" Xiao Yan's lips trembled, her eyes stared at Qiao Zhenbang, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Qiao Zhenbang said slowly, "Criminal liability for money laundering crimes, according to Article 191 of the Criminal Law, is generally punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention. If the circumstances are serious, the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan's eyes darkened, as if there was insufficient blood supply to the brain, and she felt dizzy. She murmured in disbelief, "Five years, ten years... how is it possible? Bai Shuo can't go to jail..."

Xu Jinqiao quickly hugged Xiao Yan and comforted her quickly, "Bao'er,

Don't worry, the case is still under review, and it may be very minor. After all, Bai Shuo did not knowingly commit the crime, but was kept in the dark. "

Qiao Zhenxing shook his head and did not dare to irritate Xiao Yan. In fact, they all knew in their hearts that the Bai family started out as a gangster. Bai Shuo had been in the dye vat for many years. It was probably very difficult for him to clear his name. It was hard to say whether he knowingly committed the crime or not. It is also possible to do it knowingly but as a last resort.

Xiao Yan was in bad condition, so Xu Jinqiao placed her in the bedroom to rest. When he came out, his two uncles were still waiting for him.

Xu Jinqiao sat back, his brows full of sadness, "Uncle, second uncle, I want to hire a defense lawyer for Bai Shuo and help him to the best of my ability."

"That's all we can do now. This case is not light. No one dares to touch this muddy water, and no one can touch it. We can only do our best to obey fate, and hope that the sentence will be reduced by a few years!" Qiao Zhenxing nodded, and said On the one hand, he was telling the truth, but on the other hand, he was reminding Xu Jinqiao of the importance.

Xu Jinqiao smiled bitterly, "I understand, thank you, uncle and uncle, I know how to do it."

Back at Oasis Villa, Xiao Yan was still asleep when the car stopped.

Xu Jinqiao gently carried her out of the car, his eyes filled with heartache, but there was nothing he could do for Bai Shuo.

Living in this legal society, whoever breaks the law can only bear the consequences himself, and no one else can do anything to help him.

Xiao Yan woke up as soon as she got wet. She looked around with her empty eyes and said softly, "Are you home?"

"Yes. Whatever you want to eat, ask Sister Li to cook it for you tonight, or order a hotel meal for you." Xu Jinqiao leaned over and rested his elbow on her side, his eyes extremely soft.

Xiao Yan shook his head, "I don't want to eat anything."

"Bao'er, if you don't take care of your body like this, Bai Shuo will feel bad and blame you when he finds out. He was implicated by his father. He was born in an environment like the Bai family, and to reach this point today, it can be said that There’s nothing wrong with it, it will happen one day, it’s just a matter of time.”

Xu Jinqiao frowned, and slowly caressed her thin face with his big palm, with irrepressible emotions in his tone, "Bao'er, I'm as heartbroken as you are about Bai Shuo possibly going to jail. He is not only your blue." Yan Zhiji is also my friend and my benefactor, but the law is unforgiving. We have no other option except hiring the best team of lawyers to defend him. But I believe he will survive. There is no such thing as life. The hurdle he cannot overcome is just a hardship for him. After experiencing this, he will grow into a brand new Bai Shuo and have a brilliant life. The Bai family has collapsed, but he still has friends like us. He doesn’t have nothing.”

"Yes, hubby, Bai Shuo once gave me the house, storefront, fund, and the rent I saved for him. You should keep these for me. When Bai Shuo comes out, I will return them all to him with his money." Mind, he will make a comeback!" Xiao Yan suddenly thought of something and said excitedly.

Xu Jinqiao nodded, "Yes, Bao'er is really smart, so Bai Shuo's future is not all dark, there will be light."

"But...but his father passed away, and his brother is in a vegetative state, so his family is ruined!" Xiao Yan bit his lower lip and suddenly became sad again.

Xu Jinqiao didn't know how to comfort her. She didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to have a father like Bai Yuan, but she couldn't choose her origin, just like he had a father like that.

After a moment of silence, he could only divert her attention, "Bao'er, how about I cook for you today?"

"Can you do it? Just don't set the kitchen on fire." Xiao Yan sobbed and looked down on him rudely.

Xu Jin Qiaojun's face darkened, "Do you look down on me so much?"

"Husband, your strength is not cooking, so don't mess around. I don't look down on you because I only look at your strengths and not your shortcomings." Xiao Yan said truthfully.

"Okay, then I won't expose my shortcomings!" Xu Jinqiao was speechless. He lowered his head, rubbed her lips against hers, and whispered in a serious and thoughtful voice, "Bao'er, what you can do, Just take good care of yourself, take good care of Belle, and be happy every day. This is the best way to treat Bai Shuo, you know? Otherwise, he will have to worry about you, making his psychological burden even heavier, don't you think?"

Xiao Yan lowered his eyelids and was silent for a long time before saying, "Husband, I understand what you mean, and I will try to relax. However, I want to see Bai Shuo, is that okay?"

Xu Jinqiao sighed, "You can't see him now. Visitors are not allowed until the verdict is announced. Even the lawyer has to go through the procedures to see him."

"How long will it take to pronounce the verdict?" Xiao Yan was anxious, and his eye circles turned red again in an instant.

Xu Jinqiao said, "The public prosecutor and the law must proceed step by step. It will take at least four months, and it may take about a year for complex cases and special cases."

Xiao Yan was completely stunned and closed his eyes weakly, "Don't let Beier know!"

Xu Jinqiao lay down side by side with her and held her in his arms, "I understand, but you should not show bad emotions in front of your children, and you really have to relax, Bai Shuo will not be punished by death, as long as the person is alive, Better than anything else, we always have a chance to meet again, right?"

"Well, I understand. Give me some time and I'll think about it slowly."

"Be good, when you are sad, think more about happy things. During this period, if you want to make an announcement, let Kang Dongcheng make arrangements for you. If you don't want to, just rest at home."


The two of them hugged each other and fell asleep. When they woke up, it was almost dark.

Sister Li also knew that Xiao Yan was in a bad mood these days, so she specially made some seafood for her to eat, and also made crystal shrimp dumplings.

Xiao Yan was coaxed and coaxed downstairs by Xu Jinqiao. She looked lazy and couldn't cheer up. Belle was picked up by the driver. After seeing her mother playing around for a while, Xiao Yan was finally amused. There was a smile on his face.

The food was served, and as soon as Xiao Yan sat down, she suddenly felt sick in her stomach and felt nauseated. She covered her lips, shook her head and said, "I don't want to eat, I have no appetite."

"What's wrong? How can I not eat? Why don't you drink some borscht first." Xu Jinqiao frowned and advised her with concern while serving the soup.

Xiao Yan swallowed hard, suppressed the nausea, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay."

A small bowl of borscht tasted good and was drinkable, but the smell of fried river shrimp and other greasy dishes on the table made Xiao Yan uncomfortable, but she endured it and said nothing else, lest Jin Qiao Worried again.

During dinner, Xiao Yan didn't eat much. After the meal, he ran directly upstairs, lay on the sink and retched for a while, and drank some water before he felt better.

Not in the mood to make an announcement, Xiao Yan just stayed at home. Due to emotional reasons, her appetite had not been very good. Xu Jinqiao spent the weekend with her and had to go to the company to handle official business on Monday. Feeling uneasy, she called Ni Rui, please come and accompany Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, who had not been shopping for a long time, suddenly thought, "Xiao Rui, let's go shopping at Aibao Shopping Mall! I heard that when a woman is in a bad mood, she can adjust her mood through crazy shopping!"


ps: The next chapter has a cruelty index of 6. Please bring your own tissues.

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