Second update.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Guiqin stretched her head in front of Li Xinli and gently stroked her forehead: "Do you have a headache? Are you dizzy?"

"Yes, is there anything else you feel uncomfortable about?" Zhang Fengying also looked over, her eyes full of concern.

"Get up slowly, get up and give it a try." Wu Qing was more lively. As he spoke, he reached out to caress her. Zhao Xiaohong, who was next to him, quickly extended his hand...

The enthusiasm of several roommates made Li Xinli a little confused. She was sure that she was not dreaming, but she could not remember how yesterday's incident ended.

" did I come back yesterday?" She looked at the eldest Zhang Guiqin expectantly, hoping that the other party would tell her the truth.

"What are you talking about..." Zhang Guiqin sighed and hugged her shoulders, "You scared us to death yesterday. If your friend hadn't caught you from behind, you would have fallen to the ground.

I usually think you have a good personality, but I didn't expect you to be impatient, but..." She sighed, "I can't bear this matter to anyone. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Is there any discomfort? "

"No." Li Xinli shook her head.

"After you fainted yesterday, Lin Chuxia invited Professor Yuan over. Professor Yuan said that you had fainted due to a sudden attack of anger, so he asked everyone to carry you in and put you on the bed, and gave you a few injections.

He also said that you can wake up at five or six o'clock in the morning. He said that as long as you don't have a headache or feel dizzy when you wake up, it will be fine. We were so scared that we didn't dare to sleep all night.

Originally, Lin Chuxia wanted to take you home, but Professor Yuan said it was best not to touch you, so she entrusted you to us.

Those people from 206 also stayed here until after two o'clock last night. Later, we tricked them into going to bed before driving them away.

Xinli, I am telling you this just to let you know that although your mother is not very good to you, you have classmates and friends who are very good to you.

If I hadn't heard it from you personally, I wouldn't have believed that they had only known you for a few days and that their concern for you was absolutely sincere.

Of course, our concern for you is absolutely sincere. I don’t care about others. Anyway, I will definitely treat you as my sister. "

Zhang Fengying protested: "Sister Guiqin, that's wrong. You know that I will definitely treat Xinli as my sister."

"And I.


"Me too."

Wu Qing and Zhao Xiaohong also rushed to express their opinions.

There are a total of eight people living in the dormitory. Except for Zhao Fang, Li Qiwen, and Yu Wenfang who arrived last, the other four have always had a good relationship with her. However, they are still so close as today. first.

This made Li Xinli's heart, which was hit by her mother's actions, gradually warm up, and her complexion naturally became much better.

"Dong dong..."

"It must be a few from 206." Wu Qing said as he ran to open the door and smiled at Lin Mengran, Yang Xiaoli and Wu Jingbo who were standing at the door, "I guess it's you. Just in time, Xinli woke up."

Several people hurried to the bedside and exchanged greetings and comforts.

Looking at the watch on her wrist, it was almost half past six. Lin Mengran stretched out her hand to pull Li Xinli: "Xinli, try to get out of bed and move around."

"No need to try, I'm fine, my mind is clear now." Li Xinli shook her head as she said, "I feel like I can go out and run 10,000 meters now. Don't worry, with such good friends like you, I can I will never be mad at her again..."

As she said that, she smiled sheepishly, "Actually, yesterday I was worried that everyone would look down on me after listening to her words. I was also worried that some of you would think it was a shame to be friends with me. Anyway, it was all kinds of worrying emotions. The crowding together, coupled with the overwhelming anger, led to such consequences."

"You are so sentimental..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at her, "I mean, if you can move, come with me quickly. Do you really have to wait for Chu Xia to bring you breakfast?"

"Ah?" Li Xinli was stunned and quickly put on her shoes, "Why didn't you remind me earlier? I just woke up and my brain is not flexible enough..."

Lin Mengran looked at someone who was making excuses with a dark look: "Didn't you say your mind was clear?"

"Hehe..." Li Xinli smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, stop teasing her." Yang Xiaoli pushed Lin Mengran away, smiled at Zhang Guiqin and others, thanked her, and pulled Li Xinli out.

After a few people left, Yu Wenfang, who was on the upper bunk of Li Xinli, sat up and said with a depressed look on her face: "I think she just adjusted it to 206. What's going on?

You guys don't think my words are harsh. Even if you care about her and treat her well, what can you do? As soon as those 206 people come over, she will immediately put you aside.

If she really misses you, why didn’t she think of bringing some to you when she went out to eat and drink? In other words, why didn't I think of bringing you with me?

This night, nagging, if this continues, if she doesn’t adjust the dormitory, I will! "As he said that, he lay down and kicked the quilt hard. As a result, he accidentally kicked the ladder stick that came up, and he immediately curled up into a ball in pain...

Zhang Guiqin and the others looked at each other quietly, then each took the washbasin and walked out quietly.

Zhao Fang, Li Qiwen, and Yu Wenfang are from this city, but they live in the school because it is quite far from home. They have always looked down on them from other places and have a very arrogant attitude. They have long adapted to it.

Living in the same dormitory, if there was a quarrel, everyone would feel uncomfortable. Therefore, as long as the three of them did not go too far, Zhang Guiqin and the others never said a word.

If something like this happens today, they won't even say anything.

Anyone who has some sympathy should not accuse others like this. Everyone encounters difficulties sometimes. If they encounter what happened yesterday, others will not only not comfort or understand, but also stay away from each other, or simply How do they feel when they add insult to injury?

After the pain in her feet subsided, Yu Wenfang climbed up and realized that those people were gone. She had no place to express her resentment. She simply got out of bed, grabbed the tea jar on the table, and put the tea jar in it. The water was poured on Li Xinli's bed. In an instant, she felt much better...

Zhao Fang and Li Qiwen got up vaguely when they heard the movement. When they saw Yu Wenfang's movements, their eyes widened. This was winter!

"You're not even allowed to tell..." Yu Wenfang ran to the door, looked around, closed the dormitory door and stepped back, "Don't say I did it, let her guess."

"Do you want us to help you take the blame?" Zhao Fang looked at her lightly, "Do you think Li Xinli would guess that Zhang Guiqin and the others did it?"

"Then what's impossible? You know people but don't know their hearts." Yu Wenfang waved her hands indifferently and climbed onto her bed, "If you keep squinting for another twenty minutes, I don't believe you feel comfortable after all the hard work this night. As a girl, not being able to sleep well is a big deal!”

Almost at the same time, Li Qiwen lay down with her.

Zhao Fang was stunned for a while and continued to look for Duke Zhou.

However, Li Xinli and her party had just walked halfway when they met Chu Xia and Zhao Yulan who came to deliver breakfast. "They looked good. It seems that everything is fine." After looking at Li Xinli for a few times, the worry on Chu Xia's face disappeared. , Zhao Yulan also breathed a sigh of relief. Neither of them slept well that night. After all, what happened last night was too mysterious.

Lin Mengran scratched his head in annoyance: "I was worried that you would come early to deliver food, so I pulled Xinli out of bed. Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late."

"Originally I wanted to get up and do some activities in the morning." Chu Xia smiled and pushed her, "Don't pretend to be virtuous in front of me. I don't do that. Let's go. Since you're all out, come home with me for breakfast. .”

"Is it possible?" Lin Mengran looked at her with some worry, "This is three people added at once, and they are three people with huge appetites."

"Then you don't need to go." Chu Xia waved her hand and looked at Li Xinli, "I have already checked for you about your mother's trouble. Go to my house and tell you."

"Look, no matter what happens, you're not going to be worse than me, right?" Lin Mengran hugged Zhao Yulan's arm flatteringly, "Aunt..." Then he realized and quickly took the thermos bucket from her hand, "Aunt , I’ll get it.”

"Okay, take it." Zhao Yulan was not polite to her, and handed the bucket to her. Someone raised his eyebrows at Chu Xia proudly, and walked forward faster, as if he was afraid that Chu Xia would take it. She stopped.

After entering the house, Li Xinli looked at Chu Xia eagerly. She really wanted to know the root cause of her mother's mischief. No matter how bad she was or if she didn't kiss her, she was still her mother. So, deep down, she was still her mother. I want to find a reason to forgive the other person.

Chu Xia laughed: "I see you are like this, if I don't tell you, won't you be able to eat?"

"No..." Li Xinli smiled sheepishly, "Chu Xia, you should eat first. It doesn't matter if we are hungry, but you can't. The baby will be angry."

"Don't worry, I'm not hungry. I drank a bowl of soup when I got up in the morning. The buns haven't been steamed yet, so I'll tell you about your mother first..." After sighing, Chu Xia continued, "When I came back last night, I called Sister Jingzi.

As a result, Sister Jingzi didn't know what happened to your mother, so I had to ask Zhou Mikang to help, and he sent someone to follow your mother and your sister, and then learned the truth from their conversation.

After your mother and your father divorced, she wanted to be with Qu Xianming, the factory director she was obsessed with. As a result, the other party not only failed to marry her as originally agreed, but also avoided seeing her.

Later, she couldn't bear it anymore and went to the factory to make trouble. As a result, Qu Xianming asked the security department to throw her out and called her a crazy woman. Because of this, she also lost her job..." Chu Xia spread his hands and said, "Even if you have a house to live in, you can't live without a job and money, right?

She went to find your dad, hoping that your dad could be with her again. Since your dad and her are divorced, stop getting entangled. Your dad also said that all his hope is for you and he doesn’t want to go back to that home. It's dragging you down.

It's this sentence that makes your mother unbearable. In her opinion, the only thing your father values ​​most is her, even if you are her daughter, so he drags your sister to school to cause trouble for you. .

Her purpose is very simple. You have to agree to her, and then you have to be filial to her. Your father wants to marry her back home, and she will continue to be her queen at home. "rs()

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