One update arrived.


Unexpectedly, this seemingly cold teacher Lan had such a background. After Chu Xia and Lin Mengran listened to Yang Xiaoli's story, they looked at Lan Suming with obvious surprise. With such a family background, why did he Want to be a teacher?

This is not to say that being a teacher is not good, but since a family like the Lan family does not plan to get involved in politics, it must develop and expand the family business. The training direction of the younger generation should naturally focus on business.

But university teachers and business talents are really incompatible.

"Teacher Lan, what about you..." Obviously, Qin Yibo was also wondering about this matter. After a slight hesitation, he asked, "Then why don't you work in the family business?"

As far as he knew, when most of the family businesses were confiscated, the Lan family was one of the few special cases that was fortunate enough not to be changed. So in these years, when other families were idle, decentralized, imprisoned, or escaped, the Lan family was still In normal development, how could the younger generation be allowed to stray from the family business?

"Every man in the Lan family must gain some experience in society before he can truly enter the family business. Each man can choose the job based on his own ability. The better the results he will achieve in the future, the higher the rating he will receive. The first job position in the family is the more important."

Lan Suming's explanation made everyone suddenly realize. If you think about it carefully, you will feel that this decision is really wise. The breadth of communication and the openness of contacts can definitely make a person grow quickly.

"Teacher Lan, I'm really sorry to trouble you so much, but..." After a moment of hesitation, Qin's wife looked at Lan Suming seriously, "This is the first time you and our old Qin have met. Why are you willing to help him?"

"I said before that I think he is very filial, upright and responsible. This punishment is unfair to him. Since I have the ability to help him, why should I stand by and watch?" Lan Suming sighed. , "I've discovered that it's really hard to be a good person. Should I step on you now and you'll think it's normal?"

"No, no, no..." Qin's wife waved her hands with a red face, "The main reason is that there are too few people like you. Normally, there is no shortage of people who can provide icing on the cake. There are too few people who can help in times of need, so you... don't get me wrong. , It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that I’ve received too many cold looks during this period, and I…I feel like I’m almost becoming suspicious.”

Qin Yibo sighed and looked at his wife guiltily: "It's all my fault. Not only did I not comfort you when you were most uncomfortable, but I also turned into Bengali and hurt you. I really let you down..." He turned to look at Lan Su Ming, "No reward for no merit. No reward for no favor. Don't blame her, she just reasoned with common sense.

I definitely don’t mean not to believe you. "

"You're so wordy..." Lan Suming frowned, "I'm not begging you now, I'm helping you. Can you please stop being so pretentious? It makes me feel like I'm being pretentious!"

At first, everyone thought Lan Suming was aloof and hard to get close to, but now they think he is quite sweet-tempered and quite likable, given his changes. He really made everyone look embarrassed, but they also really recognized him.

When he first arrived. Although it shows his intention to help others, but. His attitude is really unlikable, and anyone with a bit of self-respect will not be able to accept his way of helping others.

But now it seems that he is just not very good at dealing with people. It is no wonder that he chose to be a university teacher. Doing other things is really a bit confusing for his personality.

Feeling a little uncomfortable under the scorching eyes of everyone, Lan Suming coughed to cover up and stood up, "Professor Qin, please discuss with your sister-in-law and then give me an answer. I will go back first."

"Wait..." The person who stopped Lan Suming was not Qin Yibo, but Wu Jingbo. She sighed and said, "Teacher Lan, before you came, I already told Professor Qin that I hope he can return to my grandfather. Work, so..." She turned to look at Qin Yibo, "Uncle, I still hope you can consider my side first, so as not to have the trouble of explaining to Teacher Lan later.

I have already told you how much my grandfather looks forward to your return. I believe that you also hope that his old age will be less regretful. As for your worry about affecting him, it really will not happen.

Grandpa has told me a thousand times to tell you, don't let your master and apprentice get together indefinitely because of these unnecessary worries, and don't let him leave with regrets and guilt.

Now that your aunt and younger brothers and sisters are here, I believe you have told them about your relationship with the Wu family before, right? If not, then I will tell them now..." Wu Jingbo looked at Qin's wife, "Auntie, do you know the master-disciple relationship between my uncle and my grandfather? "

"Said... said..." Qin's wife has been confused by this series of changes. How come there are so many more choices suddenly? Originally, she thought that it would be impossible for her family to turn around from the bottom. Now it seems that what happened to her husband this time does not seem to be a bad thing...

"Then please convince my uncle to go to my grandpa, okay? After all, my grandfather knows my uncle very well, and the environment is familiar to my uncle. He will definitely feel more comfortable than going to Teacher Lan's place..."

"Who said our family is uncomfortable?" Lan Suming interrupted her dissatisfied: "Since I asked Professor Qin to work in the Lan family, I must not make him uncomfortable.

I admit that my way of dealing with people is not particularly in line with everyone's taste, but I believe you have all seen my attitude and thoughts.

Moreover, going to work at Lan's house ensures that Professor Qin and his family don't have to leave the capital or all their relatives and friends. Isn't this much more convenient than going to your house? "

"Teacher Lan, your family is engaged in business. Uncle Shi's specialty is not business. If he were to go to your place, the job you could arrange for him would be to sit in an office and take care of some chores.

Then you are really going to bury a talent. Let me tell you, your uncle is the most talented among the apprentices my grandfather has ever taught. Otherwise, would my grandfather have remembered him for so many years?

Of course, my grandfather also has shortcomings. He clearly remembers him, but he is too embarrassed to put down his arrogance and come to see his uncle. Especially when he learned that his uncle's work was going smoothly, he felt even more embarrassed to bother him.

If it weren't for this coincidence, my grandfather would probably have to live with guilt for the rest of his life. Therefore, even if it is to satisfy an old man's wish, you should give in, right?

Moreover, your Lan family's business is spread all over the country, so there must be branches of yours in our family. If you really want to help your uncle, why not arrange a good job for your aunt.

Of course, our family can also arrange a good job for aunt, but I am not doing this to make you feel that you have gained nothing, so let’s arrange it according to what I said, okay? "

"No..." Lan Suming stroked his forehead speechlessly, "Why does this whole list of things you said sound wrong to me? Why do I feel that I have gained nothing? I'm going to see Professor Qin. Are you working in the Lan family to get any benefits?"

"Sorry, sorry, I used the wrong word. You should understand what I mean. In fact, what I am saying is, don't let yourself feel that you have worked hard in vain.

Of course I know that you are not helping Professor Qin for any benefit. You are simply being heroic and showing loyalty. To be honest, a good person like you is really admirable.

You see, I want to help my uncle because he is my uncle and my grandfather's apprentice. It is something that my grandfather has been thinking about for many years. To put it bluntly, whatever I do is what I should do.

But what about you? You are different. Before today, you and your uncle didn't know each other at all. In other words, you and your uncle were strangers before. You can be so kind to a stranger. You... you are really holding a lantern. Good people are hard to find.

Me, compared to you, I really can’t even compare to your little toes, but for my grandpa, I really have to do this, and I have to make it happen... …”

For the first time, everyone discovered that when Wu Jingbo started nagging, it was really not something that ordinary people could bear. No, Lan Suming couldn't bear it anymore and quickly waved her hand to interrupt her: "Okay, okay." , I promise you, I won’t compete with you, but let Professor Qin and sister-in-law make their own choices, and we are not allowed to interfere with them, okay?"

"Okay..." Wu Jingbo looked at Qin Yibo and Qin's wife, "Uncle, aunt, my grandfather is still eagerly waiting for your letter. He has even packed the house for you..."

Lan Suming: "..." Is this non-interference?

Chu Xia and others had stopped laughing. This was the first time they had seen Wu Jingbo like this. However, seeing her like this made them feel closer. In the past, she was always too indifferent, making everyone feel that she seemed to be right. It's like he doesn't care about anything.

Speaking of which, Chu Xia got close to Yang Xiaoli, Lin Mengran, and Li Xinli after she went to college, and she got close to Wu Jingbo during 401, but now, it's obvious that they have a new relationship with her. This is really a close relationship with her. Her character has a lot to do with it. She is the kind of character who always wants to hide herself among people. After a long time, people really ignore her...

Qin Yibo and Qin's wife also looked helpless. To be honest, this was basically forcing them into a corner and not allowing them to make a choice.

To be honest, for Qin Yibo, of course he would rather return to work with his master, but he really couldn't do it without worrying about the impact he would have on the Wu family. After hesitating, he said: "Jingbo, I accept your offer, but can you give me a little time?" (To be continued) ()

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