Second update.


"Uncle Master, if the reason you want to consider is that you are worried about affecting the development of our family, then I can tell you clearly that your worries are absolutely unnecessary.

At this age, my grandfather has encountered everything. He said personally that it will not affect me, so it definitely won’t affect me. If you continue to refuse like this, you just don’t want to go back to work with my grandfather.

Of course, if you really think so, don’t feel embarrassed. I will tell my grandpa the truth. He will definitely not force you again. It’s not sweet to force yourself, right? "

Wu Jingbo didn't give Qin Yibo any time to breathe, so she said a long list of words. To put it bluntly, she basically forced the other party into a corner and was not allowed to move.

If you don't go, it means you don't want to go.

Or, you can only go.

Qin Yibo was both helpless and moved now. Wu Jingbo had such an attitude, it must be because the master had specifically confessed that after so many years, the master was still thinking about him so much, which he never dared to think before.

Qin's wife seemed to be in a dream now. Before, she was worried about having nowhere to go, but now she was worried about where to go. She had no regrets in leaving the capital.

If she was originally reluctant to let go of her parents, after what happened in the past few days, her love for her parents was only responsibilities. In any case, they were the ones who gave birth to her and raised her, even if she had done everything she should have done over the years. Even after everything is done, I still owe them.

From now on, it will be enough to pay them monthly alimony, visit them during holidays, and take care of them when they are sick.

As for the brother and sister-in-law, they had no feelings before, and they are even less so now. In their eyes, it is appropriate to send money and things, and it is wrong to take advantage of the family.

Although she knows that those who honor her parents will still fall into their hands, she can't really stop being kind to her parents because of this. She has no choice. Call her stupid or foolishly filial. She really can't do it. I ignored my parents from then on.

After thinking about this, she looked at her husband: "I don't have any objection to whatever you choose. Wherever you go, as long as I can be with you, as long as our family can be together, that's fine."

"Dad, I listen to you and mom."

"Dad, I also listen to you and mom."

A pair of children also expressed their opinions.

Qin Yibo, who was still hesitant at first, made up his mind and looked at Lan Suming: "Teacher Lan, if you come here at this time, it is really a timely help.

To be honest, I wanted to follow your arrangement just now, but Jingbo stopped talking about this. It would be hypocritical for me to worry about this or that.

Of course, I also know very well that for a person like me, one more person is not more, one less is not a lot, and it has no impact at all on whether you go or not. I will even make it difficult for you to make arrangements. .

However, what is your intention? Regardless of whether I am useful to the Lan family or not, I feel very guilty for rejecting you now. I, Qin Yibo, have no ability, and the chance of helping you in the future is very small.

However, I still want to assure you here that if there ever comes a day when you need me to do something, I will definitely do my best and do my best! "

"Okay." Lan Suming nodded and turned to look at Wu Jingbo, "If your family has some difficulties in making arrangements, my door is always open."

"Thank you, Teacher Lan, for your kindness, but I believe that the problem you are worried about will not exist. After all, our Wu family can still handle it locally.

Besides, if he wasn't even sure at all, it would be impossible for my grandfather to ask his uncle and his family to come over. That would not be helping people, it would be harming them. At his age, he would never do something so unreliable. of.

You, on the other hand, can do such a thing at this time,

I must tell my grandfather that my grandfather is a person with a clear distinction between grudges and grudges. I believe that when he meets the Lan family in the future, he will show respect. "

"Are you hostile to me?" Lan Suming frowned and looked at her, "Is it possible that because I want to help your uncle, you are hostile to me?"

"Of course not..." Wu Jingbo looked serious, "You think too little of me. My attitude toward you is out of worry and nervousness..." He said with an embarrassed smile, "Actually, Master My uncle has already agreed, so there is nothing to worry about. Maybe I was too nervous just now and haven’t relaxed yet."

There was a rare smile in Lan Suming's eyes, and he nodded to her: "Okay, I believe what you said..." Then he looked at Qin Yibo, "It seems that there is no use for me to stay here anymore.

However, I still want to add that if you need any help in the future, just ask. Although it is our first time to deal with you, I have a good impression of you and hope to become friends in the future. "

"Okay, okay..." Qin Yibo nodded repeatedly, "I feel very good about you. We will definitely meet again in the future. Of course, when I ask for something, I will definitely ask for it. As long as As long as it doesn’t bother you.”

Qin's wife hurriedly blocked the door: "Teacher Lan, it's already o'clock, you can stay and eat before leaving."

"Yes, yes..." Qin Yibo patted his forehead, with a look of annoyance on his face, "Look at my mind, I'm just thinking about my own things. Teacher Lan, don't take it off. I'm just a person like this. I've lost my roots after a while. string."

"No need..." Lan Suming looked around the room and said, "My sister-in-law has just come home. I guess there is no food at home. Don't bother. If you feel embarrassed, just wait until everything is arranged. Let's eat together before leaving. A meal."

"There are indeed vegetables and meat at home. She is not here these days, and I have no thoughts. The cabbage and meat I bought before are still in the kitchen..."

Before Qin Yibo finished speaking, Qin's wife quickly ran into the kitchen. After a moment, she came out with a look of helplessness: "Old Qin, why don't you salt the meat? It's already smelly."

"Hehe, if my dad could remember such things, he wouldn't be my dad." Qin Zhaozhao teased his dad with a smile, then turned to look at Lan Suming,

"Teacher Lan, when you go out from our house, turn left and you will see the supply and marketing cooperative. I am going to buy meat now. The dumplings made by my mother are delicious. If you don't stay, you will definitely regret it.

Of course, what I regret most are my parents. They are so eager to thank you substantively. How upset would they be if they failed to do so? Just be a good person and do it to the end. It can also be considered as a celebration for our family to clear the clouds and see the sunrise, okay? "

The pretty little girl said sweetly, and already reached out to take the money and meat tickets from her mother's hand. That attitude did not give Lan Suming a chance to refuse.

Lan Suming, who had never encountered such an attitude before, was at a loss. In his lifetime, the Lan family had only one girl. She had lived among men since she was a child, and her temperament was like that of a boy. Therefore, she grew up At this age, he hasn't had much dealings with girls.

Later, he went to study abroad. Because of his outstanding academic performance and outstanding appearance, many girls still took the initiative to strike up conversations with him even if he did not try to attract bees and butterflies. Even if he was not polite to those girls who took the initiative to strike up conversations, he still caused a big stir. He suffered a lot from the jealousy and rejection of some male classmates, which made him even more repulsive towards girls. As a result, when he saw girls, he unconsciously became cold. Unknown to him, I thought he was naturally withdrawn and difficult to approach.

After returning to China, his family felt that he was not too young, so they arranged several blind dates for him, and the partners were all well-matched ladies. However, every time he sat there with a cold face for a long time, he would scare the other party away.

To put it bluntly, he just doesn't know how to deal with girls. Even if the other party is a little girl of only twelve years old, he instinctively wants to refuse, but he admires Qin Yibo very much, so he can't say the words to refuse...

Fortunately, Wu Jingbo came to his rescue in time. Because of Li Xinli's matter, Wu Jingbo took the initiative to leave and made it clear that they really didn't leave lunch because they had other things to do.

After several students left, he naturally had no need to stay. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and was secretly glad that he chose the profession of university teacher. Otherwise, his social skills could really kill him. !

When Wu Jingbo and others wanted to leave, Qin Yibo and Qin's wife naturally refused to let them go. Even if their reasons were so high-sounding, they couldn't let them leave easily.

"No matter how urgent the matter is, we have to eat before we talk..." Qin's wife stepped forward and took Wu Jingbo's hand, tapping her chin in the direction of Chu Xia, "This classmate is still pregnant, but we can't go hungry. .”

"Don't worry, Auntie, she won't be hungry. The house we are going to is her future third sister-in-law's house. Why don't we cook her something delicious first? We won't hide it from you. We decided to finish class in the morning. Later, we went to my third sister-in-law's house in early summer, but the uncle's matter happened unexpectedly, so we changed the plan.

However, the other thing we have to do is also very important. It is best not to delay it for a moment, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. Don't worry, we are not the kind of people who are pretentious and polite. You dumplings It’s definitely not something that can be saved.

How about we reschedule a time and we can come over together and help you make dumplings together. Then we can have a reunion dinner without any worries at all, okay? "

"Mom, just listen to sister Jingbo..." Seeing that his mother was still trying to persuade her, Qin Zhaozhao said quickly, "If you drag your sister along for a while, you will really delay their business."

"You kid..." Qin's wife glared at her daughter helplessly and had no choice but to comply.

After everyone left Qin's house, Lan Suming looked at a few people: "What are you doing? Are you far away? I drove here and can take you there."

"Eh..." Lin Mengran looked at him curiously, "Looking at your appearance just now, it seemed that you were very unwilling to deal with girls. How could such a big change happen in the blink of an eye?" R1152

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