Second update arrived. Alas, I can finally roll down and sleep. My body feels very uncomfortable. If I hadn’t promised everyone, I really wouldn’t be able to endure it——

"What are you thinking, you don't even acknowledge me when I talk to you?" Liu Meijun poked Chu Xia's arm with chopsticks and looked her up and down, "When I said you, you are not really interested in him, are you? It's a lot of words."

"Where did you want to go? Eat." Chu Xia glared at Liu Meijun, lowered her head and started eating. She couldn't help but secretly despise herself. Why did she think of that domineering guy's attitude? Alas, maybe she really has a taste for masochism. No one is picking on her, but she just came up with it here.

"That's right. How could you like Dr. Jing in comparison with him?" Liu Meijun muttered in a low voice and started to eat porridge in her mouth.

At this time, Zhang Erniu came to the two of them with a lunch box and smiled awkwardly: I... I will eat with you, okay? "

"Sit down." Liu Meijun moved inside and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you come here a long time ago? Why are you just getting food now?"

"I'm going to the latrine." Zhang Erniu smiled sheepishly, "I wanted to wait for you guys to come, but I couldn't hold it any longer, so I went to the latrine first."

No wonder he saw her running away as soon as they were dismissed. He thought she was hungry, but it turned out to be the case. Chu Xia tried hard to suppress the discomfort in her stomach, put down her chopsticks, and took a deep breath...

She is most afraid of people talking about this kind of topic while she is eating. This kind of problem is definitely not something that can be changed if she wants to. In this era, she has tried to force herself to get rid of this problem more than once. Unfortunately, it was of no use at all.

Liu Meijun looked at Chu Xia in confusion: What's wrong? "

In early summer, I put the remaining steamed buns into the lunch box and fastened them. He also fastened the lunch box containing the porridge: "I'm not very hungry now, so you can eat slowly." I'm going back to the dormitory first. "

If it were normal, she might be able to bear to finish the porridge, but today, her father had surgery, and she was really panicked, and she didn't want to sit here and suffer anymore.

Zhang Erniu fiercely covered her forehead and looked at Liu Meijun with an annoyed look on her face: I understand, Chu Xia didn't eat enough, it was me who said the wrong thing. "

"Hey!" Liu Meijun sighed slightly. He stroked Zhang Erniu's shoulder and said, "Eat. She won't blame you. You should be more careful in the future."



Zhang Erniu's reply was drowned in Chu Xia's screams,

She and Liu Meijun went back together, and happened to see Chu Xia kicking her hind legs a few steps and sitting on the ground. Opposite Chu Xia, stood a strong girl. They all knew her, she was from the female soldier company, her name was Li Shuili, and she had been seconded to the women's medical team to save emergency situations last time.

They both stood up and wanted to help Chu Xia. But there was someone who took action one step earlier than them, it was Sun Shangmei.

"Why are you pushing her? Is she pushing against you?" No skipping words. He helped Chu Xia and patted the dirt on her body. Sun Shangmei asked Li Shuili displeasedly.

"Be careful when you walk, you are here to be a soldier. You are not here to be a charming lady!" Li Shuili snorted coldly and dropped these words. Turn around and walk out.


The soldiers who were still in the dining room looked at Chu Xia curiously. They really couldn't imagine that this thin girl could make such a loud noise. It seemed that she was really angry.

But no matter who you are, you won't feel happy if you are pushed down in public.

"What qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson? Just because you are a veteran?" Chu Xia stared at her with anger in her eyes, "Is it because I don't walk well or do you not walk well?"

Li Shuili pointed to the porridge soup on her body: This is the evidence. How about I sprinkle some on you? "

Chu Xia rolled her eyes speechlessly: If you didn't suddenly get in front of me and stop suddenly, would I bump into you?

You obviously did this on purpose, but now you are trying to bully others, just because you are strong, tall, and strong, you can bully others? "

"Why did I bully you?" Li Shuili looked at her calmly, "Okay, I'll tell you clearly. Indeed, I deliberately walked in front of you, made you bump into me, and then pushed you down on purpose."


There was a flurry of discussion at the scene. The two were not on the same team, and I didn't hear of any grudges. This move was really confusing!

"I said, you are here to be a soldier, not a eldest lady. Isn't it her..." Li Shuili pointed at Zhang Erniu, "Isn't it the one who said she went to the latrine? As for you, you are disgusting to eat Don't want to eat? If you are like this, if you are asked to take care of a patient, you will not starve to death?"

"No matter what I am doing is right or wrong, you are not qualified to push me to the ground..." Chu Xia stared at her and snorted coldly, "Apologise to me. This matter can be settled like this today, otherwise, you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

"You should thank me. I am helping you correct your problem so that you can become a qualified medical soldier in the future!"

Li Shuili's face was so matter-of-fact that Chu Xia really wanted to scratch her face with two paws. Even her paws were indeed about to move now. However, with her small size and the other party's big size... Sun Shangmei was hesitating. She slammed into Li Shuili, and without warning, Li Shuili was knocked to the ground by her. She was even worse than Chu Xia just now. Chu Xia was sitting on the ground anyway, and she was hit by the porridge spilled under her feet and fell directly to the ground.

As for the thrills she experienced during the process, no one could understand. Anyway, they just watched Li Shuili shouting, waving her claws, and lying on the ground like a cannonball.

"Do you think you can bully the people on the medical team?" Sun Shangmei snorted coldly, "It's even now." She turned to help Chu Xia, "Let's go back to the dormitory."

Liu Meijun and Zhang Erniu, who were stunned and stunned, quickly closed their lunch boxes and walked out.

"Stop! If you two have the guts, just stop!"

Li Shuili got up and shouted from behind with her hands on her hips. Unfortunately, Chu Xia and Sun Shangmei ignored her and rushed out of the cafeteria, leaving her shouts to echo in the sky above the cafeteria.

It wasn't that Li Shuili didn't want to catch up, it was just that she had fallen too hard just now, and her hip bones were so painful that she didn't dare to move at all. Sun Shangmei was a strong worker who had been working hard for a long time, and she had trained hard during this period. It would be nice if she broke a bone.

On the way back, Chu Xia felt mixed emotions. She never thought that Sun Shangmei would beat someone up because of her. In her impression, Sun Shangmei cared about honor very much.

Fighting in the canteen is not a shameful thing, right? many words

At this moment, Chu Xia was even thinking about finding some gold for this matter, but in the end, she realized that a fight is just a fight, and no gold would be of any use.

"I've caused trouble for you." Thinking about being so silent all the time, Chu Xia raised her eyes and glanced at the tiger-faced Sun Shangmei and apologized to her.

"Don't say you are from the Hongqi Commune when you go out from now on. The Hongqi Commune is not as cowardly as you. You have been bullied like that and you still don't fight back. I'm so angry!"

Chu Xia:..." Wasn't she thinking about the problem of power disparity, so she didn't have time to take action.

"What kind of embarrassment? If you really leave today, our medical team will be completely disgraced. The female soldiers have always looked down on the medical team and think that our people are weak. Hmph, I will let them see. Who is so weak?"

Chu Xia suddenly realized that she was looking in the wrong direction just now! The key point is that she and Sun Shangmei are not in the same brain circuit. Is it possible that she doesn't feel that what she did just now is a bit... inappropriate?

"What I don't understand is why that woman targeted Chu Xia." Seeing that the two of them had never seen the essence of the problem and were just struggling there, Liu Meijun put forward her own opinion.

Chu Xia curled her lips and nodded: "I'm also surprised. When she came to replace our team, she didn't interact with us. I didn't offend her. When she left, she didn't pay attention to us. Why do I think about it now?" Are you paying attention to me? That's the way it is, and it's really a bit unpopular. "

Liu Meijun looked helpless: It seems that you were not hurt by the fall, and you are still in the mood to joke. "

"Oh, I have to make fun of myself for making you all worry so much. I'm sorry, my dad had surgery today, and I've been in a state of anxiety. Otherwise, I wouldn't have happened like this. , Alas, in short, no matter what the outcome is, I will definitely bear it..."

"What are you talking about?" Sun Shangmei interrupted her, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, "I'm not helping you, I'm doing what I should do."

"What should I do?" Chu Xia looked confused. Could it be that her way of thinking was wrong again?

"As a member of the women's medical team, of course I can't just watch you being bullied. Besides, you helped me at a critical moment. If I just stood by and watched, would I still be a human being?" No skipping words.

Chu Xia smiled helplessly: Okay, the performance is over. I helped you because I was moved by your persistence. You don't need to always feel that you owe me. "

"Even if I don't owe you, we are all from the Hongqi Commune, and I can't let you be bullied." Sun Shangmei stared at Chu Xia seriously, "But I warn you, if you are bullied in the future, even if you know that you can't beat them, you will You can’t pretend to be a coward!”

"Okay." Chu Xia could only agree helplessly. She finally understood. If she didn't agree, Sun Shangmei would definitely not be able to let her go easily. Alas, she really didn't have the affection to talk to her today, and there was also the matter of Li Shuili. , Sigh... I'm so annoyed with her!

"How about I go with you to ask for leave from the captain? After all, it's uncle's surgery, and you have no intention of staying here like this."


As soon as Liu Meijun finished speaking, a car stopped beside a few people, and Jing Zhe poked his head out: Lin Chuxia, get in the car, your father's surgery will start in an hour and a half. "

Chu Xia couldn't care about anything at the moment, screw the recruits, screw other people's gossip, screw the attention and influence..., for her father, she didn't care about anything! (To be continued. Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.)

Chapter 173 Go

Chapter 173 Go* ()

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