The sister-in-law’s persuasion finally made Zhang’s wife’s gloomy mood clear, and there was a smile on her face: “It would be great if I dare to fall in love like you said.

However, even Erniu must be anxious, the telegram will not arrive until tonight, and the child must be worried about us. Hey, this was originally a happy event, but it turned out like this. "

"It's not what you think. Thinking on the bright side, maybe the eldest brother escaped the big disaster with a small injury this time, and he will live a good life in the future." Zhang Limei said while looking at Zhang Lizhu, "Brother, what do you think I said? Makes sense?"

"Well, that makes sense. People say that if you lose money, you will avoid disaster. My minor injury can be regarded as avoiding disaster."

"This is not a minor injury. It will hurt your muscles and bones for a hundred days."

"I'm fine." Zhang Lizhu waved his hand, "I have a strong body. I can earn work points in a month at most. The weather will be warm by then. If I move more, I will definitely recover quickly."

"Brother, when will you change your restless temper?" Zhang Limei looked at her eldest brother speechlessly, "No matter how stubborn you are, you can't be cured in a month.

Anyway, I was determined not to do it. When I came here, my mother also told me to let you rest in peace and recuperate. From now on, the second and fourth brothers will help with the household chores, and I will go and help when I have time.

As for the work points, each of our families is allowed to contribute a little, which will definitely be enough for you and your sister-in-law to live on. Besides, your sister-in-law can still earn some work points.

Brother, you can't be stubborn this time. This is a lifelong event. If you don't take care of it well, you will really not be able to live your life as you get older.

You said you would wait until Dabao got married. If your body is aching here and there all day long and you can't help him, will you feel better? So brother, you have to think like this now. You have to lie down for three months so that you can be tough for the next thirty years. "

Zhang's wife quickly echoed: "What Li Mei said is that you can't rush to work. If you have our mothers in your heart, you can't take your own body seriously."

"You two sang in harmony." Zhang Lizhu handed the lunch box to his wife. "I'm not hungry today, so you and Li Mei eat the rest."

There were only two buns in total, and he ate half of them. When he was strong, even if he was injured, he would not be able to eat such a small amount. Zhang's wife stuffed the lunch box back into his hand with dissatisfaction: "If you want to feel better early, eat well. I'm really not hungry. I'll have lunch soon. I'll just eat more then."

"How could you not be hungry?" Zhang Lizhu looked helplessly at his wife, "Do you think you are made of iron? How about I eat half of this?"

You and Li Mei will share half of the remaining one. "

"Brother, I'm not hungry. I was angry with my sister-in-law for saying that I ate half a sweet potato. In fact, I also ate a pancake." Zhang Limei took out a paper bag from her bag and said, "Mom, let me The pancakes I brought to my sister-in-law are still warm." He handed them to Li Xiangfen, "There are also the pickles you like to eat."

"My mother-in-law is so kind to me." Li Xiangfen sniffed hard. With a happy face, "I will marry the Zhang family in this life. It is a great blessing. If I have the next life, I will marry the Zhang family."

The patients in the next bed and their family members who were accompanying them had been watching the family making concessions, and now they all showed understanding smiles. No matter how poor or miserable life is, they know how to understand each other. Don't worry about not having a good life.

"Is Comrade Zhang Lizhu here?"

At this moment, a man in his forties appeared at the door, looking at the number on the bedside, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Lizhu, "You are Zhang Lizhu, right?"

"I am Zhang Lizhu."

"Hello, hello." The man stepped forward, took his hand and shook it affectionately, and shouted behind him, "Come in."

A woman about forty years old came in, holding a steaming lunch box in her hand. She smiled at Zhang Limei and Li Xiangfen and put the lunch box on the bedside table: "These are freshly steamed meat buns. They are delicious. , you hurry up and eat."

A few people just stood there. They had no relatives or friends here. How could they dare to take advantage of this sudden good thing?

"Did you find the wrong person?" Zhang Lizhu asked tentatively, "I am Zhang Lizhu from Zhangjia Village, Hongxin Commune."

"I'm looking for you." The man smiled at him, "I am Li Aiguo, the director of Hongxin Commune, and this is my lover Liu Guoling."

The director of the commune came to deliver food to him?

Unable to figure out the situation, Zhang Lizhu panicked and wanted to sit up, but his legs were still hanging. If he moved too hard, he groaned in pain, and beads of sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

"Brother, don't worry, don't worry." Zhang Limei quickly supported him and said to Zhang's wife, "Sister-in-law, please find a doctor quickly." Then he looked at Li Aiguo and Liu Guoling, "Why are you so nice to my brother?"

"It should be true. As a member of the Red Heart Commune, of course I have to be concerned. We have heard about the situation at your eldest brother's house. This is a mistake in our work."

Director Li had just taken office, so none of the Zhang family knew him. Now that I heard what he said, I was right.

The previous commune director's surname was Fang. Director Fang was a big help when Zhang Erniu was able to serve in the army. The Zhang family has always been grateful to Director Fang. After he resigned, Zhang Lizhu made a special trip to visit him.

Or maybe it was because he had such a good impression of his predecessor that he always had emotions towards his successor. In his opinion, Director Fang retired early because Director Li took Director Fang's position.

It's just that he is a common man. He can't help him if he wants to think about it. The only thing he can do is not to inquire about the new director's situation.

Unexpectedly, the other party came over like this.

This made Zhang Lizhu puzzled.

All in all, his daughter was promising, but she was not something the commune would take seriously.

Then what was the reason for the other party to treat him like this?

Even though he is a common man, he also knows that being courteous for nothing will never do anything good.

At this time, the attending doctor came in and saw several people surrounding the bed. He frowned and stepped forward to check the plaster on Zhang Lizhu's leg. He snorted coldly: "If you still want this leg, don't mess with it anymore." Moved."

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhang Lizhu responded quickly.

"You guys, don't make the patient too excited. What he needs now is to rest peacefully." The doctor sniffed and said, "Don't let the patient eat too much meat or other things."

When Li Aiguo heard this, he understood immediately and hurriedly handed over the lunch box: "Doctor, are you hungry too? These are the dumplings made by my lover, please try them."

The doctor glanced at him lightly, turned around and walked out.

Li Aiguo winked at his wife, and Liu Guoling quickly followed her out with her lunch box in her arms. When the other party walked away, he looked back at Zhang Lizhu: "Brother, your injury is important. I'll ask your sister-in-law to make dumplings for you later. We can't offend the doctor." ()

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