Second update.


Chu Xia was also a little confused about the attitude of Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin. However, as far as their characters were concerned, the word "profit" could not be escaped from their characters, so she said to Zhao Yulan: "Mom, no matter what they sing It's a trick, as long as we don't take the bait, we will definitely not fall into their trap."

Zhao Yulan had a confused look on her face: "That's the truth, but, obviously, they have changed their faces, but then they turned into smiling Buddhas again. How can your mother feel at ease?"

"What's wrong with this? They dare not fall out because they don't want to offend the Zhou family. Didn't you listen to them? Zhou Mikang has made a meritorious service again..." Chu Xia deliberately sighed, "In other words, your daughter, me and Zhou Mikang The gap has widened further, and there will probably be more people gossiping in the future."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this?" Zhao Yulan looked stunned, "Everyone in my family is a promising person. It must be because of this that they don't dare to fall out. Yes, it should be That's it!"

"Mother, what you said is a bit irresponsible. How can you say that every one of the Zhou family is promising? Mother, please don't say this in front of the Zhou family. People will definitely doubt you. That’s irony.”

Yes, the Zhou family not only has Zhou Mikang, Zhou Xikang, Zhou Huakang, but also Zhou Aiping, Zhou Nanping, Zhou Zhongkang...

Sighing, Zhao Yulan said with emotion: "Outsiders look envious, but only the family knows the hardships. It's the same for all families, it's not easy, hey!"

"Hey..." Lin Baohe also sighed, "People, when you are utilitarian, troubles will come out, whether you are a poor family or a rich family, it is the same.

You see, we were not welcomed in Dalin Village, firstly because we were not relatives, and secondly, because we were poor, so they didn’t want us to have anything to do with it.

And what I see now is that both the Zhou family and the Lin family are absolutely in need of food and clothing, but..." He slapped his forehead fiercely, "I understand why her uncle and aunt's attitude has changed drastically! "

Zhao Yulan looked at him with confusion: "Why?"

"For power..." Lin Baohe frowned, "During the Chinese New Year, my eldest brother and I sat together and chatted. The eldest brother's words revealed the meaning that the third child didn't really approve of his being the next head of the family.

According to the wishes of the third child, Wen Hang of his family wants to marry a daughter of the Huang family, and Wen Xiu wants to marry a daughter of the Shao family. In comparison, the eldest brother, Wen Bin and Wen Jie are both looking for children from ordinary families to help the family. To put it bluntly, the eldest brother’s side is not as good as the third brother’s side.

At this moment, the third child came to him so eagerly. He must have felt that the Huang family could not give him support and had no confidence, so he wanted us to go to his side to help him.

I guess, nine times out of ten, this is what happened, otherwise, he wouldn't have fallen out later and quickly come back. You two, think about it, is this true? "

"Dad is so smart!" Chu Xia gave Lin Baohe a thumbs up. When his father said this, it made perfect sense. Judging from the characters of Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin, they could do such a thing.

But, isn't this person thinking too stupid about their family? From the beginning to the end, their family has been close to the uncle's family, whether they are elders or juniors. Suddenly, as soon as the third uncle's family showed their kindness, their family quickly turned away and turned against them?

Do you think they are too stupid and spineless? But think about it, in the eyes of Third Uncle Lin and Third Aunt Lin, their family are just bumpkins who have never seen the world. If they can look up to them and beg them, they are already giving them a huge favor. They should burst into tears of gratitude, work hard and die!

Zhao Yulan also figured out the reason at this time, and looked disappointed: "At first, I thought they really liked us, hey!"

"What's the use of having them look up to you?" Mr. Zhao glared at his daughter dissatisfied.

"For that kind of person, you'd better hope they don't fall in love with him, otherwise, you'll be in trouble."

Mrs. Zhao nodded in agreement: "Your father is right. If this kind of person really likes you, he will want your help in everything. He is so thick-skinned that he will complain about you whether he gives you a good face or not. , then you won’t have to worry about dying?”

Lin Baohe quickly answered: "My parents are right, we don't need people like this to look up to us, we can just look up to ourselves. Besides, what right do they have to look down on us? How can we be better than them?" Is it worse? Whether it’s the older ones or the younger ones, we all have less to worry about than them. Think about it, is that true?”

"I don't really want them to look up to me, I just feel that Baohe suffered a lot when he was in Dalin Village. Now that he has recognized his true relatives, a little more human touch can be considered as compensation..." Sigh Zhao Yulan said with a lonely face, "I have lived to this age and still think of things so simply. It's really a waste of my life."

Feeling sorry for her daughter, Mrs. Zhao hurriedly comforted her: "You are a child who cares about love, so naturally you think that others care about love too, but this person's character is different since he was born. Just say that you brothers and sisters There are a few of them, but they are all the biological children of your father and I, and we grew up in the same family, so don’t we all have the same personality?"

"What your mother said is that you, your mother and I don't take sides, but your second sister and your second brother always have different opinions. So if your mother and I really pursue the case, , must I regret giving birth to them?

But what about the reality? Something happened to them. Aren't your mother and I as anxious and panicked? Therefore, family affection is also fate and cannot be forced. As long as we do our best, that will be enough. "

"Yulan, this child has a clear heart, don't lead her into a ditch..." Mrs. Zhao glared at the old man and said quickly to her daughter, "Your second brother and second sister are the biological children of me and your father, no matter what they do wrong What’s the matter? It’s not like parents are picking on them..."

"Mom, I know..." Zhao Yulan interrupted her mother with a wry smile, "Am I so heartless in mother's eyes? Of course I know that people like her third uncle and three aunt are not close to me.

Since they only want to use us and don't really get close to us, of course we don't need to get close to them. Mom, don't worry, your daughter is not a fool. "

"Grandma..." Chu Xia smiled and hugged Mrs. Zhao's arm, "My mother is actually quite thoughtful, and she can definitely be tough when she needs to be.

When we were in Dalin Village, something really happened. My mother had never done anything wrong, and neither did my father. He usually seemed easy to bully, but when someone dared to bully my mother and me, he immediately turned into a big bully. tiger.

So, don’t worry, grandpa and grandpa, my parents seem to be easy to bully on the surface, but if someone gets mad unreasonably, they will definitely not take advantage! "

"That's true." Mr. Zhao smiled and looked at the old lady, "Her mother, don't worry blindly. Both children have something in mind, so we don't have to worry about them.

But I've been living here for so many days, so it's time to go back and have a look. Let's just pack up and go back in these days, and come back when Xia gives birth to the baby. "

"Grandpa..." Chu Xia hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the old man's arm, "Grandpa, your body has not fully recovered yet. What can you do if you are in a hurry to go back? Didn't you say that when your great-grandson comes out, he can walk like flying? If this How can I still walk like flying when I go back soon?"

"I'm walking more and more now. If I stay home for a while, I'll definitely be walking as fast as I can when I see my great-grandson..." The old man patted Chu Xia's arm, "Xia, grandpa has never left Xiaolin in this life. After living in the village for so long, I feel a little homesick, and I also miss the old friends at home. When I reach my grandpa’s age, there is no place like my own home.”

"Grandpa..." Chu Xia looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Grandpa Wan has moved out, and Aunt Yin will move out soon. If grandma and grandpa leave, my parents, uncle Wang, and aunt Qin will be the only ones left in the house. There were only a few of us living in the courtyard, which was too deserted.

Grandpa also lived in a house with a courtyard wall when he returned home, and here is also a house with a courtyard wall. Grandpa Wan and Grandpa Qi both chatted especially with grandpa, and they can be regarded as grandpa's old friends.

As for the crops in the field, if grandpa wants to see them, he can ask Uncle Wang to take us all to the suburbs on Sunday.

Besides, Sister Qihui will be coming soon, and her uncle and aunt will also come to see her off. Grandpa and grandma might as well wait here and go back together then. We can rest assured. If grandpa doesn’t agree, I will Don't kiss me. "

Hearing the last sentence, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were both in trouble. Qihui took part in the college entrance examination after the new year. Needless to say, she did really well in the exam this time and was admitted to a university in the capital. However, Enrollment is in September, and it's only June now...

And the key point is that my granddaughter is about to give birth in September, and they won’t be able to leave by then. Is this child sincerely teasing them?

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe looked at each other, their eyes full of smiles. Of course they hoped that the old man and the old lady could stay here. For them, the capital was also an unfamiliar place, and they had the old man and the old lady as their companions. It feels just like in my hometown, and I feel at ease.

It's just that the old man and old lady have other children, so they can't be as messy as their daughter and let the old couple stay. This is better, let's see how the old man and old lady refuse!

In fact, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao really couldn't refuse. Their granddaughter, with her big belly, begged them to stay, and used the gimmick that the yard was empty. It really made them feel sad, no. I had the heart to leave...

The old couple looked at each other and after agreeing on their opinions, Mr. Zhao looked at his granddaughter and sighed: "Okay, now that you are the eldest in our family, I will listen to you." R1152

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