Second update.


When he returned to the division headquarters, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. After a slight hesitation, Zhou Hanliang went to the division commander's office. His wife was not there. The division commander usually stayed at the base, so he probably hadn't returned to the dormitory at this time.

Sure enough, from a distance, he saw that the light in the division commander's office was still on. Inexplicably, he felt a little relieved after being suffocated.

The moment the office door was pushed open, Zhou Mikang raised his head, glanced at Zhou Hanliang, raised his hand and closed the folder in front of him: "What, are you being scolded again?"

Rubbing his cheeks vigorously, Zhou Hanliang looked at the teacher with a bitter face: "Boss, is my expression so obvious?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Mikang leaned back and looked at him calmly, "Your old mother-in-law has already accepted you, but besides her, who else can show your face?"

"Hey!" Zhou Hanliang sighed heavily and recounted what happened that night, "...Sir, I'm either blaming others, or I'm annoyed that I messed up.

Doudou is young, has little social experience, and doesn’t know much about people’s hearts. But I am so much older than her and have been in society for so many years. I still make such mentally retarded mistakes. I can’t forgive myself. "

"Then what's your purpose of coming here to find me?"

"The purpose..." Zhou Hanliang was stunned for a moment, then smiled sheepishly, "I just want to talk to the boss out of habit. It seems that there is no purpose."

Zhou Mikang: "..."

"Boss, I know you are busy, but I really don't know who to tell this kind of thing. If I don't say it out loud, it will make me feel uncomfortable..." Zhou Hanliang explained with a smile.

Sighing helplessly, Zhou Mikang asked: "You just said that your mother-in-law was angry with you after it happened. What happened after that? Did your father-in-law say anything after he came back? What was the attitude of their family when you left? "

"My father-in-law asked Guoguo what he thought after he returned home. Guoguo's answer was that she was her sister and wanted to protect Doudou and me, so it was right for her to hold us.

Then, my father-in-law looked at us and said, understand, Guoguo's simple idea has become a shameful thing when it comes to your place.

What outsiders say is because some talkative women are afraid that the world will not be in chaos. Why do you follow them and mess around? Just let nature take its course,

After a while, others get used to it and won't say anything.

The mother-in-law didn't say anything at first, but later she acquiesced to the father-in-law's opinion. However, the father-in-law also told Guoguo that she could not hold the hand of anyone of the opposite sex except her father-in-law.

Anyway, his father-in-law taught Guoguo a lesson about sexual relations. From the looks of it, Guoguo didn't fully understand it, but he probably won't be so pushy in the future.

By the time I left, everyone's emotions had calmed down, and my mother-in-law also apologized to me, saying that she only blamed me because she got angry after listening to outsiders' nonsense. Looking back, she couldn't blame me.

Even though she said so, I still couldn't get over the hurdle in my heart. I promised Doudou that after a hundred years from my parents-in-law, we would live with Guoguo, but... alas..." Zhou Hanliang sighed heavily and stopped talking. .

"I understand how you feel. You don't want Jun Doudou to be unhappy, so when she made this request, you agreed to it, because in your heart, Jun Guoguo is not a big girl, but a poor girl. My child, you agreed without any hesitation.

Later, if you think about taking Jun Guoguo to live together, there will be gossips and malicious misunderstandings. However, you have already agreed to Jun Doudou, so you are too embarrassed to refuse.

So, when the possibility that you are worried about becomes a reality, you blame yourself and Yun Doudou, don't worry..." Seeing Zhou Hanliang eager to explain, Zhou Mikang waved his hand at him, "Listen to me first over.

Maybe you don't want to admit what I said now, but if that's not the case, the Jun family has given you a clear attitude and said that you can get along with each other how you want in the future, why can't you come out?

It is a foregone conclusion that Jun Guoguo will always remain at the age of 18. She only has one sister, Jun Doudou, and it is a foregone conclusion that her sister will take care of her future life.

One thing her parents know very well is that even if they don't mind what others say now, in reality, the eldest daughter's happiness is more important than anything else. The only way to achieve this is to leave the eldest daughter to the care of the younger daughter.

From this point of view, they are a pair of qualified parents who do not ignore their daughter's happiness because of their own dignity. This is simple to say, but many people cannot do it.

On the other hand, this shows that they believe in you as a person, and they believe that you can take good care of their eldest daughter together with their younger daughter.

This matter is an unsolvable problem. What you can choose is what to discard and what to keep. No one cares about this anymore, but you still care about it. Why?

To put it bluntly, it was already destined that Junguoguo would become your responsibility from the time you chose Jundouudou. Or I can ask you, let you and Jundoudou live a happy life, and make Junguoguo your responsibility. Would you feel at ease if you were sent to an orphanage? "

"No." Zhou Hanliang answered without thinking.

"Then it's over." Zhou Mikang sighed, "I still say the same thing, the initial choice has already determined the final result. Rather than worry, it's better to let nature take its course.

Many people are gossiping now because of the age of their sisters. After you get married, Jun Guoguo will definitely live with your parents. By the time she really comes to you, she should have passed the age that everyone is talking about. At your age, why are you worrying here? "

"That's right..." Zhou Hanliang slapped his forehead fiercely, "I'm really over the top. Boss, I'm not really weird. I just feel terribly uncomfortable when I think about three people living in this kind of atmosphere. .”

"Actually, this is a kind of subconscious resentment. Let's put it this way, if the three of you were living together now, you wouldn't blame Jun Doudou, but it showed that you were unhappy. You said, Who feels the most uncomfortable?"

"Boss..." Zhou Hanliang looked at the division commander Zongzi helplessly, "Now you are not only focusing on the problems of the army, but also on the emotional issues. Is this something you have learned after getting married?"

"You are just obsessed with being in power, and I guess the elders in your family must have put pressure on you again, so you are inexplicably angry."

"Boss..." Zhou Hanliang's eyes widened and he looked horrified, "Do I dare to tell a lie in front of you in the future? This is too scary!"

Zhou Mikang glared at him: "Get out!"

"Hehe..." Zhou Hanliang smiled flatteringly, "Boss Yingming, I admire you from the bottom of my heart. Not to mention, after your analysis, I felt comfortable immediately.

It is true that if you are alive and always want to stop everyone from gossiping, it will be too tiring. It is better to just let nature take its course, as long as you have a clear conscience! "

"Okay, don't be too high-key. If nothing happens, go back and rest quickly..." After glancing at the calendar on the stage, the teacher said again, "Why don't you go home and take a look tomorrow? I haven't been back for almost a month. , don’t blame them for having complaints against you.”

Zhou Hanliang smiled bitterly: "Boss, please, don't send me home. What I'm most afraid of now is going home. The bombing can kill me!"

"Hey!" After hearing what he said, Zhou Mikang sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Zhou Hanliang was about the same age as him, and originally planned to get married at the end of this year, but in the current situation, the task came, and he was not sure when he would leave. There was no guarantee that he would have time at the end of the year.

In order not to let the two elders work in vain, he and Jun Doudou discussed it and decided to postpone the wedding to next year. Suddenly, the elders in the family could not accept it.

Especially Zhou Hanliang's grandparents, who are already so old. They were looking forward to having a grandson, but they finally got a little bit of hope, but in the end, it came to nothing again. It's strange that they can accept it.

But in this matter, we can’t blame the old man and the old lady for being unreasonable. They are all in their early eighties. In their words, after today, they don’t know where they will be tomorrow, and they can’t afford to wait...

After hesitating, Zhou Mixang looked at Zhou Hanliang and asked, "Have you never thought of taking advantage of this period to get married?"

"I've thought about it, but..." Zhou Hanliang looked at Senior Commander Tongzi seriously, "We know what the situation is now. It would be too selfish for me to do this..." At this point, he realized that Senior Commander Tongzi's situation seemed to be affected by him. To what category it was classified, he quickly explained, "You are different from my sister-in-law. You have been married a long time ago."

Zhou Mikang waved his hand at him: "Okay, no need to put a high hat on me, I tell you clearly that I am so selfish emotionally. From the moment I recognized that she is the person I want to marry, no matter what difficulties I encounter, Nothing can stop me from marrying her.

To tell you the truth, before I married her, I already knew that there would be such a war, but I still married her as scheduled. It would be a lie to say that I didn’t feel guilty, but let me Choosing once, I still make this decision. "

When he called his wife early the next morning, Zhou Mikang told her the truth about the conversation between him and Zhou Hanliang, and asked solemnly: "Xia, are you disappointed to marry such a selfish person like me?" of."

"Yes..." The person on the other end of the phone chuckled, "But in order not to disappoint me further, you must keep your promise, otherwise, you will regret it!"

" do you regret it?" Master Tongzi asked slightly anxiously. r1152 ()

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