Listening to the teacher Zongzi asking herself how to regret, Chu Xia smiled and said unhurriedly: "Do you still need to ask me this? You are so smart, you can definitely think of it."

"Unexpectedly..." Commander Tongzi answered quickly, "Besides, I won't let myself break my promise. Just rest assured. If it's not for anything else but for you, I will definitely not break my promise."

There were some words that were left unsaid. After spending so much time with the division commander Tongzi, Chu Xia certainly understood his deeper meaning. She called him a "rogue" with a smile, then suppressed her smile and asked about serious matters: "What Zhou Hanliang means is that until the mission is over, he will not do it." Getting married?"


"You didn't persuade him?"

"How can I persuade you?" Zhou Mixang smiled helplessly, "This is a matter of relationship between the two of them. Is it inappropriate for me to interfere too much? Besides, his scruples are justified to a certain extent.

Didn't I just say that compared to him, I am the ultimate selfish person. Of course, the premise is that I have confidence in myself, so I must marry you home as soon as possible..."

"Okay, okay..." Chu Xia interrupted him, "Why did you turn to this matter again? Your selfishness has become a foregone conclusion, so don't show it off. I'm going to be serious with you now.

Doudou called me the day before yesterday, and she sounded unhappy. Otherwise, I will call her later and ask her what she means. If she wants to marry Zhou Hanliang earlier, you can persuade her.

Sometimes, he thinks it is for the other person's good, but it may just cause pain to both of them. Indeed, people should make more plans for the other person's future, but who dares to say what his own tomorrow will be like?

You should always worry about this and that. Probably more than half of the people in this world don't need to get married anymore. People who usually seem quite open-minded are so serious now. It's true. "

"Okay, you can ask Jun Doudou what he means and then I will decide what to do. However, remember, don't bring this suggestion up yet. What we want is Jun Doudou's true thoughts."

"I know, why am I that stupid?" Chu Xia couldn't help but roll her eyes, "You think about your brother, and I also think about my sister. I will definitely not kidnap her with morality."

After hanging up the teacher's phone, Chu Xia took a look at the time. It was estimated that it would be difficult to find Jun Doudou at this time, so he went to school first and made the call when he came home at noon.

In the hospital office, it was not convenient to say certain things. After chatting for a while, I told the other party to give her a call when she had time, and Chu Xia hung up the phone.

Jun Doudou was not stupid. He knew from the tone of the other party that he had something private to talk about. After finally getting off work, he quickly rushed home and hid in the bedroom to answer the phone, "Chu Xia, please call me." What's going on?" She couldn't wait to ask as soon as she heard the other party's voice.

"I just wanted to ask about you and Zhou Hanliang. I was in a bad mood when I heard you on the phone the day before yesterday. I have been thinking about you and wanted to ask how you are now." Chu Xia said with a chuckle, "You must have guessed that I am looking for you. It’s your fault and you still pretend to be confused with me.”

"Hehe..." Jun Doudou smiled coyly, "Did Master tell you about Zhou Hanliang's stay at my house yesterday?"

Chu Xia admitted frankly: "Yes."

"I knew that he would report to the teacher as soon as possible, and the teacher would report to you as soon as possible. Hey, my poor privacy..."

"That's it..." Chu Xia coughed lightly, "If you mind, I'll tell Zhou Mikang and prohibit Zhou Hanliang from telling him his private affairs in the future. As for me, I will never listen to your private affairs."

"I don't mind, I don't mind..." Jun Doudou stopped her in a hurry. It was a joke. She needed the other party to tell her Zhou Hanliang's thoughts and developments in a timely manner. If not, where would she go to inquire about it in the future?

"You really don't mind?"

"Really, really..." Jun Doudou explained impatiently,

"I'm just teasing you, how can I take it seriously? It's not like you don't know that men's mouths are too tight. It's even harder to get something out of me.

With your teacher's help in getting some information, I can more or less know what he is thinking. Otherwise, I would be like a fool who is kept in the dark. "

"What are your plans?" Chu Xia asked again.

"You ask me what my plan is..." Jun Doudou smiled bitterly, "It would be great if my plan can be effective. According to my opinion, while he has time during this period, we can get married quickly, but How could he listen to me?

In early summer, I really don’t know whether he really loves me or pretends to love me. He actually means to extend our wedding indefinitely, maybe next year, maybe the year after, or maybe even longer.

Of course, I know he is thinking about me. He is just worried that if something happens to him, I will become a widow. To tell you the truth, I told him clearly that as long as I am with him now, as long as I can be with him If you live a good life together, there will be no regrets in your life.

But he said that no matter whether I minded or not, he couldn't do that. He said that what he wanted to do was to marry me home when he was absolutely sure about our future life.

It's not that when a man really likes a woman, he will do everything possible to get her, and he will never let the other woman become someone else's woman. But why can he be so generous?

If it's not that I don't love you, or that I don't love you enough, I can't think of any other reason. However, I don't dare to say this to him. I'm afraid that if I say this, he will use Poxialu to break up with me.

Hey, early summer, I have been struggling to death during this period, especially after what happened to Guoguo yesterday, I felt even sadder. He was already far away from me. If what happened this time happens again, , I’m really afraid…”

Listening to the sobs on the other end of the phone, Chu Xia sighed: "I understand, what you mean is that you just want to marry Zhou Hanliang now and you will never regret it, right?"

"Of course." Without thinking, Jun Doudou gave an affirmative answer, "If according to what he said, something happens to him one day, I will be shocked for the rest of my life."

"Then have you asked your parents for their opinion?"

"My father's opinion is that he supports whatever we want to do. My mother..." After a pause, Jun Doudou sighed, "As you can imagine, her opinion is the same as Zhou Hanliang's."

"What do you want me to do?" Chu Xia bluntly stated the reason why she asked about this matter, "You must know that I don't gossip with you for nothing. Since I asked this, I just hope to reconcile you. Regarding the differences between the two of you, you are my friend and I hope to help you to the best of my ability."

"Chu Xia, you're the best. I knew you cared about me the most..." Jun Doudou's voice became obviously cheerful, "I guessed the reason for your call just now, but I won't do it if you don't tell me." Pretty sure.

I believe that as long as your teacher is willing to come forward, Zhou Hanliang will definitely listen to him. Chu Xia, I tell you clearly that I want to get married now, the sooner the better. I must let him leave with some concern. "

"I understand." Chu Xia sighed, "Doudou, I will give you three days to think about it carefully, including doing your mother's work. If you are still so persistent, I will ask Zhou Mikang to help with this. thing."

"Okay." Jun Doudou agreed happily, "I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will definitely use these three days to convince my mother to agree to our marriage."

Three days passed quickly. When Chu Xia received a call from Jun Doudou, the other party gave her a very clear answer. Her family agreed that they should get married as soon as possible.

"How did you convince your mother?" Chu Xia asked curiously.

After a moment of silence, Jun Doudou said, "I am her biological daughter."

"In other words, Auntie agreed not very willingly?"

"That's not true..." Jun Doudou sighed and smiled bitterly, "I feel that if I always act like this, I will definitely grow old before my time and just sigh all day long.

What my mother is worried about is what I said before. I told her that if she really disagrees, I can not get married. However, what I want to explain in advance is that whether it is Zhou Hanliang who has moved on or for some other reason, as long as He doesn't marry me anymore, so I will be single all my life and spend the rest of my life with Guoguo. "R1152

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