Zhou Mikang turned around and left, and Chu Xia quickly followed.

"Wang Jing, keep an eye on it, I'll be back in a moment." Song Xiaoyu confessed and quickly chased after her.

Wang Jing shrugged her shoulders: "It seems that it is better not to get married. There are too many things and too much trouble."

Just at this moment, her sister-in-law Wang Lei came. Seeing that she was sitting there, she asked doubtfully: "Why is it just you? Where are Director Song and Lin Chuxia?"

Feeling petty, Wang Jing deliberately made a grimace: "Sister-in-law, I just listen to you and have to give in to everything. But now the teacher only takes Lin Chuxia with him during the surgery and not me."

Stunned for a moment, Wang Lei frowned: "Song Xiaoyu shouldn't be such a person, Xiaojing, did you really apologize? Are you serious?"

"Of course." Wang Jing nodded her head vigorously, "I'm serious. Do you want me to recreate the original image for you to identify?"

Wang Lei waved her hand: "Forget it, my sister-in-law believes in you, but I guess Song Xiaoyu is testing you by showing off to you like this. You have to stand up to me and don't let your chain slip anymore."

"Okay." Wang Jing responded and laughed, "Sister-in-law, I'm teasing you. The teacher just went out. By the way, why are you here at this time? You don't trust me, right?"

"I went to the post office to send something, and I happened to pass by here, so I came to see you and give this to Teacher Song." Wang Lei raised the red silk bag in her hand, "Your Teacher Song's daughter loves the bean buns I made the most. .”

This was obviously done on purpose, otherwise, who would bring a bag of bean bags when sending something?

Wang Jing looked at Wang Lei amusedly: "Sister-in-law, you don't even draft a lie. Besides, sister-in-law, have you noticed the change in your title just now?"

"What changes?"

"When you first came in, you called me Teacher Song. I heard that she was hanging me up. You quickly changed it to Song Xiaoyu. When I told you it was a joke, you changed it back to Teacher Song." Wang Jing said He stepped forward and took Wang Lei's arm, "Sister-in-law, this discovery makes me very happy. It shows that my sister-in-law values ​​me very much."

"Am I like that?" Wang Lei scratched her head and smiled sheepishly, "I really didn't notice it myself, by the way. Don't tell Teacher Song about this, otherwise, she will be angry with me. I don't believe her."

"I'm not stupid." After hesitating, Wang Jing said, "Sister-in-law, Wang Feng is here."

"Why is she here?" Wang Lei frowned,

"Who's sick?"

"Her eldest aunt."

"what happened?"

"There is a tumor in my stomach, and I will have surgery tomorrow. Teacher Song is the surgeon, and I am the first assistant." Wang Jing said and sighed, "I really don't want to see her, can I find a way to get her away?"

"You want to make things difficult for me?" Wang Lei rolled her eyes at her. "It's rare that she has some humanity, so let her serve you. If you don't like to look at her, don't go there. If she dares to make trouble with you, you don't have to pay attention to her. If she gets angry, you can beat her, and my sister-in-law will take care of you. "

"Sister-in-law, just give me some advice." Wang Jing said with a funny look on her face, "I am a medical staff. If I really beat her, I will get a demerit. How can I help my sister-in-law?"

"Yeah, how could I forget this?"

At this time, Song Xiaoyu came back and saw her old classmate with a happy face: "Wang Lei, are you here?"

"Yes, I'm here to give you this, and thank you for always caring about Xiaojing." Wang Lei said and handed her the silk bag, "This bag is particularly delicious, you must like it."

"Then I'm not welcome." Song Xiaoyu happily took the silk bag and took out two bottles of malted milk essence from the cabinet, "Here are you, you look thin, you need to make up for it."

"I'm not here to take advantage of you. I don't want it." Wang Lei stretched out her hands and hid behind her, "If you do this again, I won't cook for you in the future. By the way, my niece is here to stay with me. I'll go over there. have a look."

After the words fell, the person disappeared outside the door. Song Xiaoyu shook her head in amusement, put the malted milk essence into a silk bag and handed it to Wang Jing, "Take it back to your sister-in-law."

"Teacher..." Wang Jing hesitated.

"You have been with me for such a long time, you should know what my personality is like. Besides, this was originally given to her. I brought it here after the last phone call."

Wang Jing smiled sheepishly. Obviously, the teacher knew her sister-in-law better than she did, so she never expected that her sister-in-law would definitely come...

Zhou Jingping finally woke up from a series of nightmares. He sat up sweating profusely and saw Chu Xia wiping his hands with a hot towel. His face turned red: "I'll do it myself."

"Dad, are you dizzy?" Chu Xia asked.

"It's okay." Zhou Jingping felt so embarrassed that he couldn't tell whether he was dizzy or not.

"Zhou Mikang left first because he had something urgent to do. He asked me to talk to dad." Chu Xia said again.

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

"No." Chu Xia stared at him seriously, "Dad, what I said may be a bit presumptuous, but the starting point is for dad's health. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me."

Zhou Jingping nodded: "Okay, you go ahead."

"Has Dad always had nightmares since my little sister left?"

Zhou Jingping's red face turned pale little by little. Obviously, he didn't realize that his daughter-in-law would ask this. Without mental preparation, he didn't know how to respond.

"Dad, why don't you tell everyone what's in your heart? If you keep holding it in like this, you will have physical problems sooner or later." Chu Xia sighed, "Professor Yuan gave you an examination and he said that you have a tendency to be mildly depressed, which causes The fundamental reason is that you haven’t had enough rest for a long time.”

"Hey!" Zhou Jingping sighed heavily and smiled bitterly, "It's much better now. I used to have nightmares all night long. Now, I only occasionally dream about Rao Rao being kidnapped. Chu Xia, don't tell your mother. And your grandma, don’t tell Xiaomi, so as not to make them worry."

"Dad, you should tell Zhou Mikang that this has been a knot between you and him for so many years. His pain is only on the surface, but you have always kept it in your heart and suppressed yourself.

You may think that doing this is to protect your loved ones, but I don’t think so. What do I think of my loved ones? It means sharing joys and sorrows, being happy or unhappy, and saying what you can and cannot say to others can be said to your loved ones.

Maybe when you say it, your loved ones will be sad together, but it will enhance the relationship between the two parties and make you more clearly aware of the flesh-and-blood relationship between you.

If you had let your family know this a long time ago, Zhou Mikang probably wouldn't have hated you for so many years, and he wouldn't have let it go now, but the knot in his heart has not yet been resolved.

Dad, if what I said wronged you, don't be angry with me. I really think so. If I don't say it out and do my best, I feel uncomfortable. "

"Good boy, you are doing it for dad's good. How can dad be angry?" Zhou Jingping's mood calmed down and he smiled at her, "Let dad think about it, okay?"

Chu Xia smiled and nodded: "Okay, dad, sometimes, it is also a kind of closeness to relatives."

"You know a lot at such a young age." Zhou Jingping smiled and shook his head, "It seems that I really can't treat you like a child."

"Really?" Chu Xia smiled arrogantly, "Dad also thinks I'm mature and sensible, right?"

Zhou Jingping laughed dumbly and really didn't know what to say.

"Dad, your health is fine, but you need to be recuperated. Western medicine is more harmful to the body. Professor Yuan went to see Ma Lao from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He told me to accompany you when you wake up. Otherwise, let's go now. ?”

"Okay." Zhou Jingping no longer refused, responded happily, and got out of bed.

Chu Xia was shocked and supported him: "Dad, this is not a war. Can you slow down? Did you feel dizzy just now? Did you feel like vomiting?"

"No, no..." Zhou Jingping smiled and waved his hand, "Dad is not that squeamish, let's go."

When the two men were going out, they met a man and a woman walking over. Seeing Chu Xia wearing a white coat, the man smiled and asked, "Comrade, how can I get to the surgery department?"

"Just turn left ahead." Looking at the two of them, Chu Xia asked doubtfully, "Where is the injury?"

"I was walking when a comrade hit me with a bicycle. I had a headache at the time, but now it's nothing. I said it's okay, but he insisted on coming to see me. I was in a hurry to buy groceries. ." The woman said as she wiped the runny nose with a handkerchief.

Noticing her movements, Chu Xia's pupils shrank sharply, and then she looked at Zhou Jingping: "Dad, you go to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department by yourself. I'll send this comrade to Jing Zhe, and I'll come find you later, okay?"

"Okay, you go ahead." Zhou Jingping looked at the man and the woman with some confusion. It seemed like nothing was wrong...

"Come up and lie down, hurry up!" Chu Xia dragged the operating bed next to her and asked the woman to get on.

"Little comrade, what are you doing?" The woman's face became fierce. "Even in a hospital, you can't curse people like this. I'm not seriously ill. How can you make me come up here? It's almost the New Year. Oh, how can you do things like this?" The woman said, turned around and walked out, "I'm fine, I won't check, I have to buy groceries quickly."

"Hold her!" Chu Xia looked at the man, "Why are you still standing there? Hurry and hold her!"

"Ah?" The man was stunned for a moment, then turned around and grabbed the woman, "Qiaozhu, this doctor is so anxious, it's for our own good. Don't worry about checking and leaving before leaving. Don't hold back."

"Are you looking forward to my early death? It's almost the Chinese New Year, and you have to let me go to the hospital to feel comfortable?" The woman was so angry that she pinched the man's fingers hard, "I said there is no need to check, so there is no need to check! I know my own body, Otherwise, I won’t let the person who hit me go.”

The man looked at Chu Xia hesitantly, not knowing what to do. He just heard his wife complain about a headache and was afraid that something might happen, so he pulled her in. But judging from how energetic his wife was now, she should be fine. ? . . )

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