Second update.


"Hehe..." Ying'er moved in with a smile, "I just want to tease my little aunt, hehe..."

"Have you finished your homework?" Chu Xia pointed to the empty seat next to her, "If you're done, come over and chat with us for a while. Little thing, you're only in the first grade and you've been so busy all day long that you can't see anyone. Is it true? Or are you just pretending?"

"Of course it's true..." The little girl sat next to Chu Xia and said seriously, "Other students are not so busy. Cheng Lu and I have to represent the class in the oral arithmetic competition, so we always have to stay in class and have to go home. Practice, little aunt, I actually want to play with you, but I also want to get first place and let my little brothers and sisters worship me!"

Chu Xia smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "I knew our Yinger was the best. When is the competition?"

"Next Friday..." Ying'er looked at Chu Xia eagerly, "Little aunt, can you go with me? I don't want Uncle Seven to accompany me." She was talking about Zhou Huakang. According to the ranking, Zhou Huakang was the seventh child. .

"Why?" Chu Xia looked at the little girl in confusion, "Uncle Seven kisses you so much, why don't you want Uncle Seven to accompany you?"

"My classmates all said that I participated in the competition because Teacher Tian Tian was partial..." The little girl pouted aggrievedly, "But I really can calculate faster than others, and they wronged me."

For a moment, Chu Xia didn't understand this dialectical relationship, so she looked at the little guy in confusion: "What does Teacher Tian Tian's partiality have to do with Uncle Seven?"

"Teacher Tian Tian has fallen in love with Uncle Seven and wants to be his wife."

In early summer, there was an instant black thread. A kid who is only a few years old actually knows what he likes and dislikes. I am really impressed... Children in this era are really precocious...

Sitting on the other side, Luo Xiaoqiong has long since stopped laughing. A six-year-old child talking about adult topics in a serious manner is really too funny, isn't it? !

"What I said is true. I didn't accuse anyone wrongly, and I didn't lie. Really..." The attitude of the two people made the little girl feel even more aggrieved, and anxious tears welled up in her eyes.

"I believe it, of course I believe it..." Chu Xia hurriedly reassured, "Then do you think this is a good idea? Originally, my aunt asked for four days of leave. In this case, if she stays to accompany you to participate in the competition, she will need to ask for a few more days of leave. , aunt will call the school tomorrow and then decide whether to accompany you to the competition, okay?"

"Yes." The little girl nodded, still looking gloomy, "Little aunt, does your teacher like you?"

Luo Xiaoqiong on the other side interrupted: "Ying'er, your little aunt is so good-looking and has good grades. Of course the teacher likes her. Don't worry, she will definitely be able to ask for leave."

"Really?" Ying'er looked at Chu Xia with surprise on her face, "Little aunt, you can definitely accompany me, right?" The child's mind is so simple, and he will let whomever he likes accompany him. I won't consider anything else.

"Yes." Originally, Chu Xia didn't want to stay here for so many days. After all, it took too long to take leave, and there would always be people making irresponsible remarks. However, looking at the pitiful look on the little girl's face, she really couldn't bear to refuse. .

As for the thoughts of Miss Luo who caused the trouble, it is easier to understand. She wished that Chu Xia would take a break from school now and stay with her here.

After receiving the affirmative answer, the little girl was extremely happy, "I'm going to tell Uncle Seven that my aunt will go with me, so he doesn't have to go..." After the words fell, the person had already disappeared.

Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia with a guilty conscience: "Don't blame me, this child is quite pitiful. I know you will definitely agree, so I will help you speak."

"Okay, how can I not understand your little thoughts?" Chu Xia sighed, "Besides, I really can't refuse her, but it is definitely impossible for me to accompany her myself..."

"I, I, I..." Luo Xiaoqiong pointed at herself anxiously,

"I can go with you then."

Chu Xia curled her lips at her: "Are you sure you can ask for leave? Director Xu is so busy, how dare you take such a long break during your wedding leave?"

"I can go to work first after getting married, and then take leave when Ying'er competes..." A trace of sourness flashed in Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes, "In early summer, I was a loser. I used to hope that I would develop well. I can make my parents proud of me, but now that the opportunity is really in front of me, I am not happy at all.

Most people in the unit don't like me. They think that I can stay because of Director Xu's help. Of course, I don't deny this, but they can't completely veto my efforts.

I especially miss the time when we first came to City A. Although it was difficult, we all lived and ate together, and we could discuss things with each other. Even if we were bullied, we could work together to make amends.

But now, I can only face everything alone. Sometimes I pick up the phone and want to talk to you, but I am worried that you will be angry and affect the baby. I want to write a letter, but I am afraid that others will see it.

It is impossible for me to tell my parents and brother about these things. Meijun and Erniu also have a lot of troubles. Telling them will only make them more troubled.

After all, I can only hold it in my heart, but sometimes, I can’t hold it in so much that I can’t breathe. I’m really looking forward to giving myself a holiday, so this time, you’ll be like me. That’s what you mean, okay? "

"I thought you had completely adapted to it, but you are still confused after a long time?" Chu Xia looked at her helplessly, "Is the high-spirited look you had before just an act?"

"I'm used to it, hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled sheepishly, "If I show signs of sluggishness in the workplace, those people will look down on me even more. So, no matter whether I'm happy or not, I will always look the same in front of them. I am in a state of chicken blood, and I just want to make them feel that their comments have no effect on me at all!"

"I'm almost mad, and it doesn't work at all..." Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "Is the one who always bullies you the same woman I met when I came here last time?"

"No..." Luo Xiaoqiong shook her head, "I can't say which one it is. Everyone is polite to me on the surface, but no one wants to really date me.

Can you understand that feeling? It's..." She paused and thought about her words before continuing, "It's that feeling of being among many people but dying of loneliness.

Seeing everyone laughing with you, you can clearly see the despicable look in their eyes towards you. They all say hello when they meet, and you can feel their disdainful curling of lips even if you don't step out.

When I go to the toilet, I can hear other people talking about me, but I can't really go up and argue... Anyway, it's a similar feeling, the feeling of being hostile to everyone, but you really want to say who is hostile to you. , but couldn’t find one. "

"Hey!" Chu Xia sighed. Of course she could understand this feeling. When she first came to this time and space, she had a similar feeling, being in a lively crowd but feeling lonely to death.

It was Luo Xiaoqiong's closeness to her that allowed her to integrate into this era little by little. Therefore, this girl was something she would be grateful for in her whole life, so of course she had to accompany her through this difficult time.

"Xiaoqiong, tell me the truth, do you have any plans for your future?" Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "You also know my brother's character. If you continue to work hard like this, as his wife, One day you will become the envy of others.

So, I want to know, what is your truest thought in your heart is to stand side by side with my brother, or do you just want to be his good wife? "

"I don't know either..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked confused, "I really hope that I will have a good development, but sometimes I will be overwhelmed by this environment and feel very unhappy.

I also asked myself, would I be happy just being an ordinary woman, standing behind Zhao Qiliang, shrouded in his halo? Turns out I couldn't find the answer.

I know very well that even if I have no development, my father-in-law and mother-in-law will not dislike me, and Zhao Qiliang will not dislike me. However, I feel that if I am so worthless, I will become farther and farther away from you. Anyway... anyway I'm almost conflicted now..."

"Hey..." Sighing, Chu Xia held her shoulders and patted her, "I can understand your mood. In fact, your current mentality is mainly because the relationship with your colleagues is too bad, or, looking back, you Discuss with Director Xu and help you change your environment. Her current arrangement seems to be a bit counterproductive."

"Yes, yes..." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded repeatedly, "I feel the same way. Although I have fully adapted to this job now and can do it well, but because of Dean Xu, everyone's requirements for me It will be higher, and the pressure I put on myself will be heavier, and then..." She spread her hands, "It's so stressful that I'm almost going to suffer from depression."

"Then it's settled..." Chu Xia shook her head helplessly, "When I saw you last time, I asked you how you felt, and you said you liked this job very much and you were very qualified. Have you been lying to me all this time?

Luo Xiaoqiong, if you play tricks with me again in the future, don’t blame me for falling out with you. I have told you many times that whether we are together often or not, the relationship between us is different from others. Is it difficult? Do you really think I'm just joking to make you happy?

In other words, I have always been pretentious in thinking how good we two are, but in fact, in your eyes, we are just ordinary friends, right? "Oh, in order to let this guy put down his psychological burden, he used all kinds of provocations. Is it easy for her?! R1152

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