First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 956 Returning to her parents’ home

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Second update.


"I'm really not sure about next Friday, but I will try my best..." Lin Wenbin smiled and rubbed Yinger's head, "The little girl is quite smart. Tell your uncle what you want, and wait until you finish the game. Uncle bought it for you."

"I don't lack anything now..." After a moment of hesitation, the little girl looked at Lin Wenbin slightly uneasily, "Uncle, can I use this reward on others?"

Lin Wenbin nodded: "Of course."

"I want a pair of reading glasses, not the kind with big and heavy lenses..." the little girl gestured hard, "the kind with very thin edges and the lenses are only as big as the horizontal circles of an egg. "

"Okay." Lin Wenbin looked at her doubtfully, "Who is Ying'er planning to give the reading glasses to?"

"Give it to my grandma..." the little girl replied while secretly glancing at Chu Xia. Seeing that she didn't look unhappy, she continued, "The last time grandma came to see me, she hit a tree and her forehead was raised. There’s a bag.”

"Why don't you tell grandpa?" Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "Ying'er, it's been a long time since you came home. Everyone loves you and doesn't hate your grandma. When something like this happens, you You can tell it directly.”

"Grandma didn't let me say it..." She sighed like a little adult, and looked at Chu Xia pitifully, "Little aunt, I told grandma that my family is very kind to me, but grandma still doesn't let me say it. , I don’t want grandma to worry.”

"Grandma went to school to see you, right?"

"Yeah." The little girl looked uneasy, "Little aunt, I didn't mean not to say it, it was my grandma who didn't let me say it. She said that if I told her, she would never visit me again."

"Then have you thought about how to give her glasses?"

"No." The little girl lowered her head, "But I don't want her to break her head again."

"Yinger is a filial child, and this is worthy of praise. But in the future, Yinger will get older and have to learn to have her own ideas. Grandma won't let Yinger talk because she doesn't understand our family. , you can explain it to her, right?"

Ying'er looked at Chu Xia with a bitter look on her face: "Little aunt, I told grandma, but she didn't believe what I said.

She said that I was just a child and didn't understand, so she asked me to just listen to her. She also said that if I didn't listen to her, she would never come to see me again. "

I'm sorry for this old lady's trick. No matter what, she threatens not to come to visit. Indeed, she does it for her granddaughter's good. However, if this misunderstanding lasts for a long time, it will definitely affect the relationship between Ying'er and the Zhou family. .

"Does Ying'er think what grandma said makes sense?" Chu Xia asked in a persuasive way.

"I..." the little girl looked at Chu Xia pitifully, "I don't know."

Sure enough, she guessed correctly. When the child said this, it meant that the child had believed some of Lu Yu'e's words. After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia guessed exactly. She took the little girl's shoulder and looked directly at her: " Did grandma tell you that as the Zhou family has more and more babies, no one will love you as much as they do now?"

"Well." The little girl looked at Chu Xia with a guilty look on her face, "Little aunt, I still like my little brother and sister very much, but..." She bit her lip, "But when I was at grandma's house before, it was because of If I lose my little brothers and sisters, no one will care about me anymore.”

"Don't worry, no matter how many little brothers and sisters there are in the Zhou family, everyone will still love Yinger as before. My aunt promises you that she will never lie."

"Really?" The little girl's eyes lit up, "Little aunt, can we have a hookup?"


After hooking up her fingers, one big and one small, and pulling her away solemnly, the smile on the little girl's face brightened again. This showed that Lu Yu'e's words during this period had a great impact on the child.

Chu Xia can completely understand the child's little thoughts.

A female classmate of hers once told her that she was scared when her younger brother was born, because when her mother was pregnant, many people teased her and said that from now on, everyone would only like her younger brother and not her. .

At that time, her female classmate even thought about how to take the little brother out of her mother's belly, and secretly reached out to dig at her mother's belly at night.

Fortunately, the child was weak and the adults were asleep and alert, so no serious consequences occurred.

Later, after the younger brother was born, the focus of the elders naturally shifted to the younger children. The female classmate said that what she was looking forward to most at that time was for her younger brother to disappear from this world.

At that time, the female classmate was only six years old.

It wasn't until she was ten years old that she was always clinging to her younger brother, and he actually kissed her, and she gradually began to like her younger brother.

This is still with his biological parents, and he only has one younger brother.

Ying'er originally had a sensitive personality, but now she was living with Zhou Shanping and his wife, but Wang Lei was pregnant again. It would be strange if she wasn't worried.

Speaking of which, Lu Yu'e is also a bit selfish. She should know how insecure such a big child is. Fortunately, Ying'er's personality has changed drastically due to everyone's influence. If it is the same as before, she might do something to Wang Lei, then This is really going to be a big mistake.

It seems that Mrs. Zhou should be informed about this matter and talk to Lu Yu'e, otherwise, if she always educates Ying'er like this in the future, something will happen sooner or later.

When I got home in the evening, Chu Xia told Mrs. Zhou about this.

The old lady was silent for a long time, sighed heavily, and patted Chu Xia on the shoulder: "Xia, it's really rare for you to think about things so thoroughly at your age.

Ying'er's age now is the time to shape her character. This child has lived with Lu Yu'e since she was a child, so she is naturally more close to her. If she is always told like this, she will inevitably go astray in the future.

Grandma can also understand Lu Yu'e's thoughts. She hopes that Yinger will grow up to be a well-rounded child, but she cannot always stay by Yinger's side. Such a one-sided education will definitely run counter to her ideas.

Don't worry, take a free day, grandma and your third uncle will go to grandma Ying'er's house together. Speaking of which, Lu Yu'e is also having a hard time now, and she is not a bad person. If you can help her, help her. A handful, this can also make the grudge in Ye's heart smaller. "

Chu Xia scratched her head in confusion: "Grandma, why do I feel like I'm suing and being a villain?"

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Old Mrs. Zhou glared at her with dissatisfaction, "You are doing this for the sake of the harmony of our entire family. How can you say you are suing and being a villain?"

"Hehe..." Chu Xia smiled proudly, "Grandma, you have fallen into my trap, I am teasing you, but you actually take it seriously, hahaha..."

Mrs. Zhou: "..."

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Luo Xiaoqiong came back to San San. Everyone got up early in the morning and waited eagerly. Because they had followed the rules of their hometown these days, early summer had not passed. Naturally, the mood of anticipation was the same as everyone else.

Of course, the person who was looking forward to it the most was the fat aunt. She didn’t eat much for breakfast. She sat in the living room, stretching her neck and looking out from time to time. She saw Grandma Dagang smiling all the time, saying that she Gonna turn into a long-necked donkey.

"Aunt, just laugh at me..." The fat aunt smiled helplessly, "You can describe me in a nicer way. The neck of a goose is also quite long. Why do you insist on describing me as a donkey? ?”

Grandpa Dagang chuckled and answered: "It's already good that she didn't describe you as a mule, so just be satisfied."

Fat aunt: "..."

Luo Gangshun looked at his wife funny: "It's not that you don't know the temperament of your in-laws, and it's not that you don't know the temperament of Qiliang. Why are you so anxious? I tell you, if you marry Meiying, you can only live a better life than before. It will definitely not be worse than before.”

"Of course I know this truth, but knowing is one thing, and how to do it is another..." The fat aunt glared at her husband, "Don't make trouble."

Amid everyone's expectations, Luo Xiaoqiong and Zhao Qiliang entered the door happily.

The first time she saw her daughter, the little uneasiness in the fat aunt's heart disappeared.

Indeed, she has always known who her daughter's in-laws are, but after all, no one has ever touched a spoon in a pot, and her daughter has such a straight temper... In fact, even though she thinks so, she herself feels funny, even if it is true It's impossible to have conflicts right after getting married. What on earth does she want to do with her brain?

Now that she saw her daughter's happy face, she felt that her previous behavior was even more ridiculous.

"Mom!" After putting down her things and greeting all the elders, Luo Xiaoqiong threw herself into the fat aunt's arms, patting her back repeatedly, "Mom, I miss you."

"Don't say nice things, the smile on your face is about to fall off. I still miss my mother, can you take care of me?" The fat aunt said this, but she took her daughter's face with her hand and looked at her carefully. .

"Mom..." Luo Xiaoqiong felt uncomfortable seeing her, so she turned away with a blushing face, "It's not been a long time since we last met, why are you doing this? You're so embarrassed."

"I am your mother, what are you embarrassed about?" The fat aunt looked at her daughter speechlessly, "You and your mother are far away from each other just after you get married? How can you pay it forward in the future?"

"Mom, Xiaoqiong has been talking about you a lot these past two days..." Zhao Qiliang hurriedly stepped forward to help his wife, "If it weren't for the rules, I would have come over to see you.

After dinner last night, she went to bed and lay down, saying she wanted to go to bed early and get up early, but until early in the morning, she was still there flipping pancakes and getting up before five o'clock in the morning. My mother was afraid Is there something I did wrong that made her angry? She took me aside and asked me secretly. "

"Hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled coquettishly, "Mom, Qiliang and his family are very good to me, but knowing that my parents are here, I am especially eager to see you. Brother is also bad, and we are in the same yard. I live there and don’t come to see me, it’s so annoying!” r1152 ()

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