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"You kid, you've been really unreasonable for a while. If your brother comes to see you, won't he break the rules?" The fat aunt reached out and poked her daughter on the forehead, "You are already someone's wife, and you are still so ignorant. , Fortunately Qiliang has a good temper, and your father-in-law and mother-in-law are also open-minded, otherwise, how unhappy would people be if you just mess around like this?"

"Hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled sheepishly, "Qiliang and my father-in-law and mother-in-law both understand that I am not unhappy living with them, I just look forward to the whole family being together.

When we were walking here today, my parents-in-law said that when we go back tonight, we finally don’t have to be so particular anymore, and they were also panicking. "

"Actually, you don't have to be so particular. You didn't have to be particular when you got married in early summer. Why don't you still live a good life?" Fat Aunt said while glaring at Luo Gangshun. "It's all you. You have a lot of problems."

"Hey..." Luo Gangshun sighed, "I don't want to either, but the old couple at home said such cruel words, what do you want me to do? If something happens to the old couple, then I will I feel very sorry."

"You are superstitious." The fat aunt snorted and looked at Zhao Yulan, "What kind of society is this? The old couple still talked so much. Maybe they were afraid that we wouldn't listen. They said before leaving, don't leave. You have to live a life of patronizing your daughter and forgetting about your whole family."

Zhao Yulan just patted her comfortingly and couldn't say anything. After all, the old couple were Luo Gangshun's parents. It was hard for her to express her opinion as an outsider.

According to the people of Dalin Village, after a daughter gets married, she must not meet her mother's family before returning home, otherwise her mother's family will never be able to change her life.

In fact, the origin of this saying is that the husband's family did not want the daughter-in-law who had just passed away to secretly send things to her parents' family, and they deliberately said this to seriously frighten the daughter-in-law.

No one would violate the rules in my hometown because my husband's family is close to me and they live together all year round. There is no need to run home early before returning home. But when I come here, I only have a few days off. No matter how fastidious they are, let alone them. There is really no need to hold a wedding when we return to our hometown.

Previously, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe thought that there was no need for this. Once Luo Gangshun explained the reason, everyone had no choice but to act according to the rules. Although they all knew that this was superstition, if it came true, they would really feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

After a while of greetings, everyone sat around and started chatting.

After going out to relax, Xiaojing's condition was better than before. She took the initiative to make honey tea and brought it to a few girls, with a smile on her face.

Luo Xiaoqiong knew Xiaojing's situation when she lived here before. Now she asked Chu Xia in a low voice: "Have Xiaojing reconciled with that Zhang Jun?"

"How is that possible?!"

"That's when you meet a lovely boy."

"No, I just followed us out for a walk to relax, and I felt much better after I came back." Chu Xia sighed, "This is also someone who is easy to get into trouble, and it's not worth fighting for someone like that.

Fortunately, her grandparents are kind-hearted, considerate of her emotions, and think about everything for her. If she wants to leave it to someone else's house, she will probably send it away after all this trouble. "

"That's right, the last time I splashed water on you, you must have been kicked out."

"Don't talk about me being so domineering, okay?" Chu Xia pushed her angrily and changed the subject, "By the way, where have you been over the past two days? Has Battalion Commander Liu been there?"

"Of course." Luo Xiaoqiong immediately smiled and beamed, "It's not that there is a problem in the past, it's just that it passes day by day. Moreover, she took the initiative to confess her love in front of all of us.

He also stated that he would wait for Sister Qihui for a year as Sister Qihui said. Even if Sister Qihui chooses someone else, he would not complain. He said that he was particularly grateful to Sister Qihui for giving him this opportunity. "

Chu Xia looked in disbelief: "You just said it so bluntly? In front of my uncle and aunt?"


He said this in front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and he also specifically promised her father-in-law and mother-in-law that if she could be with Sister Qihui in the future, she would treat her like a pain in the eyes and treat her father-in-law and mother-in-law as her biological parents. "

"Now I finally understand why Zhong Hongying got close to Liu Yingzhang in such a short period of time. With Liu Yingzhang's character, I guess he also confessed to Zhong Hongying in the same way at that time."

"Hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong laughed, "Sister Qihui was even more outrageous and asked directly. He blushed at that time and said that at that time, he really regarded Zhong Hongying as a good girl who was kind and could endure hardships.

Then Sister Qihui asked him if he was really given a chance in the future, would he stay with her for a while? If she found out that the other person was not who she imagined, she would definitely give up.

He shook his head and said absolutely not. He said that he was cautious this time and made this decision after many observations and confirmations. It was the result of particularly mature consideration. "

"Pull it down, he has been sticking to Sister Qihui's side since the first time we met. How to observe her from multiple aspects? Oh, that's right. Maybe he stuck to Sister Qihui's side at that time just to observe Sister Qihui... "Chu Xia slapped her forehead fiercely, "This Battalion Commander Liu is quite cunning. He looks so honest and has a lot of playfulness."

"You and Sister Qihui are indeed sisters. She said so at the time..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled to herself for a while and then said, "I was too embarrassed to laugh in front of him. It almost choked me to death."

"Sister Qihui said this, how did Battalion Commander Liu explain it?"

"He said that his greatest advantage is that he is good at seizing opportunities. He will never be in a dilemma about moving forward or backward because he is afraid of other people's remarks. He said that he thought Sister Qihui would misunderstand him like this, but he didn't mind. , saying that time is the best evidence.

In early summer, have you noticed that when Liu Yingzhang deals with relationships, he is so inconsistent with his appearance? He is really dissatisfied with his behavior. However, it is quite romantic. Your brother would not say such things. , we are both married, and he has never expressed his love to me in this way.

Well, thinking about it, I feel like I’m at a huge loss. I was the one who took the initiative in the beginning, and I’m destined to be the passive one in this life. It’s such a shame. "

"Regret it?" Chu Xia smiled evilly and stretched out her hand to greet Zhao Qiliang, "Brother, come here." Luo Xiaoqiong was so frightened that she kept tugging on her sleeves and murmured in a low voice, "I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Zhao Qiliang came over and sat next to his wife. He glanced at his wife's expression and asked, "Why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?" As he spoke, he reached out to touch Luo Xiaoqiong's head. For a moment, he relaxed. tone, but didn’t ask any more questions.

As soon as Chu Xia saw her cousin's expression, she knew that the other party had misunderstood that the two of them had whispered something forbidden to children. This kind of misunderstanding was really serious...

But she couldn't explain anything, so she pinched Luo Xiaoqiong quietly. The guy looked at her in confusion, as innocent as he wanted, but she had no choice but to kill her Taoist friend rather than the poor Taoist.

"We were just talking about Battalion Commander Liu's romance with Sister Qi Hui. Xiaoqiong said that you have never been romantic with her. I want to call you to come and ask. It scared her like this.

Brother, this means you haven't done enough. Otherwise, how could she be so frightened by just such a small thing, right? Brother, I have to work hard to be a qualified husband. "

"Who... who is afraid?" Luo Xiaoqiong explained, "I just... I'm just embarrassed, so I'm not afraid. Don't accuse me unjustly and create conflicts between us as husband and wife."

Early summer: "..."

Zhao Qiliang rubbed his wife's head dotingly: "Okay, I understand, but I may not be able to do it. Thinking about it from another perspective, up to now, I have only liked you, and then I married you.

Battalion Commander Liu is quite romantic, but no matter who he ends up marrying, he is not the only one. Thinking about it, it’s quite shocking, isn’t it? "

Chu Xia looked at her old brother with a speechless face, this is the dead Taoist friend but not the poor Taoist! If Zhao Qihui were here and heard what her brother said, would she still give Battalion Commander Liu a chance?

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qiliang also felt that his behavior was not very aboveboard, so he made up for it: "Of course, this just represents the difference in personality and has nothing to do with character. I believe that Liu Yingchang has chosen the right goal and will definitely stick to it. .”

"Brother..." Chu Xia's expression suddenly became serious, "I suddenly thought of a question. We all have a good impression of Battalion Commander Liu, and we also feel that we can't blame him for what happened with Zhong Hongying.

However, you are the one who knows him better when you are often with him, so what do you think of his character? If you are negative about him, is there no need to ask Sister Qihui to give him a chance? "

When his sister said this, Zhao Qiliang's expression became serious: "Liu Yingzhang's character is absolutely no problem. If he hadn't pushed me away at the right time during this mission, today's wedding would definitely not have been held. Moreover, he was Because pushing me away is an extremely dangerous thing. If he was the kind of person who only cared about himself, he would never have done that kind of thing at that time.

He is indeed a more proactive person when it comes to dealing with relationships between men and women. This has something to do with his own age. The elders in his family always urge him and ask him to go back to his hometown for a blind date, but he doesn't want to marry someone he doesn't know, so he just I want to find it myself.

These were the only people he came into contact with in the army. If he didn't take the initiative, how could the opportunity come to him by himself? Therefore, his behavior is completely understandable. "

"It seems that Battalion Commander Liu is really optimistic about Sister Qihui. It's not easy for him to agree to wait for Sister Qihui for a year despite his family's urging." Chu Xia sighed, but became worried for Liu Lianbao, "What if? A year later, his hope has come to nothing, which is a bit pitiful." She now regrets agreeing to Zhou Mikang to help use Zhao Qihui to hang Liu Lianbao. Indeed, this can give him hope, but what if his hope comes to nothing? R1152

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