Four updates.


The worry in early summer infected Zhao Qiliang, and he frowned. He knew about the agreement between his sister and Liu Lianbao before, but he really didn't think much about it. Now that his cousin reminded him, he also found that this agreement seemed too unfair to Liu Lianbao. .

If my sister likes Liu Lianbao, she can give him a promise and let him wait for a year. But right now, it seems that is not the case...

What he worried about was the same as Chu Xia's. If his sister rejected Liu Lianbao directly, he was worried that the other party would fall into the same state again. For the time being, the division will not send them out on missions, but who knows when they will be sent out again?

"Brother, let's not bother each other. I'm going too far. Although it's cruel to wait for a year, it seems to be more terrible to lose all hope. It's the lesser of two evils. I'll tell Sister Qihui later. He said, I guess she will regret her previous decision when she thinks about it afterwards."

"That's all we can do..." With a long sigh, Zhao Qiliang looked at the two sisters, "You guys are chatting here, while I go to Brother Zhou and Brother Lin."

Zhou Mikang has been very busy during this period, and he probably won't be back until noon. The people responsible for entertaining the groom are Zhou Xikang, Lin Wenbin, and Zhou Huakang.

Wang Lei and Yu Tao were both more than eight months pregnant and felt tired easily. After sitting for a while, they went back to their rooms to rest. Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong were able to sit in the corner and whisper.

Glancing at the Zhou brothers chatting enthusiastically with Zhao Qiliang, and touching Liang Xiaohong's slightly absent-minded face, Luo Xiaoqiong asked in a low voice, "Mei Xiaofeng doesn't plan to come back yet?"

"If Zhou Zhongkang doesn't invite him in person, how can he come back?" Chu Xia sighed, "So it is really difficult to fundamentally change a person's character.

After what happened last time, everyone thought Zhou Zhongkang had changed. Now it seems that..." She shook her head and said no more. For such a willful man, anyone who lives with him will be punished.

"He just lives outside and pretends to be a bachelor?"


"It's really disgusting..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked contemptuous. "To be honest, I think Mei Xiaofeng can like him, but her taste is not very good. I won't marry such a person even if I kill him."

"Okay, don't stand and talk without hurting your back..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "If she had known that Zhou Zhongkang had such a temper,

It's impossible to take a fancy to him.

Don't forget. Some people have two faces before and after marriage. Moreover, when a woman is emotionally overwhelmed and cannot see clearly, she really cannot measure it with common sense.

Otherwise, there would be no story about Qin Xianglian and Chen Shimei, right? Although theoretically the story we know is inconsistent with the facts, the fact that it is so popular means that it has reached the hearts of many people, right? "

"It is indeed the second reincarnation of a woman when she gets married. Fortunately, we were all reincarnated into the right child..." Luo Xiaoqiong said with emotion on her face. Suddenly he stretched his head forward and looked at Chu Xia mysteriously, "How about I go see Doudou this afternoon?"

Chu Xia spread her hands: "I don't have any objection. It's you. You said you missed Fat Aunt and Gangshun Uncle before and couldn't sleep. Now you see them and want to run out. Aren't you going to smash your own eyes?"

"As long as we meet her, my parents understand my thoughts. Now I just want to know how Doudou is getting along with the Zhou family. She has been worried about her relationship with Zhou Hanying before."

"Zhou Hanying has a good temper and has always been polite to her. What does she have to worry about?" Chu Xia shook her head speechlessly. "Don't think that my sister-in-law is so fierce as a tiger, okay?"

"You don't know this, right? Zhou Hanying gets along well with her. But that Li Yuxiang is Zhou Hanying's friend, and they are getting married this time. Who knows whether they will join in the fun?"

"Zhou Hanying and Li Yuxiang are getting along again?"

"That's right..." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, "Last time I told Zhou Hanliang that I would not be influenced by Li Yuxiang and try to minimize contact with her, but after all, the two of them are friends who grew up playing together, and Li Yuxiang always He was deliberately trying to please him, and Zhou Hanying was a soft-hearted person. As soon as they went back and forth, the two of them became on the same page again.

When Zhou Hanliang brought Doudou home, Li Yuxiang was there. After all, Zhou Hanying was not too young, and Zhou Hanliang could not always interfere with her right to make friends.

Doudou didn't want Zhou Hanliang to be in trouble, and she didn't mention it, but when we talked with me before, she was worried that after marrying into the Zhou family, Li Yuxiang would still get involved.

And I heard that the woman has a very good relationship with Zhou Hanliang's family. You said that there is nothing else to do. When it's time to eat, she ran to the table to join in the fun. Wouldn't it make Doudou half angry to death? "

"Okay, let's go over and take a look after dinner..." Chu Xia said while laughing, "I guess Doudou is almost dead. On the day of the wedding, you complained that I stayed with you and ignored her. Now it's really going to hurt. I feel so wronged that I can definitely hold both of us and cry."

When it was almost lunch, Zhou Mikang rushed back. He glanced at his little wife before saying hello to the others. Luo Xiaoqiong smacked her lips in envy: "Master, you are such a good husband."

Chu Xia glanced at her sideways: "You mean my brother is not a good husband?"

"That's not true, but there is no comparison with the teacher. In a situation like this, your brother must have said hello to everyone before coming to see me..." Luo Xiaoqiong sighed, "You know how much I look forward to it. Can he only have eyes for me?"

Early summer: "..."

"Don't look like that. I don't mean that he only cares about me and doesn't care about others. What I mean is that he cares about me first and then cares about others. What I want is a sequence, which represents the importance of my position in his heart. Well." Luo Xiaoqiong said while nudging Chu Xia, "I'm not jealous of you, don't accuse me unjustly."

"You're not jealous of me, you're jealous of all of us. The problem is, you don't think about my brother's character or Zhou Mikang's character. If my brother comes in one day and just ignores you and ignores others, it will definitely be You’re about to give birth.”

Luo Xiaoqiong's face turned red: "You can't say it so fast."

"Xiaoqiong, something's not right with you..." Chu Xia looked her up and down, then glanced at her belly, "You really don't already have it, do you?"

"Who... who said that?" Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes flickered, not daring to look at her, "If it really happened, could I not tell you? No... don't accuse me unjustly."

"No, your attitude was wrong when we talked about this issue before, and it's even more wrong today, Xiaoqiong..." Chu Xia stretched her head in front of her and lowered her voice, "As far as our relationship is concerned, you still have to use it. Are you hiding it from me?" (To be continued) ()

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