Three updates.


The next day, Jun Doudou and Zhou Hanliang came to the Zhou family as guests. When they were alone with Chuxia Luo Xiaoqiong, Jun Doudou apologized to the two of them with an embarrassed look: "I'm sorry that I made you run away yesterday. .”

"Quickly pull her down." Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes, "We have known each other for a day, is there any need to say such nonsense? According to what you said, Chu Xia and I should apologize to you, and we don't It's really inappropriate to run over after saying hello and cause your adoptive parents' family to fall apart."

"Your mouth..." Jun Doudou shook his head helplessly, "Can you be a little more lenient?"

"You were the one who started it, can you blame me?"

"Okay, it's all my fault..." Helpless, Jun Doudou had no choice but to compromise and turned to look at Chu Xia, "As you can see, we usually have this pattern when we are together. I have to give in. Hold her."

"Who told you to be so polite?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at her unconvinced, "I treat you as my best friend and tell you everything. What about you? You've been so polite for a while. That's what I hate most about you. Son."

"Are you really telling me everything?" Jun Doudou raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

Luo Xiaoqiong nodded without thinking: "Of course."

Jun Doudou looked her up and down with a wicked smile: "A month ago, Zhou Hanliang and I met you and Zhao Qiliang on Hukou Road. Did you tell me what you two were doing?"

"You..." Luo Xiaoqiong's face turned red instantly, "You...what are you talking about?"

Looking at their attitudes, Chu Xia understood what they were talking about, and suddenly remembered that Jun Doudou had mentioned this matter when she called her. She also had suspicions at the time, but she didn't say it out loud. I guess Jun Doudou had the same idea as her. I'm just too embarrassed to say it.

Now that Luo Xiaoqiong and Zhao Qiliang are married, let's talk about this matter. It's not so taboo anymore.

"Okay, okay, I'm just talking nonsense, you don't have to be so anxious..." Jun Doudou said and sighed, "I'm just saying this now because I'm thinking about my sister.

Hey, if you don't tell me, girls really can't drink randomly. My sister drank too much. She was accidentally taken advantage of by her boyfriend and had to get married.

In fact, she was quite satisfied with Li Youpeng originally.

But after the two really became husband and wife, Li Youpeng seemed to be a different person. Not only was he not as careful as before, he was also not clear with the female workers in the factory.

My sister wanted to break up with him, but he said that if my sister dared not to marry him, he would tell the story about her and my sister, so that my sister would not be able to gain a foothold in the factory.

It’s also reached this point. Only then did my sister find out that Li Youpeng had lied to her before. His family was so poor that he even broke the pot. Just imagine a family of seven crowded into a small house of more than ten square meters. "

"Seven people live in a house of more than ten square meters?" Chu Xia scratched her head, with a look of disbelief on her face, "Could it be that they sleep in rows on the floor?"

"His grandparents and parents slept in a big bed, and he and his brother lived in a small bed. There was a small curtain on the balcony for his sister to sleep on.

His brother still has no girlfriend. After he gets married, he and my sister will live in that house..." Jun Doudou spread her hands and said, "I really can't imagine how we will live there. "

"I can't imagine it either." Chu Xia shook her head, "Your sister seems quite shrewd. How could you find such a person? We don't dislike the poor and love the rich, but at the very least, we have to have a place to stay, right?

Well, even if there is no place for it. You also need to have some moral character, right? If you marry a man who threatens others with despicable means, you will regret it. It is better to break up early and make a quick decision.

But..." she sighed, "As an outsider, it's easy to say it, but it's difficult for the person involved to do it. After all, you have to take into account the pressure of public opinion. That man only grasped this and dared to be so arrogant. "

"Xiaoqiong, why have you been silent?" Jun Doudou glanced at Luo Xiaoqiong, who had been silent, in confusion, "You are always the most angry about this kind of thing, why are you so abnormal today? Are you still angry with me? Are you angry? We can’t be so petty."

"Who is angry with you?" Luo Xiaoqiong rolled her eyes at her and smiled unnaturally, "I just don't know what to say. Things have reached this point. It's useless for us to be angry or accuse.

The key point is whether your pregnant. If...if she's not pregnant, you can consider moving her job elsewhere to hide. If she is pregnant, there's really nothing you can do. "

"Yes..." Jun Doudou slapped her forehead fiercely, "Why didn't I think of this? Yes, this is really a solution. After hearing what my sister said yesterday, I have been feeling sorry for her, Xiaoqiong, Thank you, you really helped me a lot.”

"You're so polite..." Luo Xiaoqiong pouted, "I just said that I hate you the most, and I did it again right away."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Jun Doudou quickly apologized, "My mind has been in chaos these past few days, and it is inevitable that I will be careless, so please don't pick on me."

Luo Xiaoqiong remembered that she had been worried and asked: "By the way, when you got married, did Li Yuxiang not cause trouble?"

"Can you not go?" Jun Doudou rolled his eyes, "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people. I have really gained experience. In early summer, the person named Ye Meiru before, and this Li Yuxiang It's nothing in comparison.

You all can't imagine that on the night of our wedding, it was not just the wedding night, but all the men were there, and she went directly to it alone.

The custom at Zhou Hanliang’s place is that no one can be young or old that night, no matter how old or young they are. In other words, if anyone comes to make trouble for us, we will have to suffer.

Then Li Yuxiang went there. Of course she was not making trouble with me, but to make trouble with Zhou Hanliang. Do you know how she made trouble? He actually took off Zhou Hanliang's clothes in front of everyone.

Everyone saw how excited she was and joined in the fun. Zhou Hanliang was too embarrassed to resist too much, so they really took off his clothes.

Then, the woman touched, hugged and kissed Zhou Hanliang in front of me. Not only me, but all the people who were having trouble with the wedding were stunned. Finally, someone notified Zhou Hanying, who went in and dragged her out. .

To tell you the truth, I didn’t let Zhou Hanliang touch me that night. Just thinking about Li Yuxiang’s abuse on him makes me sick. He said that he was also shocked at the time, and the other person was a woman and he didn’t want to touch her. Only by following her will the other party succeed.

But according to what he said, if I wasn't there that day, would he have to wait for Li Yuxiang to favor him? That would be really interesting..."

Even if they didn't see the scene at that time, Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong were still shocked. They had thought of various tricks for Li Yuxiang to trouble Jun Doudou, but they didn't expect this trick.

The main thing is, after such a move, how will Li Yuxiang deal with herself in the local area?

This woman is really not an ordinary person, or maybe she just wants to use this method to break up the family so that she can marry Zhou Hanliang?

Isn't that too childish?

Without waiting for the two of them to express their opinions, Jun Doudou continued: "You think this is the end? That's really a big mistake. He was taken away that night and went back early the next morning.

Because the custom in Zhou Hanliang's place is that the first day is for the wedding ceremony, and the second day is for seeing the new wife. Even the girls and wives in the village can come to me to ask for wedding candies.

Then, she really went to me to ask for the candy, and even said in front of everyone that if she had done it earlier, she would be the one who wanted the wedding candy, not me.

Later, Zhou Hanliang went in and kicked her out with a sullen face. As a result, she sat in the hall with snot and tears and cried to Zhou Hanliang's parents about her regrets.

Zhou Hanliang's parents are both honest people. Although they were annoyed by her crying, they were too embarrassed to kick her out. Then during lunch, Zhou Hanying gave in and she really stayed..."

Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong are just a black line, they are too experienced~

"Anyway, I've been really pissed off by her these past few days..." Jun Doudou waved his hands in disgust, "Zhou Hanliang is scolding his sister, and she is not allowed to associate with Li Yuxiang.

But her sister also felt aggrieved. Girls always have to have a companion when going out. If she is not with Li Yuxiang, she will have to go out alone, and her family will not worry.

Therefore, even though the Zhou family knew about Li Yuxiang's thoughts about Zhou Hanliang, they turned a blind eye. Moreover, the Zhou family also felt in their hearts that with the existence of such a person, I would have a sense of urgency and would treat Zhou Hanliang. It’s so good... Oh, just talking about it brings me to tears! "

"Compared to you, I'm really happy..." Luo Xiaoqiong reached out and patted her, "Looking at it this way, all my troubles are nothing to worry about. Doudou, in fact, the time you met me a month ago, you Guessed it.

Now, I am basically sure that I may have won the bid, so I will also face some difficulties next. This shows that no one is unlucky at all. If you want to be more open-minded, as long as Zhou Hanliang treats you well, that is enough. . "

Not only Jun Doudou looked at Luo Xiaoqiong blankly, but Chu Xia also looked speechless. Is she making a secret exchange? Well, being decisive is still a child!

"You..." Jun Doudou quickly suppressed his worries and stared at Luo Xiaoqiong's abdomen nervously, "You are early summer?"

"Yes." Luo Xiaoqiong blushed and nodded, "Now only you and Chu Xia know, don't tell me, or I won't tell you anything in the future."

"Of course I won't tell anyone, but can you keep it a secret?" Jun Doudou looked at her worriedly, "Do you feel sick and want to vomit now?"


"Do you always want to run to the bathroom?"


"Do you have……"


Chu Xia looked at the two of them speechlessly, not knowing what to say. One of them had never been pregnant or had a baby and had no experience at all. He was pretending to teach the other person experience. There are other things more ridiculous than this. ? (To be continued) ()

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