First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 962: Hit the nail on the head

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Suddenly, Jun Doudou stopped talking and looked at Chu Xia with a smile: "I forgot, you are the one who knows the best about this aspect. Well, I...what I just said is not wrong, right?"

"Doudou, you have done a lot of homework..." Chu Xia smiled and put his arm around her shoulders, "It feels like I don't know as much as you do. It seems that this plan took more than a day or two."

"Doudou..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked Jun Doudou up and down, "You can't... you can't be..."

"What are you thinking about?" Jun Doudou interrupted her urgently, "I stay in the hospital every day and have seen and heard a lot. What's so strange about knowing this?"

"You think it's embarrassing to be like me?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at her with a hurt face, "So you were just comforting me, were you laughing at me?"

"" Jun Doudou hurriedly explained, "How could I laugh at you? It's too late for me to admire you. How could you think so?"

"Isn't that what you said just now, exactly what I thought?"

"No, no... I... Zhou Hanliang and I are different from you and Zhao Qiliang..." Biting her lips, Jun Doudou looked at the two of them with a red face, "Actually, I also want to use your trick, but Didn’t succeed.”

"Really?" Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes widened instantly, "When did it happen? It's so uninteresting. You have never mentioned this to me."

"Didn't you tell me originally?" Jun Doudou sighed and said, "I was forced to have no choice but to use this method to force Zhou Hanliang to marry me.

But he was so thief, he saw through my thoughts at once. Not only did he stop me from drinking, but he also made it clear. He said that if I had really thought about it, he would not back down.

However, he did not accept my approach. He said that he did not agree before because of my consideration. Now that I have figured it out myself, he will no longer be pretentious.

He said that he would never accept such a beautiful thing becoming a bargaining chip for having to get married. He felt that I did that because I didn't believe him and didn't understand him. Anyway, in the end, he only forgave me after I admitted my mistake countless times.

I felt ashamed to see him afterwards.

Fortunately, he kept his word and came to my house to propose marriage another day. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to face him. "

"I... what should I say?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia weakly, "Does it mean that Zhao Qiliang has no determination, or that his feelings for me are not as deep as Zhou Hanliang's feelings for Jun Doudou?"

"Get out of here!" Chu Xia glared at her, "Is this kind of thing easy to compare? You don't even think about how many things Zhou Hanliang has been through and how many things my brother has been through.

I am definitely not saying this just because he is my brother and I am going with him. It is purely a case-by-case basis. They have different personalities and different experiences. Is it fair for you to hold them to the same standards? "

Luo Xiaoqiong breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, why didn't I think of this? I just thought that Zhao Qiliang would fall into the trap as soon as I used the beauty trick. It seemed too inferior."

"Do you dare to say anything to you in the future like this?" Jun Doudou looked at her helplessly, "Do you know that I almost scared you to death just now.

I originally wanted to let you know that we are the same in this regard. Who knew that your entry point was Zhou Hanliang's? It seemed like I was showing off. "

"Hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled coquettishly, "If Zhao Qiliang knew about my doubts just now, he would definitely be angry to death. It was obviously me who plotted against him, but I still blame him. Is it really more unfair than Dou E?

In fact, speaking of it, he also believed in me so much that he fell into my trap. Doudou, when I say this, do you think Zhou Hanliang doesn't believe you? "

"No." Jun Doudou shook her head, "I don't have as many random thoughts as you do. You are pregnant now, so I don't care about you."

Chu Xia answered with a smile: "You are right. I was wondering before, how could a person who was so happy suddenly become suspicious and indecisive. Now I know that it is all caused by the mutation of estrogen."

Luo Xiaoqiong stared at her dissatisfied: "Are you trying to show that you are not affected by estrogen?"

"Look, are you overthinking it? I knew how bad-tempered I was back then..." Chu Xia shook her head in amusement, "You are really frighteningly sensitive now."

Luo Xiaoqiong's little face fell down: "It's over, I'm going to become a psychopath if I keep acting like this. Why do I think in other words when you just say something?"

"It's okay. It's been fine in the past few days. You just don't get used to it all of a sudden. Plus, since things haven't been explained to you, I'm feeling agitated..." Chu Xia patted her comfortingly, "I know you understand the truth, but you just can't control it. For yourself, but for the sake of your child, you must calm down your emotions. You don’t want to give birth to a child with an impatient personality in the future, right?”

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia blankly, "You're not trying to scare me, are you? My emotions can really affect... affect..." After a few words, she was still embarrassed to say "baby" Two words, pointing to his stomach, "Affected his mood?"

"It will have an impact. Otherwise, why don't you say you can't be angry when you're pregnant?"

Luo Xiaoqiong breathed a long sigh of relief. After a while, she couldn't help but grimace: "I can't do it. Just thinking about my mother knowing about it makes me feel confused."

"Persuade yourself, there is really no other way to deal with this..." Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "No matter how we persuade you now, in fact, you are listening with your ears but not in your heart.

Because you yourself always feel that it would be extremely embarrassing if Fat Aunt Gangshun and Uncle Gangshun and my uncle and aunt knew about this matter. Even if I tell you, except Fat Aunt, who will be a little uncomfortable at first, everyone else will I'm just happy, but you won't believe it.

Therefore, there are only two ways before you now. One is to persuade yourself to relax, and the other is to simply confess to your elders and let go of the burden in your heart as soon as possible.

Luo Xiaoqiong, you have always been braver than me since childhood. This time, you can't be a coward, otherwise, I will really look down on you. "

"The provoking method is useless..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at her distressedly, "I understand what you said, but I just can't do it. I can't do any of them, what should I do?"

"Look at your mother-in-law..." Jun Doudou glared at her, "Instead of living in such fear, how can I get the pleasure of solving it all at once?

Even if the fat aunt scolds you, let her scold you. She has agreed to marry you, which means that she is extremely fond of Zhao Qiliang and this marriage. How could she fall out with you just because of this?

What's the difference between a few days earlier and a few days later? As for your husband's family, you don't need to worry. They can only be grateful to you when they know the truth, so how can they look down on you? "

Chu Xia answered: "I told her this, but she couldn't listen at all."

"Just be stubborn, you will regret it one day..." Jun Doudou looked at her seriously, "Don't think I'm alarmist, I'm definitely not joking.

Let me tell you, if I had succeeded and won the bid, I would definitely tell my family happily now. After all, the first three months are very dangerous. If something unexpected happens, it will definitely be an unbearable consequence. .

You, think about it carefully, is it better to wait for the right time like this, or is it better to just solve it all at once? To put it bluntly, whether face is more important or the child is more important, you can choose for yourself. "

Chu Xia gave Jun Doudou a thumbs up, but she didn't believe that Jun Doudou's last words couldn't touch Luo Xiaoqiong! Yes, why didn't she think of saying that before?

Sure enough, when three people are together, there must be my teacher. She thought that her advice was profound enough, but when the other party said these words, she realized that compared to Jun Doudou, so many of what she said were nonsense!

Sure enough, Luo Xiaoqiong's expression changed, and then she went out without saying a word.

"This is..." Jun Doudou looked at Chu Xia in disbelief, "Are you being persuaded by me?"

"Then you still need to ask?" Chu Xia looked at her with a smile, "Your last sentence just stabbed her in the heart. If she can't figure it out anymore, she would be really selfish."

"So I'm still a hero?" Jun Doudou smiled to herself for a while, then turned and walked out, "No, I have to go to Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao to receive the award. If it weren't for me, how could they be happy now? Are you happy?" He walked to the door and slapped his forehead fiercely, "I'm really stupid. Xiaoqiong just told Fat Aunt now, why am I joining in the fun?" Then she glared at Chu Xia, "I hate it! What are you doing? Don’t remind me.”

"That's so unreasonable..." Chu Xia looked at her funny, "I thought you were teasing me, but I didn't know you were serious."

"My brain suddenly went numb..." Jun Doudou stroked her forehead and sighed, "If Guo Guo were here, he might have to teach me a lesson again. Let me tell you, don't think Guo Guo is confused about something. But she observes some things more carefully than I do.

Yesterday when I went back to my parents' house and I was about to leave, my mother secretly shed tears. I didn't notice it, but Guoguo stared at me and thought that I just got married and didn't care about my family. At that time, I was wondering, it was my mother who took over the marriage. When she smiled on my sister's shoulder, I realized that the circles under my mother's eyes were red. "

"Second Aunt, when did you come here, are you okay?" Chu Xia turned around and found Liang Xiaohong standing at the door looking at her with some hesitation, then stood up to greet her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you. I just came here..." Liang Xiaohong looked at the two of them with a look of embarrassment. r1152 ()

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