Three updates.


Hearing Mrs. Zhou talk about Zhou Aiping, Chu Xia also fell silent. After all, she was the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, so she really couldn't express any opinion on this matter.

Seeing Chu Xia's embarrassment, Mrs. Zhou smiled and patted her: "When will you be able to talk to us like you talk to your parents? That means you really regard yourself as a member of the Zhou family."

"Grandma, you are wronging me by saying that..." Chu Xia said dissatisfiedly, "I have long regarded myself as a member of the Zhou family, but I really don't know Yinger's mother very well. You asked me How to answer the call?"

"So, grandma has wronged you..." Old Mrs. Zhou looked at her funny, "You kid, you and grandma are obviously hiding their secrets, but grandma just likes you, what should you do?"

"That means I didn't hide my secrets from grandma at all..." Chu Xia looked at the old lady seriously, "As you know, I always have reservations about people or things I don't understand.

I can't just rely on my elders' love for me and keep my mouth shut. Any opinions will always have an impact on others. I don't want my mistakes to influence other people's thinking.

Grandma, what you said shows that you haven't really regarded me as a member of the Zhou family. If the second sister and the fourth sister had reservations in this regard, you would definitely not say so, right? "

"You kid..." Old Mrs. Zhou nodded her head helplessly, "You don't suffer any loss with your mouth. Well, grandma is wrong. I apologize to you, okay?"

"Then there's no need..." Chu Xia laughed and shook her head, "I can't afford to ask grandma to apologize to me. Zhou Mikang will definitely scold me again if he finds out later."

"He dares to scold you?" Old Mrs. Zhou curled her lips, "Don't give him credit. He is very arrogant in front of others, but when he comes to you, he will definitely be able to control the dragon and the tiger. , I don’t dare to have any temper at all.”

"Grandma, what you said is too exaggerated..." Chu Xia felt embarrassed when the old lady said it, "And what you said makes me feel that I am particularly unreasonable."

"What's unreasonable about a person willing to fight and the other willing to suffer?" The old lady took her granddaughter-in-law's hand affectionately, "Xia, grandma is only happy to see that you two have a good relationship."

"I know." Chu Xia nodded, "If I was still worried before getting married, now, I really feel that I am very lucky to have met such a reasonable husband.

Grandma, despite my usual carelessness, in fact, I know how tolerant you, grandpa, and parents are to me, and I am very satisfied with it.

Sometimes, I really hope to be as obedient as my sister-in-law, so that grandma, grandpa, parents don't have to worry about me, but I can't convince myself.

After all, given my age, I still hope that I can learn more. I know that even if I am nothing, my family will not dislike me.

However, I hope that I can live up to my expectations. This is not to prove anything to anyone, but to hope that I can truly be a useful person, rather than a dodder flower that surrounds Zhou Mikang.

Grandma, don't worry, I will pay special attention to my own safety. Don't worry about me all the time. When it's really inconvenient, I won't go to school if you ask me to.

My parents have been worried that this matter will make you, grandpa, parents feel uncomfortable, so I decided to tell you in person and asked grandma to emphasize this matter to my parents again.

I guess seeing my aunt's nervousness towards Xiaoqiong later, they will change their mind again and let me stay in City A. Grandma, it's not that I don't want to stay, I just hope that I can be a trustworthy person.

For me, Mr. Qi and Aunt Qi moved specially, and Mr. Yuan,

If I stay there, I can continue studying even if I don't go to school. This is also a spiritual sustenance for me. Grandma, you can understand that, right? "

"You have already talked about this, can grandma not understand?" Old Mrs. Zhou sighed helplessly, "Originally grandma also wanted to persuade you to stay, but now that you are saying this, how can you still have the nerve to open your mouth?

But speaking of it, your child is also rare. Generally speaking, as long as girls get married and live a comfortable life, they are not willing to study hard. Grandma is very happy that you can have this determination.

Don't worry, your parents' grandma will tell them that if your mother-in-law misses you, you can ask her to go to the capital to see you. Anyway, I'm here.

Tao'er is about to give birth, and your third aunt is about to give birth, so grandma will stop running back and forth. Xia, you can't misunderstand that grandma doesn't value you. Grandma does this because she hopes to be a qualified mother-in-law. "

"Grandma, I understand. Speaking of which, mom is quite happy to be your wife..." Chu Xia said with a smile, "But I am also blessed. Mom is so open-minded, and grandma is also so open-minded.

I'm thinking now, it's a good thing I agreed to marry Zhou Mikang, otherwise I would have missed out on the best old woman and mother-in-law in the world. "

"It's good to know..." Old Mrs. Zhou gathered her grandson-in-law's bangs and fought for her grandson's rights. "Now that I know, I will be twice as kind to Xiaomi in the future. This is grandma's only request."

"It's necessary to be nice to him, but grandma, you sound like I'm always bullying him. Look at me, a little guy, can I bully him?

Don't forget that he usually asks for my opinion on everything. In fact, he is the one who makes the decision. Every time, if he and I have different opinions, I will ultimately listen to him.

Of course, on the surface, it seems that he listens to me. This is the level. How about someone who can be a teacher at a young age and others can't do it? Grandma, do you agree with what I say? "

The grandson's wife's words sounded like she was criticizing her grandson, but she was actually praising her precious grandson. How could the old lady be unhappy? A smile that stretches from ear to ear...

Zhou Mikang came back in the evening and learned about Xiaojing. With a gloomy face, he rushed to the bathroom like a whirlwind and threw away his toothbrush and toothbrush...

Early summer: "..."

"Why are you looking like this? It's so disgusting. Why didn't you tell me earlier..." Zhou Mikang said as he picked up a glass of water and rinsed his mouth vigorously...

"Uh..." Chu Xia stepped forward and poked him, "Do you think I can still let you use that toothbrush after I find out about this? Idiot, this set is basically a new set of mine, eh? , it’s such a waste for you to throw it away..."

"Did you change them for me?" Zhou Mikang turned to look at her, "Did you deliberately change the toothbrush and toothbrush to the same ones as before?"

"Yes." Chu Xia nodded, "And I specially rubbed your toothbrush with my hand, just to see if your observation skills are really as careful as you said, but the result..." She Shrugging his shoulders, "Too bad!"


This time it was Zhou Mikang's turn and he didn't know what to say. Marrying a wife who was much younger than himself was not good at all. His brain circuits were too different and he was tricked accidentally!

However, he still quite likes this feeling, and he doesn't feel like life is like a pool of stagnant water.

Anyway, the garbage basket was empty, so the teacher Zongzi stepped forward, emptied his toothbrush from the toothbrush, took it out, and washed it under the faucet: "That's enough, there's no waste at all."

"You're so disgusting..." Chu Xia curled her lips, "I just picked up the toothbrush again, but I also picked up the toothbrush again..." She shook her head and made a vomiting motion, which frightened Zhou Mikang and hurriedly gave away the toothbrush. threw……

"Dong dong..."

"I'll open the door." Zhou Mikang patted his little wife and quickly went over to open the door. It was his father-in-law and mother-in-law. No need to ask, he knew why the couple came here.

"Dad, mother..." After letting the two of them into the room, Zhou Mikang took the initiative to apologize, "It was our lack of observation that made Chu Xia suffer. Don't worry, you two, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future. To my little one, If the two elders are not satisfied with Jing's handling, I will discuss it with grandma again and find a suitable solution."

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe, who were originally complaining, felt a little embarrassed when their son-in-law said this. Zhao Yulan quickly said: "We just came to see Chu Xia, nothing else."

"Mom, dad, don't worry. Nothing happened to me. Besides, Xiaojing didn't really want to harm me. She was just confused at the time." Chu Xia explained, laughing and sitting between her parents. , holding their arms affectionately, "Grandma and parents said that, right?"

"Yes, Aunt Zhou called us to the room to say..." After saying that, Zhao Yulan became embarrassed, "We were too rude. After hearing what she said about what Xiaojing did, she hurried up. .

In fact, when something like this happened, Aunt Zhou and Uncle Zhou felt the most uncomfortable. We still had that attitude. No, I had to go down and explain to her. What we did was too unreasonable. "

The couple were both honest people. After they figured it out, they went to apologize to Mrs. Zhou no matter what. However, Zhou Mixang and Chu Xia had no choice but to accompany them down.

Mrs. Zhou is indeed upset because she insisted on keeping Xiaojing, so this happened. It is reasonable for her in-laws to be unhappy now...

Looking up, she saw Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe returning, and Chu Xia Zhou Mixang following behind. The old lady quickly stood up. Zhao Yulan stepped forward, took her hand, and said apologetically: "Aunt Zhou , I’m sorry, Bao He and I were too impulsive, please forgive me.”

"Looking at what you said, it's clear that Auntie made a mistake..."

"No, no, no, Aunt Zhou is not to blame for this. If you could guess other people's thoughts clearly, wouldn't you be a god? So, how can I blame you for this?"

"As long as you don't blame me, as long as you don't blame me..."

After talking about it, everyone's relationship became closer. No wonder people say that if conflicts are resolved, they are lubricants, but if they are not resolved, they are time bombs. R1152

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