One update.


Early the next morning, Director Xu called Zhou's house to tell her that she had returned and asked Luo Xiaoqiong to go over quickly to discuss the job transfer.

After returning from looking at the house yesterday afternoon, Luo Xiaoqiong, accompanied by a group of elders, went to the hospital for a check-up, which 100% confirmed her identity as a pregnant woman. Therefore, she has only one choice left now, which is to find an idle position first. Let’s wait until the baby is born.

If it weren't for Director Xu's face, the Zhou family could have settled the matter. Out of respect, the Zhou family decided not to intervene and let Luo Xiaoqiong discuss it with Director Xu.

"Chu Xia, do you think Dean Xu will be particularly disappointed if I do this?" On the way there, Luo Xiaoqiong looked uneasy. She was still terribly guilty for this sudden situation.

Director Xu valued her so much, but now she made such a choice. She was afraid that it would really hurt Director Xu's heart, and she would not want to talk to her in the future. After getting along for these few months, her relationship with Director Xu was no longer just a simple one. It was the relationship between the leader and her subordinates, the other party's appreciation of her, and his step-by-step guidance that made her regard the other party as an important person like her parents.

This is also the reason why she still stays here even though she is not particularly happy here. No matter how unhappy she is, as long as she has the support of one person, she can persevere.

"Stop thinking nonsense." Chu Xia patted her little hand comfortingly, "Think about your previous misunderstanding of Fat Aunt, now you are not so nervous. After being with Director Xu for so long, you have understood her well. , do you think she will be disappointed by this kind of thing?"

"She valued me so much and wanted to train me well, but I failed so badly..." With a heavy sigh, Luo Xiaoqiong stared out the window and said nothing.

Understanding her current mood, Chu Xia didn't care about her. Anyway, she was about to meet Director Xu to reveal the answer, so there was no need for her to talk endlessly on the way.

As expected in Chu Xia, Director Xu looked happy when he saw Luo Xiaoqiong. After saying hello, he took out a red envelope from the drawer and handed it over: "Xiaoqiong, I'm very disappointed that I couldn't attend your wedding. , are you not angry with me?"

"Director, how could I be angry with you?" Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes quickly filled with tears. "I'm so grateful that you're not angry with me."

"You silly child..." Director Xu stuffed the red envelope into her hand, "I can only be happy for you, and I have already seen that you are very tired from staying here. I didn't think about it at the beginning. week.

After all, you are a child who has never experienced a personal struggle. To suddenly bring you to such a place is simply to force someone into a difficult situation. Anyway, now this can be regarded as an opportunity.

We can be regarded as masters and apprentices. I hope you will go well in the future. Based on your personality, I think you are still not suitable for being a nurse. If you believe me, transfer to the administrative department of 401.

Starting from the basics and practicing a little bit, I believe you will definitely be a qualified manager in the future. If you agree, I will fill in your intention on the transfer letter. "

"I do." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded quickly, "Director, I hope that one day, when I really have that ability, I can be your assistant again."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to that day too." Director Xu reached out and patted her shoulder, "Now you can take care of your baby with peace of mind. You are in a special period now, and I am taking advantage of the opportunity of transfer to grant you half a month's leave. Your teacher, I have never shown favoritism in my life, and I have broken the precept this time."

"Director..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Director Xu gratefully, not knowing what to say.

"Look at you, you haven't been with me for a day, and it's so shocking to be like this anymore..." Director Xu looked at her seriously, "Am I just an unreasonable old man in your heart?"

"Of course not!" Luo Xiaoqiong quickly denied,

"I just feel that I have caused you trouble, and you still think about me everywhere, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

But don't worry, I will not relax my requirements on myself. One day, I will make myself qualified to stand by your side and help you. "

"Okay, it's settled." Director Xu stepped forward and hugged her, "I want to leave right away, so I won't say more to you. We can talk again after I finish the work at hand."

After waiting for a long time, Director Xu came back just for her this time! The tears that had been held back for a long time rolled down uncontrollably, "Teacher..." Thousands of words were choked in her throat, and she could not say a word.

"Okay, okay..." Director Xu stretched out his hand to wipe her cheeks and looked at Chu Xia, "I'll leave her to you. Please give her some advice. This child looks carefree, but she's actually very thoughtful. Hey, The car is still waiting for me outside. Let’s go first. After packing your things, remember to lock the office door.”

"We will." Chu Xia responded, "Go and get busy."

"In early summer, my heart is blocked..." After Director Xu left, Luo Xiaoqiong shed tears while packing the things in her drawer, "She and I are not relatives, but she is so good to me.

Sometimes I wonder, what is my specialty that makes her recognize me so much? She said that what she likes is my kindness. However, there are so many kind people, why do they only like me? "

"This is the right relationship." Chu Xia comforted, "Don't be sentimental. If you really appreciate her kindness to you, work harder and you will have the opportunity to come back to her in the future."

"Yes." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, collected her thoughts, and packed her things seriously.

"Luo Xiaoqiong..." A young girl stuck her head in, looked at Chu Xia curiously, and then looked at Luo Xiaoqiong, "I heard you are going to be transferred away, why?"

"I'm married." Luo Xiaoqiong glanced at her lightly, "I may be faced with becoming a mother soon, so I have to temporarily transfer to a suitable position."

"Oh..." The girl responded twice and ran away happily.

"Her name is Liang Meimei. She has always wanted to take my place. Now she sees hope, and she is very happy..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia and explained.

"I can see that a lot of people are watching you in your position. There will definitely be others coming to inquire about the news soon. We are not angry. At this moment, being angry with these people means that you are at odds with yourself, right?"

"Well..." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, "I understand. Speaking of which, I should feel proud. This means they are jealous of me, right?"


"Actually, starting at the grassroots level is what really suits me. Although I feel I have adapted here, I am still a little overwhelmed. In addition, my colleagues here are not easy to get along with, so I sometimes feel lonely.

Back to 401, at least there are Doudou, Liu Meijun, and Wang Jing. By the way..." Luo Xiaoqiong slapped her forehead fiercely, "We are all so busy that our minds are confused. Didn't we tell you that Wang Jing has a boyfriend? thing? "

"No." Chu Xia immediately sat up straight after hearing this, "When did it happen? Where did the boy come from? Do you know that she is responsible for supporting her father?" Someone introduced Wang Jing's boyfriend before because she had to support her. The father flinched, so Chu Xia would have the last question.

"The man's name is Song Gang. He is an intern doctor who just went to our hospital. He was assigned to Director Song. Then he fell in love with Wang Jing. He was willing to be good with her because he knew that Wang Jing supported her father alone. of.

By the way, Song happens to be a relative of Director Song. Of course, this is a rumor, and I don’t know if it is true. After all, I don’t work in 401 anymore. "

"It doesn't matter whether he is a relative of Director Song. The key is that he has a good character..." Chu Xia breathed a sigh of relief, "Senior Sister finally met his Mr. Right. Yes, it seems that this year is a good year. Happy news. One thing after another.”

As Chu Xia expected, while the two were packing their things, several groups of people came over to ask Luo Xiaoqiong about her departure. It sounded like greetings, but in fact they were all here to inquire about the news.

There are also some direct words that are sarcastic and sarcastic, implying that Luo Xiaoqiong was fired because she was unqualified.

Feeling that the people were almost here, Luo Xiaoqiong lowered her voice and said to Chu Xia: "I won't get angry with them, but I have written them all down. I will tell Director Xu later that no matter how good these people are, they cannot be chosen as assistants. Too The chicken is full of intestines!"

"You're right!" Chu Xia nodded with approval, "I support your approach."

Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia with a troubled face: "Don't you think I'm being a chicken when I do this?"

"Get out of here!" Chu Xia glared at her, "We can't put unqualified people around Director Xu just because we're worried about others saying that we're a bitch. That's really selfish!"

"Why else would I be so willing to be with you?" Luo Xiaoqiong laughed, "No matter what happens, you can always speak to my heart and make me feel very righteous."

Chu Xia: "..." It's good in the first place, why do you say it as if she is good at reasoning?

Now that work is settled, renting a house can naturally be put on the agenda. Undisputedly, a house close to 401 has become the first choice.

They sent someone over to discuss it, and the rental agreement was signed on the same day. The house was kept clean and fully furnished. In the afternoon, Li Aiyuan and Zhao Yushan moved in.

The matter on the daughter's side was settled. After Luo Gangshun and Fat Aunt discussed it, they quietly bought train tickets. By the time Luo Xiaoqiong reacted, the two of them had already boarded the train...

"What do they mean?" Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia with tears in her eyes, "Just leave, is there any need to be so sneaky?"

I am not a three-year-old child, and I still forcefully stop them from leaving. This makes people feel very uncomfortable. They even say it is for my own good, but it is purely to cause trouble for me. "

"It's not that they're afraid that you won't let it go, it's that they themselves won't let it go..." Chu Xia sighed, "Hey, think about the way Fatty Aunt looks at you these past two days, and you'll know whether I'm right or not." R1152

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