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Looking at Qiang Yuxian lying in a pool of blood, Ye Zhong and Dingding froze there.

How could things be like this? He was just talking about the situation, pointing out what his wife had done, and hoping that she would change in the future. How did it get to this point?

The wife who has always been selfish and cherishes her life can actually commit suicide by hitting a wall?

If anyone had told him this before today, he would not have believed it, but now, with the facts in front of him, he had no choice but to believe it!

For a moment, he even suspected that he was dreaming, but various verification measures proved that he was now in real life!

He was stunned for only a few dozen seconds. When he came to his senses, he quickly dialed the emergency number and went to knock on the doors of Ye Zhongliang and Ye Zhongjun.

As for the old father, he had to keep it a secret for the time being. Finally, the old father's situation had improved, and he couldn't let the old father be hit again.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Ye Zhongliang opened the door first and looked at Ye Zhonghe with a puzzled expression. It was already past ten o'clock, and he couldn't think of anything urgent for his brother to find him now.

"Come here first." Ye Zhonghe said as he turned around and entered his bedroom. Ye Zhongliang hurriedly followed him. In an instant, his eyes widened, "Brother, is this?"

"Your sister-in-law hit her by herself. I've already called an ambulance. Go and watch for me now. Don't make too much noise when people come in later. The old man's health has just improved and he must not be affected by this."

"Okay, okay..." Ye Zhongliang responded repeatedly and ran down.

Ye Zhongjun was having sex with Ai Yuehong. When he heard a knock on the door, he had no choice but to sigh, get dressed and go to open the door with a frustrated look on his face. When he opened the door. Just in time to see Ye Zhongliang coming out of Ye Zhonghe's room, he stuck his head in and asked, "Second brother, are you looking for me?"

"Shh..." Ye Zhongliang made a silencing gesture towards him. Then he pointed to Ye Zhonghe's room and quickly ran downstairs. When they got downstairs, they immediately told Ma Zhang and Ma Li that no matter what happened, they were not allowed to make a fuss or disturb the old man and the old lady.

"What's wrong?" While Ye Zhongjun was in a daze, Ai Yuehong also got dressed and came over, looking out with him.

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Shaking his head, Ye Zhongjun looked back at his wife. "You go back, I'll go to my brother's place to have a look."

"Okay." Ai Yuehong responded happily and stepped back. She was not interested in her sister-in-law's affairs at all. She believed that her relationship with Miao Yanlei could qualitatively change in the future, but she She absolutely didn't believe that her relationship with Qiang Yuxian would make any progress. Instead of looking at each other with a blank stare, she might as well hide away.

"Brother..." Looking at the situation in the room, Ye Zhongjun's expression was similar to that of Ye Zhongliang who saw all this before. He looked at Ye Zhonghe blankly, with a worried look on his face.

"She hit it herself." Knowing what his brother was thinking, Ye Zhonghe frowned and explained. "I tried. She probably just knocked her unconscious. But now I don't know if there is any problem elsewhere. I don't dare to touch her casually. I'd better wait until the doctor comes."

Ye Zhongjun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was not his elder brother who did it.

He couldn't say he had any feelings for this sister-in-law. Just because she was his eldest brother's wife, he just called her sister-in-law. He really didn't like her as a person.

My wife is also a bit petty. But at least he can listen to advice and be sensible. When outsiders meet this sister-in-law, they may think she is peaceful and gentle, but as soon as they get along with her, they will find that it is just a false cover-up.

When it comes to being unreasonable, she ranks second, and absolutely no one dares to rank first.

"Why did sister-in-law do this?" After all, the scene was uncomfortable, so Ye Zhongjun tried to ease the atmosphere with words.

Ye Zhonghe told his brother the details.

"Just like that, she..." Pointing to Qiang Yuxian, Ye Zhongjun looked in disbelief.

"At this time, do I need to lie to you?" Ye Zhonghe sighed, "Don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it either, otherwise, I wouldn't have said that to her.

No matter how bad she is, she is still my wife. No matter how many wrong things she does, I don't want her to do such a stupid thing, hey! "Sighing again, Ye Zhonghe looked annoyed.

"Brother, you are telling the truth. Moreover, this is also a problem that must be solved between you and my sister-in-law. I admit that the second brother and I are not good. In these years, we have always been at odds with my elder brother, which led to the relationship between the second sister-in-law and Ai Yue. Hong also didn't respect her elder brother and sister-in-law enough, which made her sister-in-law always feel angry.

It is also because of this temper that my sister-in-law always hopes that there is something that can overpower us so that we can obey her brother's orders. It is also because of this that when Meiyun got married, her sister-in-law would be so angry and put all her hopes on Meiru's body.

Over the years, seeing the goal that I want getting further and further away, my sister-in-law must have become more and more anxious, and she has lost track of the rules when doing things, but in general, it is still the fault of my second brother and me.

Brother, don't worry. When my sister-in-law wakes up, I will stick my head in front of her and let her beat her. I also promised her that she will listen to her in everything from now on. Of course, if her decision is wrong, I will still point it out... …”

Ye Zhonghe interrupted his younger brother with a wry smile: "No need to comfort me. How can I blame you for this? If it weren't for my lack of ability, how could you not be convinced by me?"

"It's moving..." Suddenly, Ye Zhongjun pointed excitedly at Qiang Yuxian who was lying on the ground, "Sister-in-law just moved..." He knelt on the ground and stared at Qiang Yuxian with his head forward, "Sister-in-law. , can you hear me? I apologized to you, and I also promised you that I will respect you in the future. I asked Ai Yuehong to respect you too. I will also discuss it with my second sister-in-law. You said that you can't get along with yourself. Aren’t you just making me sad? Sister-in-law, if you wake up, just respond to me, okay?”

"Huh..." Qiang Yuxian took a long breath and opened her eyes, "I heard everything you said, but I can't move. I feel like my head is going to explode. Am I... am I going to die? Already?"

"No, I've already called an ambulance. Zhongliang is waiting below. Don't worry, you'll be fine..." Ye Zhonghe squatted in front of her, with a look of guilt on his face, "It's all my fault. We shouldn't put all the blame on you. The home belongs to both of us. If something goes wrong, it must be because neither of us did a good job. Why should you only blame yourself?

Yuxian, don't do such stupid things in the future. If you really have something, who will accompany me? Now, besides you, who else can accompany me every day, don’t you think? "

Qiang Yuxian curled her lips: "If I die, wouldn't you just find someone younger?"

"Don't you know who I am? No matter how much I blame you, I never thought of finding anyone else..." Ye Zhonghe held her hand and sighed, "We have been husband and wife for almost thirty years. Well, by saying that about me, you feel like you are wronging me, right?"

Qiang Yuxian's tears rolled down like broken beads. No matter how much Ye Zhonghe coaxed her, she couldn't stop it. Just at this moment, Ye Zhongliang came in with the ambulance crew. When he saw her appearance, the ambulance crew was surprised. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you feel now?" The person asking was Song Yanqi, who was also a frequent visitor to the Qiang family.

"Can't move."

"anything else?"

"Headache, it hurts like it's going to explode."

"On a stretcher." Song Yanqi ordered the two men behind him and turned to look at Ye Zhonghe, "Uncle Ye, we can only confirm the details after inspection."

"Okay, okay, I understand..." Ye Zhonghe nodded repeatedly and looked at his two younger brothers, "Don't follow me, lest your parents see the flaw."

"Can you do it by yourself?" Ye Zhongliang looked worried. "Otherwise, let Zhongjun stay and I will go with you. When your parents get up tomorrow, just tell them that we are going to work."

Ye Zhongjun hurriedly said: "Brother, let the second brother go with you. Your parents will believe it if you two go to work early."

"Okay." Seeing that the stretcher had gone downstairs, Ye Zhonghe stopped insisting, found money and bankbooks from the bedside table and ran down quickly. Ye Zhongliang whispered a few words in Ye Zhongjun's ear before catching up.

After going to the hospital for a full set of examinations, Song Yanqi sighed to Ye Zhongliang who came to get the results: "The impact was too strong and injured her cervical spine, which made her unable to move and her head hurt. It was entirely caused by the injury.

Judging from her current condition, the injury on her head is easy to say, but the key is the cervical spine. Her cervical spine was not good in the first place. I have always told her to pay more attention to it. This time, it is simply adding insult to injury. Whether she can recover depends on the treatment. In short, you need to prepare Uncle Ye mentally. "

"Okay, okay..." Ye Zhongliang responded several times with a solemn expression, and asked again, "Can we know now how certain we are of recovery?"

"I dare not say..." Song Yanqi shook her head, "My ability in this area is limited. When everyone goes to work tomorrow, we will have a collective consultation. There should be a specific result."

As soon as she entered the ward, Qiang Yuxian looked over. Ye Zhongliang didn't dare to tell her the truth, so he said: "There is no problem with the orders coming out now. We won't know until all the orders come out."

"When will all the orders be released?" Qiang Yuxian looked at Ye Zhongliang and asked.

"I'm really not sure about this. Some tests can't be started until after work."

Qiang Yuxian's eyes darkened. Her daughter had worked in a hospital, and she was very familiar with the hospital's work procedures. Ye Zhongliang was simply trying to trick her. Why did he trick her? The reason is obvious.

"Tell the truth..." Sighing, Ye Zhonghe looked at his younger brother, "No matter what the outcome, your sister-in-law and I can bear it, so just tell the truth." (To be continued) ()

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