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One update.


Ye Zhongliang was a little unclear about his brother's true intentions, and he was a little hesitant about what to do. "Tell the truth." Ye Zhonghe repeated it again.

"The injury on the head will be healed. The key is the cervical spine. How it is, the results will not be available until the experts go to work tomorrow for consultation. Sister-in-law, what I said this time is all true." I'm afraid Qiang Yuxian won't believe it. , Ye Zhongliang emphasized.

Qiang Yuxian looked at him steadily: "You mean, it's possible for me to lie in bed for the rest of my life?"

"Nothing is certain yet, so don't think too much, sister-in-law."

"Hey!" Qiang Yuxian sighed heavily, with a wry smile on her face, "It's not that I think too much, it's the fact that right now I don't have any feeling in my hands and feet.

All the misfortunes in my life have been caused by myself. It’s really my character that determines my destiny. I always wanted to be strong when I was young, but unfortunately I was stubborn and refused to follow my destiny. In the end, I ended up like this. I won’t be able to be strong even if I want to in the future. . "

"No matter what the outcome is, I will take good care of you..." Ye Zhonghe looked at her seriously, "I didn't mean to comfort you, we are both responsible for what happened today.

If I hadn't been too negligent to you, you wouldn't have become more and more extreme. If I had been more careful and discovered the problem earlier, why would it have ended up like this?

However, things are already like this. If we continue to be negative, it will only make things worse. Yuxian, I hope that from today on, we can move forward together, okay? "

"Zhonghe, I believe what you said, and I also believe that you will take good care of me, but..." After a pause, Qiang Yuxian's eyes were filled with sadness, "But I still have no confidence.

This is a long time, and one day, I will be annoyed, and you will be annoyed too, so if the test results come out and I really can't stand up, you can send me back to my parents' home.

Over the years, my natal family has gained so much from the Ye family, and time has paid off. If you meet the right person, we will get divorced. Before that, let's keep it like this.

Don't rush to deny it. This is the result of careful consideration. You know my character. If something like that happened yesterday, I really have no worries.

Now our buttons are undone,

However, I can never make up for what happened to Meiyun and Meiru. I, as a mother, take up most of the responsibility for them becoming what they are today.

I don't have the shame to stay in the Ye family any longer, so Zhonghe, if you really care about the friendship between us husband and wife for many years, just meet my request and visit me regularly, I will be very happy. "

This person is either so confused that he wants to be interrogated eight times a day. It is really hard to adapt to this sudden change. After being stunned for a while, Ye Zhonghe sighed: "Don't think too much, I won't agree.

Meiyun's marriage was her own choice, and she is still young. She will meet a good man in the future. If you feel ashamed of her, take the initiative to call her when you get out of the hospital and ask her to go home.

The situation with Meiru is unknown now, but we have to think optimistically. If she can really come out of that place, she will definitely be a figure in the future, and her personality may have undergone earth-shaking changes. Then she will really become a person. Good thing.

To be able to make you do this kind of thing without thinking at all means that I have failed so much over the years, so give me a chance to make up for it, okay? "

Ye Zhongliang stood aside in embarrassment, not knowing what to say, so he simply backed out, leaving the space completely to his eldest brother and sister-in-law. As soon as he walked out of the door, he happened to see a man flirting with Song Yanqi, and Song Yanqi With an annoyed look on his face, he walked over quickly without thinking: "Yan Qi, what's wrong?"

"Second uncle..." Seeing Ye Zhongliang, Song Yanqi breathed a sigh of relief. She turned to look at him and introduced him, "Lin Kang, this is Second Uncle Ye. He is a family friend of ours. I will be here tonight." I came here from the Ye family’s emergency department, if you don’t believe me, you can ask Uncle Ye.”

"Even if you really came here in response to the Ye family's emergency call, that doesn't mean anything..." The man snorted angrily, "If I hadn't happened to bump into you, how long would you have kept it secret from me? Song Yanqi, I have never I didn't expect you to be so shameless. If you don't plan to have sex with me, you should make it clear that I will never stand in your way. But what's going on with you now? You must make it clear today. Otherwise, don’t even think about leaving!”

"Why are you so unreasonable?" Song Yanqi looked at him speechlessly, "Mei Yimo just happened to pass by my office and went to say hello. Do you think you are too narrow-minded? This is a hospital, don't make trouble. Alright, okay?"

After listening to these words, Ye Zhongliang also roughly understood the conflict between the two. Obviously this young man was Song Yanqi's boyfriend, and he misunderstood Song Yanqi when he saw him with other boys.

The Ye family and the Song family are indeed family friends, and even if they are not family friends, Song Yanqi is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of their generation. Regardless of their friendship, he has to help.

"Young man, if everyone knows about the quarrel here, but it turns out that you have misunderstood Xiaoqi, how can the impact be eliminated? I'm afraid you two won't be able to be together by then."

"It's better not to be together than to let her cuckold me." Lin Kang frowned and looked at Ye Zhongliang, "I respect you as an elder, but if you keep messing around, don't blame me for being rude."

"Haha..." Ye Zhongliang was not easy to get along with. After hearing what he said, the anger he had been holding in all night surged to the top of his head. He immediately grabbed the other person and dragged him out, "You don't have to do it now, don't you?" You're welcome. I won't be polite for now." He turned to Song Yanqi and said, "I can't marry such a man even if he begs me. If you don't dare to tell me, I'll talk to your dad tomorrow."

"Thank you, uncle." Of course Song Yanqi knew Ye Zhongliang's abilities. She really didn't want to take a look at this Lin Kang. A grown man with a smaller heart than a needle nose. If he hadn't been suppressed by the elders in the family, he would have been killed long ago. After the break, Ye Zhongliang was willing to help now, which was something she could only ask for.

Lin Kang, who was being dragged away by the collar, felt that he was about to die. He wanted to speak out but couldn't. For a moment, he felt that he was about to be dragged to death by this man...

When Ye Zhongliang returned to the ward again, Ye Zhonghe had already persuaded Qiang Yuxian. The couple was sitting there chatting harmoniously. It was a scene he had never seen before. It made him feel sad. Although as the saying goes, a person eats his teeth and grows stronger. Wisdom, but is the price of gaining wisdom too high? !

"What happened just now?" Ye Zhonghe looked at his younger brother, "When I heard you talking, I went to the door and took a look, and I happened to see you dragging a boy out."

"Xiao Qi's boyfriend..." Ye Zhongliang recounted what happened before, "..., he is such a coward. When he first met me, he acted as if he was desperate for his life, but as soon as he was dragged out At the door, it immediately turned into a soft-footed shrimp.

She originally wanted to teach him a lesson for Xiaoqi, but when she saw that he had peed his pants, he felt too embarrassed to do anything again, so he came back. Lin Youguo could take a fancy to a man like this, what kind of discernment did he have? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Yanqi came in and looked at Ye Zhongliang with a grateful face: "Second uncle, thank you so much. To be honest, I am almost annoyed to death by this person.

You know what happened to him today. He slept until midnight and actually called me to check on the situation in my bedroom. When he found that I was not there, he found the hospital and came to the hospital. Then as soon as I saw him, I quickly took him away.

Otherwise, he will definitely fight with Mei Yimo. He is really so narrow-minded that it is beyond description. He also stipulated before that I would only treat female patients and not male patients in the future.

Are there such ridiculous people in the world? According to him, after I get married, I can only stay at home and see no one. If I don't go out, how can I guarantee that I won't see a man?

I've been trying to solve this problem for a long time, and I'm just worried. Second uncle, this is really timely. Otherwise, I'm afraid that one day I will really drive him crazy. "

"Don't your parents know what he is like?" Qiang Yuxian asked.

"I told them, but they didn't believe it. Lin Kang didn't know how to behave in front of my parents. My parents always thought that he would obey me and let me do everything.

It is precisely because he pretends to be so good that no one believes anything I say. If you hadn't seen my second uncle today, and you would listen to my parents' description later, you would have thought that he was a filial and considerate person. Good man. Song Yanqi spread her hands and said, "This is also a skill. If you ask me, I can't pretend." "

"Hey..." Qiang Yuxian sighed heavily, "Parents are often like this. They think they are thinking about their children, but in fact, they are pushing their children into a pit of fire. So why am I not the same?"

"Auntie..." Song Yanqi hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her, "It's all my fault. Why are you talking about this? You can't think about it now. Director Qiao and the others will go to work later and will give you a consultation. As long as you cooperate with the treatment, you will be fine." It will get better soon.”

The day Qiang Yuxian was admitted to the hospital was the day when Ying'er was competing in her oral calculations. Early in the morning, Chu Xia and Zhou Huakang accompanied her to the competition venue. To ensure safety, Wang Zhongliang was driving.

Originally, Lin Wenbin wanted to accompany him, but the tasks in the division were extremely tight these days. He and Zhou Mikang couldn't spare any time, so they had to let Zhou Huakang do it for them.

Even if he no longer wants to see Teacher Tian, ​​Zhou Huakang has to bite the bullet. Jing Zhe has been avoiding everyone recently due to personal reasons. Apart from him, no one can really come with him.

"Don't look like you're going to the execution ground..." Chu Xia glanced at him with a funny look on her face, "Otherwise, when the competition comes, Ying'er and I will go, and you can wait for us in the car." r1152 ()

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