A stream of light flashed above the sky, and it was the Fishing Boat Avatar, which drove the fastest, and soon landed on the port of the Twelve Star Academy.

The strength of the soul is somewhat insufficient, and the control is not perfect.

Shoot, I almost flew over my head.

But fortunately, I finally got under control!

It's just that Ou Shaotian just returned to the dormitory, Jun Ruqing, Xue Wuhen and Xue Wushuang came to the door.

The three are here to invite him to vortex Sea Territory.

Just yesterday, someone found the ruins in the vortex Sea Territory, and then the news came back.

The vortex Sea Territory is a very dangerous Sea Territory. It is connected to the endless Sea Territory. As long as you pass through the vortex Sea Territory, you can enter the endless Sea Territory.

The good things in the vortex Sea Territory are basically floating from the endless Sea Territory.

This is the case with Ancient Ruins.

"Shaotian, we have already found out. This time, Ancient Ruins appeared yesterday, and now many people have rushed past, let's get together!"

Snow Wuhen is very optimistic about Ou Shaotian's luck, so he immediately thought of Ou Shaotian for treasure hunting.

Jun Heartless Dao: "It doesn’t matter if I can find treasures this time, mainly because I want to meet various experts and discuss with them!"

When I said this, Jun's expression was indifferent, and his self-confidence was bursting after the breakthrough.

"In this case, let's go and see it. It doesn't matter if treasures are not treasures. We don't need money. The main reason is to discuss with various experts!"

Ou Shaotian seconds understand.

The imposing manner, the imposing manner, is similar to Jun Ruqing, looking at the distance with a calm expression, with a slight contempt in his eyes.

"Well, since you don’t value treasures, leave them to me if there are treasures. You have a happy decision about the fight!"

Xue Wu Humble and humble road.

Let the two of you pretend to be forced, then I will take the opportunity to pick up the cheap!

"Brother Shaotian, did you hear the ducks just now? Recently, there are always auditory hallucinations in your ears. It seems that you need a good treatment!"

"Um , I did hear it!"

Jun ruthlessly hooked Ou Shaotian's shoulders, said as he walked out.

Xue Wushuang keeps up.

Only the silly Xue Wuhen left, no one paid any attention to him.

"It's too much!"

Xue Wuhen chased up with angrily.

After several people came to the port, they boarded Jun's ruthless flying boat and killed them towards the vortex Sea Territory.

"The level 9 fishing ground is in front, and the vortex Sea Territory is at the end of the Level 9 fishing ground. After the vortex Sea Territory is the endless Sea Territory."

On the sea, huge The flying boat is already driving at full speed.

In order to hurry, Jun ruthlessly drove the flying boat to the fastest speed, and all the acceleration patterns were activated.

Ou Shaotian said: "How dangerous is the vortex Sea Territory? Are there many high-rank aquatic creatures?"

"Don’t worry, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi from vortex Sea Territory Although it is richer than the Level 9 fishery, because of the existence of a large number of vortex, those high level aquatic creatures are scared away."

"Are those vortexes dangerous? Then will we have problems in the past? Huh?"

"There is definitely a danger, but as long as you be careful and avoid those vortex, the problem is not big!"

When you say this ruthlessly, it is also for Ou Shaotian Talked about the situation of vortex Sea Territory in detail.

In general, the vortex Sea Territory is very dangerous, and high level aquatic creatures dare not wait.

The main reason is that the environment is too bad.

Seabed vortex that appears from time to time can strangle high-end aquatic creatures, making them afraid to wait.

So in this way, there are more low-level aquatic creatures with low IQ.

Of course, nothing is impossible, and there are always high-level aquatic creatures who are not afraid of death, so vortex Sea Territory, to put it bluntly, is a Sea Territory that has everything.

There are aquatic creatures with extremely high levels, as well as miscellaneous fish that are not classified.


Three days later, Ou Shaotian and the others crossed the Level 9 fishing grounds and came to the vortex Sea Territory. The speed of the flying boat also slowed down.

You can see the sea not far away, and there are huge vortexes from time to time.

"These vortex are weird. Once they are swept away, their strength cannot be used and it is difficult to escape. This is also the reason why those high-end aquatic creatures are afraid of these vortex."

Controlling the flying boat mercilessly, cautiously avoiding those vortex, and said aloud at the same time.

At this time, Xue Wushuang said: "Look over there, there are a lot of flying boats. The Ancient Ruins should be there."

In the direction, there are more than one hundred flying boats scattered in that area.

From time to time there is a flying boat going down, and from time to time a flying boat going up.

"Let's go, let's go over and see if we know anyone!"

Jun was ruthless and didn't talk nonsense, he drove the flying boat directly to that area, and he found a lot of acquaintances. .

"They are all old rivals!"

Xue Wuhen can't help but whispered.

Twelve Star Island young generation experts have basically come, and the nearby powerhouse also came, which can be said to be quite lively.

"Don’t talk about that many anymore, many flying boats have dived, let’s go down and have a look!"

Jun said mercilessly and activated the defensive cover, and the flying boat started to go down Dive, dive down to the past.

Not long after, an ancient city protected by an energy shield appeared in the sight of everyone. Due to the limited visibility in the water, it was impossible to see the whole picture.

Moreover, this huge city is not seabed, but floating in the middle of the sea, neither sinking to the bottom nor rising to the surface.

Obviously, this Ancient Ruins is an abandoned floating island.

The ancient city in the middle of the island was protected by a protective cover, but the land all around was immersed in seawater, and many flying boats stopped on it.

"Let's go, we will pass too!"

Jun said mercilessly, and landed the flying boat on the city gate.

At this time, there are many flying boats landing at the city gate, all of which are relatively powerful. As for those who are weak, they are farther away.

"There are a lot of experts!"

Ou Shaotian scanned it with a radar, and suddenly found a lot of experts.

From time to time, someone came to say hello to Jun ruthlessly and the others, but Ou Shaotian ignored it, and was immersed in the radar scanning deduction.

After discovering that this Ancient Ruins was a floating island, he paid more attention to it.

The radar quickly scanned the various Formations in the floating island, especially the City Protecting Great Formation in front of him, which was directly scanned and recorded by him.

The Formation for creating floating islands can be used for reference.

"Brother Shaotian, what are you thinking about? Why don't you say anything, let me tell you, I have already inquired about the origin of this ruin, you have to listen carefully!"


Xue Wuhen watched Ou Shaotian in a daze, and immediately pulled him to chatter.

This is not the first time the ancient city ruins have been discovered, but the third time.

It is said that for the first time, even the Saint-level expert appeared. The second time was mainly the Big Diao Zun, this time it was the third time, and the Diao Zun came mainly.

This ancient city should be a floating island in the endless Sea Territory. It is just that it will lose its owner and sink into the water without knowing what happens.

According to the past rule, the shield will have an entrance on the day when the two dragons raise their heads in February.

They can enter through the entrance, which is isolated from sea water, but not from living things.

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