"Today is the first day of February. After 12 o'clock in the evening, the second dragon will raise its head on the second day of February. The entrance will definitely appear at that time."

At the end, Xue Wuhen said very positively.

Although he is here for the first time, he has all inquired about these news from acquaintances, and there is definitely nothing wrong with it.

"Then wait for the entrance to appear!"

Jun said mercilessly.

While speaking, he took a snow-white towel and gently wiped the Heavenly Grade sword in his hand.

This is the treasure that the family rewarded him after he successfully broke through.

It has not been used in battle yet.

But it’s too fast, this time the ruin contention, it’s time for it to take off.

When the morning sun comes out, who will compete!

"Actually, I can open Formation now, but forget it. In that case, it's easy to become a target. Let's wait!"

Ou Shaotian said softly.

After the radar scans and deduces the Formation here, he already knows how to break the Formation here.

If it is not for the formation eye that controls the Formation, he can directly control it.

"I took it, are you kidding me?"

Xue Wuhen said excitedly next to him.

Jun Ruqing also widened his eyes and said: "I am afraid of what the public will target. Just go in and seize the opportunity. My big knife can not be trifled with!"

Early They are not futility at all when they are ready to do a big fight.

Ou Shaotian shook the head and said, "Don’t worry, it’s the same when Formation is turned on, and the big head is ours!"

"Don’t you know? , I am an Array Master. Not only is I good at treasure hunting, but my ability to crack Formation is also first-rate."

The reason why he is so calm is because the radar scan found that the treasures inside are guarded by Formation.

If you want to take good things, you still need Formation knowledge.

Otherwise, we can only rely on brute force to break the formation.

It is possible to open Formation directly now, but he can’t prevent others from entering it together. It’s better to wait for Formation to open by itself.

As for sneaking in, it's impossible to sneak in. Too many people are staring at it.

"Well, it's up to you then, now I will introduce you to those opponents first!"

Xue Wuhen said with some regret.

Although he can't enter immediately, he is still going to introduce the surrounding experts to Ou Shaotian so as not to meet him again.

However, Ou Shaotian shook his head and said: "No need to introduce, I know all these people!"

A scan of the radar, everyone knows.

He knows all the cards!


Seabed is day and night, but everyone pays attention to the changes of time.

When zero is reached, the entrance will appear.

As Xue Wuhen had heard, Erlong looked up in February and the entrance appeared on time.

The people guarding near the city gate also moved, rushing to the entrance and rushing into the ancient city.

"Let's go in too!"

As soon as Jun's ruthless voice fell, he rushed out in the first place.

The entrance is at the city gate, which is also quite large. After the teams entered, they spread out and started looking for targets.


In the entrance, the two teams collided and played first.

The younger generation Heaven's Chosen from Beas Island, and the lion howler from Lion Island, both were the cultivation base of Great Angler Ancestor Peak.

But the battle strengths that burst out are similar.

With just a tentative blow, it already had a superior attack strength, which scared many people.

It's just that the two of them just turned beckoned, they stopped fighting, they entered the ancient city at the same time, and then they separated directly.

Jun Ruthlessly took Ou Shaotian and the others follow closely from behind and also entered the ancient city.

"Shaotian, you are good luck, you will lead the way!"

After entering the ancient city, Jun ruthlessly said.


Ou Shaotian did his part and rushed into the city with them.

There are three main risks in the ancient city, one is the formation of the ancient city, the second is the aquatic creature lurking in the ancient city, and the third is other teams that come in together.

Needless to say, the ancient city's Formation is just like traps. If triggered accidentally, it is very likely to be hit.

As for the aquatic creatures lurking in the ancient city, they basically ran in when the ancient city banned loopholes.

Formation Ou Shaotian is not afraid. The lurking aquatic creatures can also be avoided. As for other teams, Jun ruthlessly expressed that he would like to come more.

After the breakthrough, he still wants to have some fun!

"There is a sea snake lurking ahead. It is at the intersection on the right. Who of you is on!"

Ou Shaotian reminded him aloud.

"Look at me!"

Jun gave a merciless cry and rushed out directly.

The morning sun burst out, Blade Qi is like a scorching sun, in a flash, strikes on the lurking sea snake.

"chi chi..."

The sea snake uttered a mournful scream.

Too miserable!

It was just a move. This sea snake, which reached the fourth rank Level 1, was hit hard by Jun ruthlessly.


The blade light flickered, directly giving the sea snake a blow!

The snake gall has fallen out.

"Get the job done!"

Jun mercilessly shook his long sword and returned it to its sheath!

Continue to set off.

Ou Shaotian led everyone to the commercial street soon, Qi Observation Technique observed a richly rich shop appeared in his sight.

"There should be good things in this store. Please pay attention and I will break the Formation!"

Ou Shaotian took out the black iron knife and pointed it at the weak part of the Formation. Slashed past.

Easily break open!

"Go, go in!"

Ou Shaotian waved his hand and led them into the store.

This store is not big, it should have not been visited by anyone, but there are many good things, there are more than a dozen diving suits of Earth High Grade quality.

Everyone took a few pieces, and quickly divided the diving suits in the shop.

"Someone is coming!"

Just then, Ou Shaotian said aloud.

But someone just happened to come over, apparently attracted by the previous movement of breaking the formation.

After all, there is Formation, which means there are treasures.

As soon as they left the shop, they ran into a group of oncoming people, and the atmosphere instantly condensed!

"Mun Ruthless!"

"Mo Qianshou!"

Jun Ruthless and the youth headed by the other side said at the same time.

Obviously, the two sides know each other.


The long swords of both sides were unsheathed at the same time.

Both both burst out, instantly fighting dozens of moves.

Both of them are experts who use knives, and the collision of the knives' intent is extremely fierce, but soon there is one silhouette flying backwards, it is Mo Qianshou.

Obviously, Jun ruthlessly won.

"Your sword intent is Perfection?"

Mo Qianshou's face is ugly, he actually lost.

"Yes, if you don't agree, you can fight again!"

Jun said with his head ruthlessly upside down.

"hmph, let's go!"

Mo Qianshou was coldly snorted and left with his teammates.

Although they have one more person, he is not stupid. The Perfection-level sword intent is not something they can deal with. They are the only ones who are unlucky.

"Let's go too!"

Ou Shaotian also said aloud.

At this time, treasure hunting is the most important thing. Fighting will only waste time.

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