Just after Ou Shaotian sent away the people from the Chamber of Commerce, Origin Clan sent someone an invitation letter for auction.

Three days later, Origin Clan will hold an auction, inviting people with a certain status in Siyuan City and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce from other islands.

Each invitation letter can bring one person to participate.

"Auction, Interesting, I don't know if there are any useful treasures!"

Ou Shaotian said with some expectation.

Because of the radar function of Fishing Boat Avatar, he has never been a treasure.

However, the auction this time is extraordinary. It is estimated that there will be some high level goods, which may be useful for other purposes.

After putting away the invitation letter, he entered the door world.

After coming to the factory, he directly turned on the power of the automated production line to the maximum, and one production line could produce 10,000 bracelets a day.

Now there are 30 optimized production lines in the factory, which means that 300,000 bracelets can be produced a day.

It's just that if this is the case, the raw materials are somewhat insufficient!

"Go ahead!"

Ou Shaotian had no choice but to refine a batch of Tier 5 mechanical puppets again.

Maybe when the production line of the mechanical puppet is mashed up, he can really relax.

Or directly refine a god-rank mechanical puppet, what to do, just give an order.


In the evening, Ou Shaotian, who had been busy for most of the day, finally stopped. In most of the day, he refined more than a dozen Tier 5 mechanical puppets. .

But he was going to pick up the little baby again, so he had to stop temporarily.


At the entrance of the kindergarten, after Ou Xiaoxiao said goodbye to his friends, he rode Dabai and happily ran towards Ou Shaotian.

"Cute, what did you learn today?"

Ou Shaotian picked up Ou Xiaoxiao and asked aloud at the same time.

"I learned to paint today. I drew father mother and pigeons. I'll show them to you when I go back!"

Ou Xiaoxiao said milkyly.


Ou Shaotian nodded, and then speed up, he is also very curious about what Ou Xiaoxiao painted them.

After returning to the villa, the two quickly returned to their residence on Siyuan Island and appeared in the room.

"Look at the pigeons!"

Ou Xiaoxiao returned to the bedroom and couldn't wait to put down her small schoolbag and took out her painting.

As soon as the folded large white paper was opened, a few characters were drawn.

"This is the painting you drew. It’s not bad, keep working hard!"

Ou Shaotian took a look and exaggerated. After all, the little child’s watercolor paintings belong to her. bright side.

Even if it is not good-looking, it should be praised.

"This is the father, this is the mother, this is the pigeon, this is me, and this is the big sun. Isn’t it pretty?"

Little fellow triumphant The way.

Oufu and Oumu are standing behind them, Ou Shaotian is holding her, and above them is a big sun.

The whole picture still looks pretty good.

"Very good, you can show it to your mother!"

Ou Shaotian said with a smile.


Ou Xiaoxiao nodded, then picked up the painting, stepped on short legs, and ran out happily, "mother, mother, look at me Painting!"

"Your painting, what did you paint?"

"I drew you, and father and pigeons, me, and big The sun!"

"The painting is good. Put it away first. When father comes back in the evening, you can show it to your father. Let’s eat first."

"Good, good Ah, it’s time for dinner!"

"Wash your hands first, you will be well soon."

"Pigeons, hurry up and help me wash my hands!"

The little fellow happily returned to Ou Shaotian. Ou Shaotian didn't talk nonsense, and took her to the bathroom, and then helped her wash her hands.

It didn't take long for the meal to be ready, and Ou Shaotian and Ou Xiaoxiao ate it first.

When they were halfway through the meal, Ou's father also came back, and joined the table with mother Yunxue, and Ou Shaotian also talked about the invitation letter.

"Dad, mom, today Origin Clan sent an invitation letter from the auction, inviting me to go to the auction, you can bring someone, who of you wants to go!"

"Let your dad go with you, I won't go!"

"Origin Clan’s auction has been well-known for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity to participate. I didn’t expect to ask you this time. Fu!"

"How can it be so exaggerated!"


Time flies quickly, and there will be nothing in the next two days, unconsciously. It's the day when Origin Clan held the auction.

In this auction, there are treasures taken out by Origin Clan, as well as treasures of various races, as well as those commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce for auction.

It can be said that there are many treasures, and the grade is quite high level.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ou Shaotian took father Ouhai and took the invitation letter to the auction door.

It happened to meet Xu Xiaobao and his guards.

"Brother Shaotian!"

As soon as Xu Xiaobao saw Ou Shaotian, he greeted him directly.

"You have also been invited!"

Ou Shaotian smiled.

"Yeah, I was invited too. I happened to be together, let's go, let's go in now!"

Xu Xiaobao said happily.

"Ou, you are here too, let's get together!"

At this moment, Lu Haifei, Li Yao and the others from the Chamber of Commerce also appeared.

"Let's go!"

Ou Shaotian nodded, and then the entire group walked in.

Soon under the leadership of the waiter, I entered a very high-level small auction place, with rows of tables and chairs placed very loosely.

There is a table in front of every two chairs with Spirit Fruit on top.

"Everyone can sit at will, regardless of level, first come first, but after you choose a place, don’t change it at will!"

I saw only one Origin Clan youth coming out Shouted.

Ou Shaotian and father Ouhai quickly found a place to sit down, and Xu Xiaobao and his guards also sat next to them.

Lu Haifei and the others from the Chamber of Commerce are sitting behind them.

Afterwards, someone came in successively. Jobs from the fruit company, Hong Dafu and Hong Xiaofu, etc., all have a certain status in Siwon Island.

"That kid is Ou Shaotian, he has developed the Baiyun bracelet!"

Job Shi looked towards the direction where Ou Shaotian and the others are, an angry look flashed in his eyes , Especially after seeing those who are in the Chamber of Commerce, the face is even more ugly.

But businessmen are all profit-seeking. After the fruit company cannot bring them benefits, it is no wonder that the big businessmen will leave him behind.

"Father, that kid's cultivation base is too low, you can find a way to kill him when you look back!"

Beside Jobs, a young man said aloud.

Obviously, this young man who was brought by Job Shi is his son, Qiao Wei!

"Nonsense, we are businessmen. Don't shout and scream in business competition. I can let someone kill him, and then others can let someone kill you!"

Joe Giving an angry way.

As the rule maker, he pays more attention to the rules and will not easily destroy them.


Qiao Wei said helplessly.

But he also put out this idea, after all, he didn't want to kill in the city.

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