Soon, many more people arrived one after another, many of them were Head of a Clan of some races, and existed with noble status.

Ou Shaotian counted, there are about a hundred people coming!

Except for the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce from outside, the others are basically representatives of the Great Influence on Siyuan Island.

For the Human Race Alliance, here is Old Zhang, the president of the Pill Master Association.

At this time, Old Zhang also sat next to Ou Shaotian and the others.

"Xiaotian, you brat is not loyal enough, how long have you not seen my Senior? I went out and gotta come back and have a look!"

Old Zhang is facing Ou Shaotian was a reprimand, and Ou Shaotian had a sorry face.

"Old Zhang, you know my kid too!"

Ouhai was a little surprised.

At the same time, he is also a little relieved. His son is too powerful. He even knows the president of the Pill Master Association, and he seems to have a good relationship.

"I know, I have worked together before!"

Old Zhang nodded said.

"Don’t tell me, I was wrong. Don’t worry, I’ll visit you when I turn back and take my younger sister. I promise you will like it."

"Okay, it's settled, I will bring your younger sister over tomorrow, and I will prepare food for you!"

"Yes, I must go."

Ou Shaotian promised to come down , Changed the subject, and said: "What do you guys say about this auction, is it of a high grade?"

"I have been here several times before, and things are still quite good, the worst They are all holy treasures, and they are more than rare quality."

Old Zhang, as the president of the Human Race Pill Master Association, is rich and imposing. Such an auction has been invited several times, but I can’t buy it. Few good things.

"Then you have to take a closer look later!"

Ou Shaotian said aloud.

At this moment, the City Lord Sitianyuan of Siyuan City also appeared.

"Hello everyone, welcome everyone to participate in this small auction, this time we have raised many precious treasures, I believe you will not be disappointed!"

Si Tianyuan said Here, with a gesture, a maid quickly came up with a tray covered by a red cloth.

In Ou Shaotian's eyes, there is a dense golden cloud filled with bright light everywhere.

It is indeed a good start for auction.

"According to the usual practice, the first auction of this auction cannot be too bad, so I specially selected it and chose a soul skill."

Just introduced in Shi Tianyuan At the time, Ou Shaotian had already identified it with the eyes of radar.

[Name]: Soul Crystal

[Quality]: Precious

[Remarks]: Sixth rank An ancient water-controlling ape dropped after death, containing soul Skill control water, sixth rank Soul Spirit refining can obtain soul skill control water

Seeing the information of this auction item, Ou Shaotian also couldn't help showing an unexpected look.

"It's actually a spirit ability. This is a good thing. We are still on the periphery of the endless Sea Territory. It is difficult to come across such treasures!"

Old Zhang couldn't help it. Said aloud.

There is a characteristic of soul skills. It does not require cultivation. You can directly use Soul Spirit refining. The stronger the strength, the stronger the effect.

"This requires the sixth rank to refining, right?"

Ou Shaotian said aloud.

"Of course, this requires the Strength of Domain to be refining. If it is less than the sixth rank, there is no way to refining!"

Old Zhang nodded said.

Soul skills are the skills of Soul Spirit, but after the sixth rank of Angler Cultivator, people and spirits will be united and step into the starting point of another cultivation.

The reason why the sixth rank is called the holy rank, and the reason why it is so powerful, is because of the spirit ability.

Just as everyone was whispering, the auction of soul skills had already begun.

"The starting price is 10 million high grade Spirit Stone. You can bid freely. Soul skills are rare. Don’t miss it!"

After Shi Tianyuan’s introduction, The starting price was stated.

"I paid 15 million, if anyone is higher than this price, take it!"

Patriarch of the Shadow Clan said aloud.

For this kind of auction, everyone usually offers a psychological price and will not blindly follow the auction. It is relatively harmonious!

Except for contradictions!

"Shadow patriarch, my Soul Spirit is just a water monkey. The Soul Crystal of this water control ape is just right. I will pay 18 million. If there is a higher one, I will give up. !"

A young Star God clan said aloud.

"Then let you!"

Patriarch of the Shadow Race shook his head.

"Father, do you want it?"

Ou Shaotian looked towards Ouhai, and asked aloud.

"Forget it, this skill doesn't help me much!"

Ou Hai shook his head.

Ou Shaotian doesn't say anything any more, mainly because this skill is only a precious level, and he is also a little indifferent.

This skill may be valuable and unmarketable on the periphery of the endless Sea Territory, but if it is placed in the depths of the endless Sea Territory, it is probably a rotten street.

No one else bid, this Soul Crystal soon fell into the hands of the youth of the Star God clan.

"Everyone, the second lot is medicine pill, a bottle of high grade Marrow Cleansing Pill, a treasure that can reshape the foundation. It is effective for less than five times!"

"This Needless to say, the preciousness of medicine pill is ten, and the starting price is also 10 million high grade Spirit Stone. You can bid if you like it!"

When Shi Tianyuan was explaining, Ou Shaotian directly Scanned with the eye of the radar to deduct, and soon got the Pill Recipe of Marrow Cleansing Pill.

Next is the optimization and upgrade!

"I pay 20 million!"

Old Zhang was the first to bid.

He bought Marrow Cleansing Pill not for food, but for research, which is also the purpose of his trip. The price of 20 million is considered a high price.

To take pictures in one fell swoop.

However, Human Race has offended too many people recently.

No, Jobs was the first to take the shot, saying: "I'm out of 25 million!"

Old Zhang's face changed slightly, and he said, "I'm out of three. Ten million!"

"Thirty-five million!"

Without frowning, Jobs added another five million.

Just when Old Zhang was about to continue to increase the price, Ou Shaotian stretched out his hand and shook the head gently to signal him not to bid again.

Job Shi had a bad feeling in an instant, and his face became a little gloomy.

Sure enough, Old Zhang said: "Since Mr. Joe needs this Marrow Cleansing Pill so much, let him go to Mr. Qiao!"

"Good talk and talk!"

Job Spi smiled nonchalantly.

In the end, this bottle of Marrow Cleansing Pill, worth only 10 million yuan, was bought by him at 3.5 times the price.

Thanks to him, he doesn't mind the most. The key is to be laughed at.

"Xiaotian, why don't you let me buy it, this medicine pill is very important to our association!"

Old Zhang turned his head and asked quietly.

"I have Pill Recipe!"

Ou Shaotian only said four words, and Old Zhang's eyes lit up.

"Is it perfect?"


One question and one answer.

Old Zhang's breathing was sudden.

For Ou Shaotian, he naturally fully trusts the perfect quality Marrow Cleansing Pill's Pill Recipe. He is simply out of excitement.

I can't wait for the auction to end immediately.

But fortunately, he also knew that this was not a place for detailed exchanges, so he didn't ask more, but endured it.

Continue to look at auction.

The goods auctioned one after another are all rare good things, but they have never been needed by Ou Shaotian.

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