Night fell.

The Onyx Bar in town is a little different than usual.

Unlike the usual noisy environment, if you ignore the occasional sound of swallowing saliva, it is very quiet inside.

At this moment, all the men in the bar are staring at the beautiful figure standing in front of the bar, while the women can't help but secretly envy and hate.

Her perfect body curves, red-brown long hair hanging down the back, just seeing this scene, people can't help but want to hug each other.

At this time, she turned around holding the wine glass, and a delicate face appeared in front of everyone.

The charming temperament and cold expression are like ice and fire torturing the hearts of these people.

Finally, someone couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the wine glass and walked over.

"Miss, if you want to drink something, just order it!"

A blond, blue-eyed, handsome man waved his hand and showed a seemingly charming smile.

If this woman is really a woman, instead of Monk becoming a mantra, maybe he would not refuse to chat with the other party, but Monk turned away, frowned and said: Get out!"

The sound is crisp and sweet, like the crisp bells in the ice and snow.

The man froze for a moment, but instead of being angry, he praised: "The voice is really nice.


Is this the lethality of beauty?

After using the deck, he decided to stop by the tavern for a drink and see if anything interesting happened in a fit of bad humor.

It turned out to be quite interesting, but I didn't know what to say after looking at these people for a while.

Don't want to poke their eyes.

Monk growled inwardly.

After drinking the wine in his glass, Monk was about to leave when a man stood in front of Monk, holding a wine glass in his hand, and said foolishly: "Belle, as long as you want, I can do anything for you.

Monk squinted at his interlocutor and confirmed, "Anything?"

"That's right!"

Seeing that the beauty in front of him was interested, the man replied excitedly.

Monk muttered earnestly: "Okay, let's go get a PhD or something first."

After saying this, he walked out of the tavern quickly, the man looked at Monk's back and shouted: "I'll go!" I'll come!"

Monk's mouth twitched wildly.

It's got it all, really.

Out of the tavern? Monk corrected his image.

Going to the prom with such an image? It is definitely neat and uniform, and it is definitely the focus of everyone's attention, but it is too mature, right? It needs to be more pure.

Monk pondered in his mind. After adjusting the image, a card appeared in his hand, and disappeared near Clark's school at the same instant.

There was a dance after the sit-in, and Monk stayed in the tavern for a while? He didn't find time to come here until the dance was almost over.

Although the gym where the prom is held will be closed after the prom starts? Is this a problem for Monk?

After using his tricks to sneak onto the prom stage? Monk reveals himself in the corner? As he approaches the crowd, he starts looking for Clark.

Is it the same? Rick didn't notice where he passed? A pair of eyeballs seemed to be glued to him.

And if these kids don't have a partner? Surely they came to him for the dance first.


Killing me.

Monk snorted: With his help today, Clark is definitely the brightest student, and he won't regret his high school career!


At this moment, Monk raised his legs and narrowed his eyes.

It's Eric!

At this moment, Eric was dancing with his arms around the girl, talking in a low voice, but the distance between the two was getting closer

The corner of Monk's mouth twitched, and he turned his face away without opening his eyes.

It's Charles!

At this time, a boy was surrounded by several girls and stood in the center, talking and laughing happily with a smile on his face, looking like he was doing well.

The corners of Monk's mouth twitched wildly.

Good, good, good!

It seems that he no longer has to worry about finding a partner for these two children.

Turning his head, Monk finally saw Clark.

At this time, Clark in a strict suit was sitting in the corner, wearing headphones and watching the couple on the dance floor, without any expression on his face.

He didn't seem to belong to the occasion and looked very lonely.

What the hell happened?

Not too bad in Clark's case, is it?

Monk muttered under his breath and was about to walk towards him when it happened.

A man walks up, leaving his partner behind.

"Hello, my name is"


Monk slapped the other person's face, and the man threw the slap aside and continued walking towards Clark.


The boy turned around and walked towards Monk step by step, with a sneer on his face: "You won't do that freak dance first, will you?"


Monk raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, don't you know?"

The boy looked in disbelief at the beautiful girl standing in front of him.

Monk shook his head with interest and said, "Can you tell me about it?"

"Ha, of course!" said the boy with a smile, "It is said that he is a weirdo."

Then, the boys talked about how Clark beat other classmates in school, even knocked down a dozen classmates by himself, and he usually did not exercise with other classmates.

Maybe it's because you're afraid that if you accidentally mismanage it, you'll hurt others?

Monk is a little annoyed, what about beating others?

When he asked, the man grinned and said, "...someone probably said something about his father... Ha, of course, only a nerdy father can raise such a bookish son."


Monk grinned, and a card appeared in his hand, then disappeared.

Skill: Fear.

The next second, the boy yelled in horror, as if seeing something terrible, he took a step back and ran out the door with a yell of horror.

Monk walked up to Clark and stood in front of him. As Clark looked at him, Monk smiled inwardly and said, "Can I ask you to dance?"

Clark froze: he didn't expect anyone to actually ask him to dance.

He hurriedly took off the earphones, and spread his arms to both sides calmly, a little at a loss.

Obviously, he didn't know what to make of the invitation.

Monk watched this scene and sighed silently.

The kid never talks about what happened at school, if he doesn't come this time

She grabs Clark's hand and pulls him onto the dance floor like a child, moving slowly to soothing music.

I recommend

(Good money) This is the last dance.

For a moment, the two became the focus of the audience, while Eric and Charles stood behind, their eyes widened in surprise, but they were still sincerely happy for Clark.

At the end of the song, they sat in the corner again.

"So, what's your name?"

Clark asked a little nervously.

Facing Clark's frown, Monk thought hard.

This silly boy, wouldn't it be love at first sight?


Monk babbled and said yes.

"I'm Clark."

Clark introduced himself seriously, but he didn't expect that the person standing in front of him turned out to be his father.

Monk nodded and looked towards the center of the dance floor.

The ball is over, the king and queen have been chosen, but what happens next exceeds all expectations.

When the prom king and queen stood on the podium in front of the dance floor, under the illumination of the focusing lights, and accepted everyone's gaze and applause with a smile on their faces, a pot of red liquid was poured on their heads. .

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