is that blood

Monk frowned at the smell of blood in the air.

However, it should not be human blood.

Are these kids really playing this crazy lately?

Monk looked surprised, Clark thought he was startled, and hurried towards him.


child, will you move out of the way?

I think there's something wrong with your dad.

The corner of Monk's mouth twitched, he silently remembered this in his heart, moved his footsteps, glanced at the bonus table again, and frowned.

The girl was Carrie, one year younger than Clark.

Clark was in school because he didn't want to make friends and no one dared to mess with him, but this girl was excluded and bullied because she messed with bad guys.

This time, it was clear that someone was messing with her.

Carly was covered in blood and stood there motionless, as if frozen.

She moved her arms stiffly, like a bloody puppet moving grotesquely.

Applause, surprise, screams.

The whole ballroom became extremely bloody in an instant, like a vivid picture scroll.

The girl spun around in place, a pair of big hazy eyes fixed on the expressions of everyone present, and the instigator was still smiling quickly on her head.

At this moment, the woman who was greatly shocked seemed to have a devilish whisper in her heart.

She has always had a secret, that is, she does not know why, at what time, she has a super power, but because of fear, she has never shown it to others.

In her head, a voice told her to let go, not to hold back.

She raised her hand, her eyes slowly revealing a tyrannical expression.

Yes, don't be depressed.

Since she was a child, she has been suppressing herself constantly, and the only person who makes her feel depressed is her mother.

Her mother is a fanatical believer. After giving birth to Carrie and being insulted, she believes that Carrie is God's punishment for her. She locks her up, prays to her, and even thinks that menstruation is God's punishment for her daughter's shameful thoughts and actions. punish.

The pressure from her family and the bullying by her classmates made Carrie pay a heavy price. Not only did she become emotionally unstable, but she even had some violent incidents from time to time.

Now, the voice in her head is getting louder.

She remembered.

Has this voice always been there? Ever since she awakened her abilities for some reason, has this voice always been in her heart? As she encounters more and more things? Her abilities are getting stronger and stronger (bafh) ? Does it appear more and more frequently? Is the sound getting louder? Even now, she seems to feel a silent whisper accompanying her heart? The hot breath like magma is ringing in her ears .

What just now? A tall figure appeared in front of her, throwing clothes on her.

She froze, her head cleared.

It was Clark, did she know him? At the back of the school again, she cautiously peeked at Clark, unexpectedly? At that moment, it was Clark who helped her.

Clark whispered "Let's go!".

Carly froze in place, the persuasive voice in her mind trembling slightly.

There was silence in the hall, and then the noise grew louder.

Voices of contempt? Mocking voices, voices whispering about freaks, all of which she heard behind her back.

Clark didn't care about this, he turned his head and looked in Louise's direction. in the haze.

where are people

How did Clark turn around again? Carly's body trembled slightly again.

Unexpectedly, after a slight shaking, the persuasive voice in her mind became more and more clear.

Not only does it fill her with longing, but it also lets her cranky out!

And the object of this desire happens to be Clark?

"Don't you wish you had a man like this? Don't you wish you had such a man who would give you warmth and help you when you were in trouble?"

The small bookshelves used by book lovers have been hung up, but now almost everyone uses \\\app\\\.

"Come on, take it, give me its soul, and I will be with you forever."


Carrie clutched her clothes tightly, her eyes went blank, and her last psychological defense was shattered.

She reached out and grabbed Clark's hand, greedy in her eyes.

Clark's heart sank, he turned his head to look at Carly, and suddenly felt an invisible force rushing towards him.

Clark frowned and took a step back.

Carrie, covered in blood, tilted her head and whispered, "Come with me"

As soon as the words fell, an invisible force pressed against Clark's whole body.

With a slight jolt, Clark freed himself from the restraints.

Carrie looked up at Clark suddenly, regaining more strength.

But Clark continued to surge forward with ease, making his way to the podium.

There is something wrong with this girl.

Clark muttered in his heart, looked at the classmates and teachers who stayed on their seats and watched the farce without recognition, and shouted: "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, Clark rushed to Charles and Eric.

"Don't move!"

Carly roared, an invisible force tore from her body, the entire podium began to vibrate, followed by the entire floor of the gymnasium, and then the lights of the entire stadium began to flicker, and the bulbs began to flicker.

People finally realized something was wrong and started panicking.


Seeing Clark's back and those faces full of hatred, Carrie exploded!


Accompanied by screams, an invisible force rushed towards Carrie's surroundings like an invisible wave, blowing away everything along the way.

Seeing this scene, Clark swallowed lightly, and his body, no longer disguised, exploded and appeared in front of Charles, using his back to help Charles block the flying human creatures. At the same time, Eric waved his arms angrily, and the metal gathered in front of him, like a metal wall, blocking the flying creatures for him.

"Charles! Eric!"

Clark whimpered, not needing to communicate that the three brothers' years of mutual understanding made them react.

Charles pressed his forehead, and his thoughts swept across the room, sending invisible thoughts into the room, causing the surviving teachers and classmates to fall into a deep sleep. Eric waved his arms, creating a series of metal missiles to protect Charles and himself.

As for Clark, he doesn't need their protection.

Under the power of Charles' thoughts, Carrie could only rely on her own experience to fight.

If it weren't for her ability to control things with the power of mind, and her extremely powerful mental power, she might have been controlled by Charles long ago.


She screamed in pain, feeling that her head might burst in the collision of two forces at any moment.

"Why, why are you all hurting me! Why!"

With Carrie's roar, her eyes instantly turned orange, and a more terrifying force burst out from her body, and even began to replace Charles's thoughts bit by bit.

Charles frowned: "Her strength is growing rapidly, and there is another voice in her head, Yinhuang is about to explode!"

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