Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 597 Sick Tiger and Hongyi

No matter what time, Leng Gong always looks cold. Even the harsh sunlight shining into the palace at noon seemed to turn pale, with a hint of winter chill. Towering and solemn statues stand silently in every corner of the palace. A series of vermilion palace doors, layer upon layer, separate this majestic palace from the world.

She Yu felt uneasy.

It seems that she has a good relationship with Master Bei Shuisheng, and she can come and go freely in the cold palace. Master Bei Shuisheng rarely receives visitors, and without his permission, others cannot even approach Leng Palace.

Despite this, she still couldn't help but feel anxious every time she came to Leng Palace. The frail and sickly Master Bei Shuisheng seems to have a pair of eyes that see through the world.

After passing through the vermilion palace gates, she was the only one on the broad avenue.

The petite figure looks so small under the majestic palace.

Bei Shuisheng was sitting behind the threshold of the hall, basking in the sun. Only the midday sun could shine into the hall. At this time, Bei Shuisheng would put down everything he was doing, drink tea and bask in the sun.

Here he comes.

Bei Shuisheng's voice is always so comfortable, like a breeze blowing on your face.

Everyone is well, sir. She Yu responded, kneeling on the futon outside the hall.

She still didn't know why she was called to the cold palace this time.

Bei Shuisheng smiled, his face was sickly pale, and he had been in the cold palace for a long time, it was difficult to see the sun, and he looked even more fair and sickly. Anyone who looks at the appearance in front of them would have a hard time connecting it with the Sick Tiger of God's Kingdom.

I haven't talked to you for a long time. Bei Shuisheng took an empty cup, picked up the teapot, poured the tea, and pushed out the straight lines that separated the inside and outside of the hall: How are you? How are you doing recently?

She Yu took the tea cup respectfully and said: It's the same as before, there's no difference.

Bei Shuisheng sighed with emotion: Time flies so fast. Before I know it, so many years have passed. If I remember correctly, you should be the first batch of seeds.

She Yu didn't know why, and felt that there seemed to be a deep meaning in the adult's words, so she said more cautiously: Yes.

Then our time is about the same. When His Majesty found me, he originally planned to let me be selected as a seed. Unfortunately, my body was too weak, so His Majesty had no choice but to give up. He continued: You should be the only one left in the first batch of seeds. Bar.

She Yu's hand movements stagnated: Yes.

The so-called seeds are the elites cultivated by the blood of God since childhood. Most of them are orphans without fathers and mothers, and they began to practice blood spiritual power at a very young age. At that time, how to cultivate blood spiritual power with the blood of God was still in its early stages. They tried different cultivation methods and fed back to the Beast Gu Palace, eventually forming a mature cultivation system.

The competition among the seeds is very cruel and fierce.

The Emperor Sage attaches great importance to seeds and believes that they are the foundation of God's Blood. They have devoted a lot to God's Blood and have unparalleled loyalty.

In the early stages of the launch of the Blood of God, the Seeds took the lead and rushed to the forefront, living up to the Emperor's expectations.

It is precisely because of this that the damage rate of seeds is very alarming. Among the first batch of seeds, only She Yu is still alive.

She Yu has a special status in the Blood of Gods. She is regarded as the princess of the Kingdom of God and is called Her Royal Highness. This is also the origin.

However, for She Yu, this was not a good memory. All the former companions and competitors have disappeared, leaving only me.

She Yu didn't know why Mr. Bei Shuisheng mentioned this matter.

Bei Shuisheng's eyes were fixed on She Yu's face. Although she was carefully dressed, she could vaguely see a bit of haggardness between her brows. He sighed in his heart and whispered: When did you get the Flower of Life and Death Technique?

She Yu's delicate body trembled, her heart was horrified, and her face was as pale as paper: did you know?

Bei Shuisheng said calmly: The last time you came to inquire about the heart of the gods, I discovered something unusual about you. But I wasn't sure at that time. The Art of Living and Dying Flower Sacrifice is obscure and difficult to understand, and very few people know about it. I only had some impressions after reading it out of boredom. . I didn’t expect to see it with my own eyes. If you are the flower master, why bother asking the immature God’s heart? I think only the flower slave would be so eager.”

Bei Shuisheng's tone was as calm as water, but She Yu no longer had any chance of taking any chances. Instead, her face calmed down, and she felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

She had no fear, only apathy. Even if His Majesty knew and wanted to punish her, so what? She had been searching hard for a way to unlock the Flower Sacrifice of Life and Death in her body, but to this day, she still found nothing.

She no longer had any extravagant hopes.

Bei Shuisheng said: I thought it was His Majesty at first, but after asking Your Majesty, Your Majesty has never studied the art of flower sacrifice. The others, Ye Zhanshen and Red Devil are all latecomers, so it is naturally impossible. Could it be Nangong? Palace Master?

She Yu completely calmed down at this time. She shook her head and said, Thank you for your concern, sir. The Flower Sacrifice Technique of Life and Death on She Yu was not planted by others, but was inflicted by She Yu herself.

Bei Shuisheng showed emotion for the first time: Did you do it yourself?

He seemed to have thought of something, and his dull eyes suddenly brightened: But the master and slave are changing positions?

She Yu's eyes dimmed: Yes.

Bei Shuisheng suddenly realized: That's it.

He was amazed at She Yu's talent. The Flower of Life and Death Sacrifice technique was obscure, mysterious, and unpredictable. Among the many magic techniques in the Kingdom of God, it was one of the most mysterious. She did not expect that She Yu would be able to succeed in cultivation, and even more unexpectedly, She Yu also encountered the extremely rare master-slave transposition in the Flower of Life and Death Sacrifice Technique.

Bei Shuisheng silently digested the shock in his heart. After a moment, Fang asked: Can I take the liberty to ask who the other party is?

She Yu hesitated for a moment, then softly uttered two words: Ai Hui.

Bei Shuisheng's face was full of astonishment, and his whole body seemed motionless as if someone had cast a immobilization spell on him. After a long time, he slowly exhaled, with shock still in his eyes, and said to himself: It turns out it's him, it turns out it's him...

He never expected that it would be Ai Hui.

When did you plant the Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique for him?

Matsujian Castle.

The last doubt in Bei Shuisheng's heart disappeared. He remembered that She Yu was near Songjian City when the blood disaster broke out. He was a little surprised at She Yu's vision and courage. She was able to see Ai Hui's potential when he was in Songjian City, and even did not hesitate to plant the Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique. This was not something ordinary people could do.

And Ai Hui is even more amazing. After being implanted with the Flower Sacrifice Technique of Life and Death, he was actually able to switch positions between master and slave.

It just confirms the saying, it’s not that the Raptors can’t cross the river!

When Bei Shuisheng raised his head again, his expression had returned to calm: Maybe there is no chance.

She Yu's mind was shaken again, and she exclaimed in surprise. She could no longer maintain her composure, and said in a trembling voice: Please make it clear, sir.

However, Bei Shuisheng was silent again. After a moment, he spoke with a solemn expression: This method may work, maybe it won't. I can't guarantee it.

She Yu smiled sadly: At this time, She Yu has only one percent chance of survival and is willing to try.

Bei Shuisheng felt pity in his heart. He knew how tragic Hua Nu's fate was, and he understood She Yu's state of mind. He suddenly changed the topic: Ye Shuai and Palace Master Nangong were kidnapped by the Divine Fear Judgment.

She Yu, who was not prepared at all, was stunned. After a moment, she came to her senses and exclaimed: How could this happen?

She was shocked by this sudden heavy news. Ye Baiyi and Nangong Wulian were second only to Bei Shuisheng in importance to the Kingdom of God. Ye Baiyi single-handedly created the Six Divine Departments and the Twelve Blood Departments, and the Beast Gu Palace under the control of Nangong Wulian basically involves all aspects of the Kingdom of God. In addition to miracles such as the God's Heart, the research on blood refining, and the raising of various blood beasts, Cultivation of various blood plants, etc.

Two important people were kidnapped!

She could hardly imagine what a huge impact this news would have on the Kingdom of God!

The situation on the front line is so good, how could such a stupid mistake be made?

She was stunned by this huge news and couldn't break free from it for a while.

Bei Shuisheng thought to himself: Even your Majesty cannot bear such a heavy loss. However, in the battle with Anmuda, His Majesty has not recovered from his injuries and cannot go to save the two adults in person. The Red Devil is guarding the border of the Emerald Forest and cannot go there. . Your Majesty came to ask me for my opinion. I thought about it and recommended you.

She Yu was stunned, thinking that her ears had heard it wrong. She shook her head: Your Majesty also knows She Yu's strength. The responsibility for this matter is extremely important. She Yu is powerless...

Bei Shuisheng smiled slightly: We'll talk about strength later. I originally thought that it was Palace Master Nangong who planted the Flower of Life and Death Technique in you, and your favor of saving him should be able to relieve your crisis. But now it's Ai Hui, it's really frustrating It’s surprising, but it’s not without a chance.”

She Yu seemed to be listening to a story, and the adults seemed very sure that she could save the two adults. If it weren't for Mr. Bei Shuisheng in front of her, she would have walked away with such ridiculous remarks. There are many masters of Divine Fear and Judgment. Wan Shenwei and Ximen Judgment are such powerful existences. My own strength is simply not enough.

Bei Shuisheng said in a relaxed tone: But even as I said just now, I don't know if this method is useful or useless.

He had a magnificent gold box in his hand. The box was made entirely of gold and had exquisite carvings on it. It was obviously made by a famous craftsman.

Bei Shuisheng pushed the gold box out of the door.

Countless doubts flashed through She Yu's heart, wondering what kind of medicine the adults were selling in the gourd. She took the gold box and opened it carefully. Inside the gold box, on the black satin lining like running water, there is a clear crystal, which is dazzling.

Inside the crystal, a drop of golden liquid is sealed.

She Yu thought of something, her head buzzed, and she went blank.

Your Majesty will give you a drop of God's blood. The God's heart is still incomplete and has great flaws. It imitates the blood of God, and you will feel it. Maybe you can try to awaken Ye Baiyi? All war departments are listening to your orders. , I believe you have a way to bring Ye Baiyi and Nangong Wulian back. As for the changes that the blood of God will have on the Life and Death Flower Sacrifice Technique? I can't predict it, but it's very exciting.

Bei Shuisheng looked at She Yu with a smile, his eyes warm.

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