Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 598: Combat as training

In the sky ahead, more than a dozen blood cultivators riding iron red feathers gathered and dispersed with great flexibility. They seem to be wandering in front of the defense line inadvertently, but if you are not careful, they will suddenly cut in from a weird angle, like a sharp knife. When they get close to the defense line, they will throw all kinds of strange things, such as explosive bombs that can release blood poisonous smoke, or blood arrows with extremely powerful penetrating power.

At the beginning, the soldiers at Zhenshen Peak were panicked every time, but gradually they got used to it and became much calmer.

On the Zhenshen Peak, Fatty's roar was like thunder, exploding from time to time.

What are you shooting at?

Li Kui, Ma Xiao, what's going on with you two groups? Didn't you eat?

Trash! How many times have I told you, don't be anxious, don't panic, pay attention to their rhythm, don't be fooled by their rhythm! Look at you, what's the result? Not a single hit!

Team C is practicing extra! They are not allowed to eat until they finish practicing.

Suddenly, there was a cry of mourning on the God-Suppressing Peak, and the faces of the team members who came down from the tower gun were ashen. The fat man ignored him at all and roared angrily: Team D is in position! Cheer up, Fatty! Have a good fuck!

The members of Team D looked nervous as if they were facing a formidable enemy. The three teams in front were all punished for extra training, and they were under great pressure.

The captain of Team D is Wu Feng, who was also the Huo Xiu who was almost burned to ashes in the lemon camp fire pool but fell into a coma without saying a word. Later, after Loulan's rescue, his injuries healed quickly, but a very horrific scar was left behind, and his left cheek was as bright red as a ball of flame.

Loulan told him that he could help him remove the scar, but Wu Feng refused. He decided to leave the scar to remind himself not to forget the past.

Among the fire cultivators of Chongyun Spear, he is one of the hardest-working fire cultivators. Although his talent is not very high, he is meticulous in executing orders. As long as he is given a task, he will never disappoint anyone.

After the tower gunner was handed over to Fatty, he quickly gained Fatty's favor and was promoted to captain of the first team.

He became even more dedicated, doing his best in training and daily work, and never slacking off.

The actual Wu Feng of the three teams in front of them all saw it and had some ideas. The reason why the first three teams all failed was that everyone was not good at controlling the tower cannons, and the other was that the enemy was really elite. Even though the enemies seem to be flying around aimlessly, the distance is actually maintained very accurately. Tie Hongling was very alert and the opponent's rhythm changes were unpredictable, which was why they all failed.

Before coming up, he and his team members were discussing what to do. In the end, everyone discussed a solution that was not a solution, that is, all tower guns were aimed at one enemy, covering all the enemy's escape directions.

Although this method is a bit cumbersome and inefficient, Wu Feng thinks it is a good idea. We have also discussed many details, and now is the time to see whether this method will work.

Wu Feng licked his lips and shouted: All tower cannons, target third from left.

Boom, all the tower cannons pointed at the target instantly.

The target seemed to realize that it was being targeted and began to change directions continuously. His flight trajectory is very strange and unpredictable.

Wu Feng's tower cannon began to rise and fall, and the other tower cannons did not look at the target in the air at all, but stared at Wu Feng's tower cannon. They always maintain the same orientation as the Wufeng Tower Cannon.

Snow lava poured into the tower cannon, and the barrel of the tower gun suddenly turned red. Wu Feng did not fire immediately. He found that his two tower cannons had not kept up. There were more novices in those two tower cannons and they were not skilled enough.

Can't fire yet!

If a tower cannon that is fully charged with fire energy does not fire, the fire energy must be introduced into the body of the tower gunner, otherwise the tower cannon will explode directly. Wu Feng's cheek twitched, but he immediately remained indifferent, but starting from his shoulders, it seemed like it was burning red, and continued to spread to his body.

Wu Feng remained silent and motionless.

The fat man didn't roar this time. He stared at Wu Feng with a hint of surprise. This guy's endurance is very strong! He promoted Wu Feng before because he was more conscientious in his work. He didn't expect that this guy's endurance was so good. This was an unexpected surprise.

In the traditional Yuanxiu system, few people would value endurance, but in the new system, endurance is the top priority.

Ah Hui uses the sword tower to select sword cultivators to test their endurance. Windmill Sword has pointed the way. In the tower system, affordability is a key attribute.

After Fatty was promoted to master, his understanding of this point became deeper and deeper.

Finally, the angles of the two tower guns caught up.

Wu Feng suddenly shouted: Fire!


The six tower cannons roared in unison, and six beams of light suddenly enveloped the target in the sky.

The target blood cultivator had sensed something was wrong and tried his best to dodge, but faced with such a large-scale attack, how could he escape?

A beam of light grazed his left chest.

The left half of his body disappeared, revealing the charred flesh and blood and internal organs. He lowered his head and stared blankly at his body, letting out a shrill and desperate scream before falling down.

The fat man roared again: Good job! One more shot!

Wu Feng's blood was boiling and he was so excited that he responded loudly: Yes!

Encouraged by the results of the previous battle, everyone became more skilled in the second bombardment. Wu Feng and the others shot down an enemy again.

Two enemies were shot down in succession, and other blood cultivators fled and dispersed, and cheers rang out on the God-Suppressing Peak.

The fat man was very excited and roared like thunder: Team D, double the Yuanli soup!

The cheers of Wu Feng and the others were even louder, and the eyes of other teams were filled with envy.

Zu Yan, who was beside Fatty, whispered: There are two artillery fires that are more powerful than the other artillery fires.

The fat man was a little surprised: Did you notice it too?

Well, they resonate with Yuanli and increase their power. Zu Yan's eyes were bright: But there were only two that resonated just now, and the others were a little bit worse.

Fatty was a little troubled: How can such a cooperation be completely accurate and synchronized? It would be good to have two resonances.

Yuanli resonance can increase the power of the tower cannon. This discovery greatly interested Fatty, but it was very difficult to achieve this. Then all the tower cannons need to be exactly the same. Hey, isn't this the way the windmill sword goes to the sword tower?

The fat man suddenly realized, but soon frowned.

However, the seven sword towers of the Windmill Sword can be completely consistent. One is the inseparable sword that can sense each other, the other is the unique seven-star position, and the third is that the sword cultivators simplify their moves and practice them repeatedly.

Except for the third point, which they can do, the other two points cannot be achieved.

Seven-star artillery position? Different Yuanli have completely different characteristics. The seven-star position is suitable for sword light, seven swords combined into one, but the tower cannon is a completely different kind of energy.

Zu Yan hesitated for a moment: I may have a way.

The fat man looked at Zu Yan with doubt on his face: Do you have any idea? Don't lie to me!

Zu Yan thought for a while: If you want them to have the same rhythm, you need to have a unified command. The [Earth Fire Spider Transformation] I practiced can lay a large earth fire spider web, as long as the tower cannon is positioned on the spider web. On the node, I should be able to pass commands to them.

The fat man was stunned for a moment: It sounds reasonable.

Zu Yan asked: Would you like to stay and try?

The fat man nodded repeatedly: I have to try it! I have to try it!

He immediately rolled his eyes and said, But I won't try here. I'll do the interview later.

Zu Yan didn't know why.

Fatty said: What if we succeed? We can't scare the snake away, we have to give the opponent a surprise.

Only then did Zu Yan suddenly realize.

At the highest point of Zhenshen Peak, Shi Xueman looked at the furious fat man below and couldn't help but smile.

Who would have thought that this fat man with a fiery personality and bad temper was so timid and cowardly in the past. Where can you still see the slightest trace of the past in the fat man today? With experience and time, people continue to grow. Everyone has time, but their experiences are very different. It is these different experiences that sharpen different brilliance.

Jiang Wei said: Fat Man thinks that the enemy is testing them anyway, so it is better to treat it as a kind of training. Take turns to go up to the tower gun team. There are many novices in the team, let them experience the actual combat atmosphere in advance.

Shi Xueman said: The fat man is the same as that guy. He suffers the most. Even a mosquito wants to squeeze out two ounces of oil.

Sang Zhijun knew that the person Shi Xueman was talking about was Ai Hui, so she smiled softly, and Jiang Wei beside her couldn't help but smile.

After being promoted to master, Jiang Wei's demeanor became more calm and reserved, as if standing in the abyss.

He then pondered: Helian Tianxiao doesn't seem to be in a hurry. They are probably waiting for the Divine Tiger and the Divine Demon to gather together. Logically speaking, these two units should have arrived. Why are they still missing?

Others don't know what the reason is and are speculating.

Could it be that we encountered other enemies on the road? No, who can stop them?

Are you lost?

Or has something happened to the enemy himself?

Who knows, it would be better later! I think Fatty's method of using combat as training is very effective. They are not in a hurry, and we are not in a hurry!

Haha, that's right.

Everyone was talking about it, but they couldn't guess what was going on.

Before the Divine Wolf arrived, the atmosphere at the defense line was tense and depressing. Now that the other side is really here, after the two sides engage in battle, everyone puts aside their worries about gains and losses and focuses on the battle in front of them, and the atmosphere becomes much better.

Shi Xueman didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, so he muttered: Just wait and see what happens.

She suddenly asked Sang Zhijun: Are you testing your sword wielding talent today?

Sang Zhijun nodded: It's today, and the situation here is unknown, so I didn't dispatch combatants to test, and let the reserve team go first.

Shi Xueman nodded: They are younger and have greater plasticity. We must pay close attention to the training of sword wielders. Windmill sword is the future trend.

Sang Zhijun nodded quickly: Yes!

They are all people who are familiar with military affairs. Following the windmill sword into battle, they immediately realized the great value of the windmill sword and the importance of the sword wielder.

Sang Zhijun glanced at the enemy camp in front and felt that there was no possibility of the enemy attacking in a short time, so he said, Let's go and have a look.

Others were equally curious and followed suit.

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