Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 158 All the Konoha ninjas are defeated. Who would want to fight you if you are risking your

Just when Onoki thought his sneak attack was successful,

The heart was penetrated,

How else do you want to live?

"Old man, you are more sinister than that guy who looks honest and honest."


Ohnoki had no idea that the Inuzuka was still able to move.

"Immortal Technique·Diamond Claw."

A claw strengthened by fairy magic shimmered with metallic luster,

Swinging towards Onoki,

"Earth Release: Heart Beheading Technique."

A pair of hands instantly appeared under Ohnoki,

Holding Onoki's remaining right leg,

Caught into the ground,

Naturally, Inuzuka's claw attack was in vain.


A huge crack appeared in the ground,


Inuzuka Inuzuka quickly rushed to the place where Onoki and Yellow Earth were sneaking,


The nose moves slightly,

On the right front here,

"Immortal method: teeth to teeth."

A white whirlwind drilled into the ground,

Then he drilled out again,

But there seemed to be two more objects in front of it.

It is the big wild wood and loess.

At this time, Loess was desperately resisting the Inuzuka attack.

I don't care even though my abdomen is full of blood.

After the move is over,

The confrontation continues above,

"Such a strong defense, but it was not torn apart by me. Who are you Iwagakure? Tell me your name."

"The rock hides in the loess."

"You're not dead yet?"

What are you talking about? In your eyes, I, Huang Tu, should have been dead long ago, right?

Inuzuka was also puzzled.

Even if Hideki and Kamito were involved, Shigan never killed him.

Shouldn't this kind of famous figure from the original work, whom even he knows, be the focus of attention?

And why are there so many Iwa ninjas here?

More than ten thousand people,

What on earth did the three of them do?

Hideki Senju: Look at the big mountain next to you. Don’t you think it looks a bit like an old friend of yours? There are more than 5,000 rock ninjas buried inside, as well as the four-tailed, five-tailed, and seven-tailed jinchūriki.

Uchiha Kamito: Otherwise, if I cripple Onoki, you will have to taste the feeling of being consumed by the sky infinitely, okay? Moreover, can’t you see those huge knife marks? Among the five of us, there are Who knows how to use a knife?

Shigan Aburame: According to the original plan, I would have taken care of everything without you coming, but there are always people who don’t go according to plan, right? I faced off against the big boss in the later stage twice and was attacked by surprise. Who am I to explain?

Inuzuka: I haven't killed any of you by name.

Uchiha Kamito, Aburame Shigan: Bah.

Senju Hideki: The Nanao Jinchuuriki has no name or surname, but Han and Lao Zi have names.

"That gray layer, does Iwagakure also have his own body refining technique?"

Inuzuka looked at the gray substance on the loess body,

As soon as I touched it, I felt it was something other than flesh and blood.

Onoki was panicked.

"Loess, you."

"Father, for Iwagakure, this is a necessary sacrifice, isn't it?"

Huangtu showed a wry smile,

The Hidden Rock Technique, the Stone Man Technique, turns one's body into an extremely hard stone, but the price is irreversible. The person who uses this technique will slowly turn into a stone statue, and the more chakra is used, the more the person uses chakra. The petrification process will also be faster.

Ohnoki couldn't bear to look at it;

For Yanyin, this choice is understandable.

But for Onoki, the countdown to his son's life has begun.

"Inuzuka, let us fight to the death."

Huangtu tore off the obstructive Iwagakure uniform on his body,

At this time, his abdomen had turned into a hard stone.

The red blood that just flowed out also turned into a dark gray viscous liquid, stone marrow?

"You fool, I fought you. Bullying is my way of tolerance."

I'm going head-to-head with you, a guy who obviously doesn't want to live anymore. Am I not just sick?

Inuzukaru whistled,

for a while,

Hundreds of ninja dogs rushed into the Iwagakure position.

Some are as big as mountains,

Some are only as big as calves,

Different sizes,

It can be seen that Inuzuka is also digging into the family fortune.

"Inuzuka Ryu·Hundred Dogs Making Iwagakure."

Iwagakure: Are you sure this is the name of the move?

Inuzuka Haruko, who had been channeled to the point of collapse, was quickly recovering her chakra.

Yi Hui's ultimate move still requires her cooperation.

Tsunade is also mobilizing personnel;

"We must not let the heroes of Konoha fight alone this time. Pack up your equipment and charge with me."


The Konoha ninjas all agreed,

Seeing this,

Inuzuka Haruko quickly stopped and said,

How can I let you steal the show?

No, it would be too dangerous for you to go up now.

"Tsunade-sensei, no, you can't come."

Inuzuka Haruko quickly stopped and said,

If anyone else said this, the Konoha ninja might kill him first and finally get to the battlefield, only to be stopped again.

But for Inuzuka Haruko,

That's a different matter,

My boyfriend is still shouting and beating me to death from above. You don't listen to what I'm saying. That's simply inappropriate.

"Purlin, what's wrong? Why can't we go up? Don't worry, Konoha ninjas are never afraid of death."

"That's right."

After Tsunade finished speaking,

The underground echoed in unison.

"Um, I'm about to use my big move. I'm afraid you might be accidentally injured."

Inuzuka Tsuruko said in a waxing voice,

After all, she was kind, and didn't say "you are too weak" openly.

However, there are a few simple-minded guys in Konoha Ninja,

They all understood what Rinko meant,

So I am so weak that I can't even be cannon fodder?

"Don't lose heart, we and them..."

Tsunade wanted to boost morale,

but when she thought of the big Buddha and the mountain now,

the huge black armored giant,

the sea of ​​insects all over the mountain just now, and the thunder that kept falling from the sky.

Looking at herself who had accomplished nothing,

Tsunade squatted on the ground helplessly to draw small circles,

"It turns out that I am the loser."

"I don't even have the qualifications to go to the battlefield."

"I am too weak."

"I am sorry for Konoha and my ancestors."

Inuzuka Rinko was very disappointed with everyone,

Is this considered to be helping everyone?

"Inuzuka Ryo, don't run."

"Come and chase me."

Inuzuka Ryo said as he harvested the lives of the rock ninjas beside him.

Record +1+1+1+1......

"Damn it!"

Huang Tu was so angry, I didn't want to live anymore, but you didn't want to play with me.

Huang Tu was lucky that his brain was not petrified.

If I can't catch you, I can't catch others, huh, dogs?

"Earth escape·Mountain Earth Technique."

Huang Tu made a move and instantly caught Inuzuka Ryo's beloved dog, Yingwan.

"I was very upset with you just now, die in the anger of the earth."

Senju Hideki: The anger of the earth, not bad, remember it, remember it, it will be useful in the future.

But Yingwan is not a pushover,

Hundreds of dogs, you just picked the strongest one,

You have good taste.

"Immortal Technique: Lightning Poison Dog Drill."

Yingwan twisted his waist,

freed himself from the restraints,

and then attacked the loess at a speed of 200 revolutions per second.

Yingwan, he was still accelerating, now it had reached 300 revolutions!

400 revolutions!

500 revolutions!!!

With a bang,

it succeeded!!!

It successfully hit the loess!!!

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