Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 159: The Great Monster of Ninja World, the Hidden Rock Wall

The loess was knocked into the air.

At this moment,

He thought a lot,

But he never thought that

The damn face would appear in front of him.

Inuzuka Ryo: "Didn't you just call me? I'm here now."

"Ya Tong Ya."

A white whirlwind knocked the loess down from the air to the ground.



I kept spinning.

"The damage seems to be done, just a little bit short."


"Woof woof."

At this moment, Ryo and Eimaru's eyes met, producing violent sparks;

At this moment, they were in tune with each other and shared what they had;

At this moment, they were in each other;

At this moment, I couldn't make it up anymore.

They used their blood-boiling combined attack skills,

"Inuzuka-style mixed transformation·Two-headed wolf."

The two-headed white wolf descended on the ninja world,

"Now let's see whether you live or not."

"Garo Fang."

An even stronger hurricane appeared,

Huang Tu saw the hurricane in front of him getting bigger and bigger,

and knew that he was going to die,

but it was a pity that he had just had a child,

and he hadn't had time to see him,

"Iwagakure forbidden technique·Stone Giant Technique."

This technique is not to summon a rock giant,

but to transform himself into a rock giant,

Huang Tu will disappear from this ninja world forever after this battle,

the kind that can't be retrieved even by the Impure World Reincarnation.

A stone giant not much smaller than the two-headed wolf appeared on the battlefield,

and one punch was the super-heavy rock technique + rock fist technique,

which made the two-headed wolf retreat for a while,

and the claws strengthened by the fairy method were swung up, but only a little spark could be seen.

The two-headed wolf bared its teeth,

what on earth did Yingshu Shenrenzhigan do to those three trashes, they didn't even force out such a big move.

Senju Hideki, Uchiha Kamito, Aburame Shigan: This kind of small technique can be mastered in minutes. If you are not good at it, just practice more, don't always blame this or that.

Inuzuka Ryo was constantly thinking,

In his opinion, being evenly matched is an absolute disadvantage, and he will only take the initiative to attack when he is bullying the weak.

So now,


Yellow Earth Stone Giant,

"Earth escape · Super light and heavy rock."

I will die soon, how can you run away?

Chased after him instantly,

"Don't even think about running."

"Oh my god, how can you run so fast."

The two-headed wolf was punched out again,

and then continued to run,

Yellow Earth Stone Giant: ? ? Really no shame.

While running,

the two-headed wolf saw Mowan,

"Inuzuka style mixed transformation · three-headed wolf."

"Yellow Earth, let's do it again this time."


the three-headed wolf was knocked out,

well, I can't beat it, keep running.

Yellow Earth Stone Giant:.......

Found Yamaru again,

"Inuzuka-style Hybrid Transformation·Four-headed Wolf."

"Yellow Earth, let's continue."



"Kagemaru, why are you here."

Kagemaru: You obviously came here because you saw me.

"Inuzuka-style Hybrid Transformation·Five-headed Wolf."

Boom, boom,


How can this thing be so powerful? I've never heard of such a treasure in Iwagakure.

How can this thing be so shameless, running without hesitation.

This time the five wolves saw it again,

Then turned around,


A wolf howl,

Why would the call for ninja dogs be a wolf howl,

Maybe every ninja dog has a heart to become a wild wolf.

"Inuzuka-style Hybrid Transformation·Hundred-headed Wolf."

Ninja dogs continued to join the ranks of hybrid transformation.

The yellow earth stone giant quickly stopped.

After one, it was two.

After two, it was three.

After three, it was four.

After four, it was five.

After five, it was one hundred.

Is this how you learn math at home?

The dark clouds in the sky that were created by Aburame Shigan disappeared instantly.

A hundred-headed wolf comparable to the size of the ten thousand-handed Buddha descended on the ninja world.

Ninja world: So many big guys are coming, I can't bear it anymore.


One hundred roars spread throughout the battlefield.

Iwagakure was stunned.

Again, again, again!!!

Konoha was also stunned.

No wonder we were not allowed to go up.

Is this the war we should participate in?

I was assigned the wrong rank.

The yellow earth stone giant quickly called on everyone to unite and respond.

The previous big Buddha, Iwagakure couldn't use earth escape at that time,

so it was hit so badly,

but now that earth escape can be used,

Iwagakure must let you see what the gold content of the strongest defense in the ninja world is.

"Defense troops, get ready, stop this monster for me."

"Trap troops, it's your turn to work."

"Explosion escape troops, don't lose your reputation as an ace unit."

"Assault troops, one hundred heads, don't tell me you can't hit a single head."





The remaining more than 10,000 Iwagakure ninjas responded to the command of the yellow earth.

Although the leaders of the defense and assault troops had been solved by Inuzuka Ryo,

how can a unit that loses its combat effectiveness without a leader be called elite or ace?

"Escape: Thousands of Miles of Earthflow Wall."

"Earth Escape·Earthquake Core."

"Get ready to explode the clay. I'll throw it hard at that big monster soon."

"Tu Dun·Tu Long Spear, volley."


A big hole appeared under Bailiu Langla's feet.

One foot suddenly sank in.

Bailiu Langla's hundred heads opened one after another,

All kinds of ninjutsu gather in it,

Fire, earth, wind, water, thunder,

Various elements started bombing attacks non-stop like machine guns,

However, if Iwagakure can use earth escape,

The defense power is indeed not guaranteed.

Earth flow walls rise one after another,

Accurately withstood every attack from Bailiu Langla.

"砠, what should we do? Our chakra can't last long."

In Bailiu Langla's consciousness,

Inuzuka Haruko and Inuzuka Haruko discussed countermeasures.

And because Inuzuka Haruko used too many psychic techniques,

I'm afraid the time will be shortened for a while.

"It's okay, I just want to play ninjutsu with them. Our Inuzuka clan has never been good at ninjutsu."

Luosha, Jiasulan, Yecang: the best.

Fenfu: Three lay people, the lay people have been very good to us. You know, we are only facing eight wolves, but here there are a hundred.

Luosha, Jiasuluo, Yecang: hiss~

"Purlin, get ready."


"Hundred wolf tornado fangs."

Bailiu Langla turned his body quickly,

The air around me also rotates,

A huge tornado rose,

"It's not good. Everyone uses the Earth Current Wall."


At this moment, facing a tornado that is like a natural disaster,

Everyone in Iwagakure did not retreat;

Because there is no place to retreat.

"Earth Escape·Unite Earth Current Wall."

All the Iwa ninjas transferred all their chakra to the large earth flow wall in front of them.

A thick and high wall rises to the sky,

The loess stone giant integrated his body directly into this earth flow wall.

Let me transform into a giant wall and guard Iwagakure Village on this border forever.


The dark yellow earth flow wall slowly turns into the grayish blue of the stubborn stone.

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