
Song Jiang, who had just stepped off the plane and was about to take a breath of free air, was greeted by a mixture of smells.


Vomiting in his throat, he covered his nose and hurried forward, pulling the suitcase with him like a spark.

Cursing as he walked.

It doesn’t mean that the air abroad is all fragrant!

The smell of shit everywhere! !

Following his hurried movements, he didn't pay any attention to the skillful movements of the gringos next to him. They all held their backpacks in front of their chests and zipped them tightly.

oh! Chinese!

The scent of prey quickly attracted a flexible figure. The tall and thin man followed Song Jiang silently for more than ten steps.

It's the moment when the other party takes out his mobile phone, his movements quickly accelerate, and when his strong figure approaches, he reaches out to grab it.

Song Jiang happened to turn his head and passed by him!

Just the sudden appearance of a dark shadow made his eyelids jump.

What? !

Before Song Jiang could react in the next second, the thief who had missed the mark had flexibly placed his target on his suitcase.

Both hands were placed on the handle at the same time.


"You..." Before he finished speaking, the corner of the other person's mouth rose.

The next second!

With a bang, Song Jiang's hand was blown away, and the person on the other side seemed to be accelerating, pulling the suitcase and starting to run wildly!

"What the hell! Robbery on the street!?"

Although I already knew that America is very free! !

But what the fuck! !

Too much freedom! !


Song Jiang raised his feet and chased after him, but in front of him was a guy eating. Even if he was holding a suitcase, he could actually run faster than Song Jiang!

Damn it!

If you have this skill, why don't you go to the Olympics? You're a fucking thief! !


Songjiang mouth was spitting out fragrance, and in the middle of the race, the passers-by were unmoved, as if it was a common thing, and they didn't even think of helping to stop him.

Looking at the front with my own eyes, the distance is getting farther and farther.

Song Jiang couldn't help but start thinking!

I won’t have to sleep on the street on the first day, right? ! !

Just when I was worried, I saw a burly black man in a suit who looked like an ox just walking out of the alley not far away. He was holding a coffee cup and was stunned for a moment when he saw the thief coming to greet him.

Then he saw Song Jiang chasing after him.

The big man understood what had happened instantly and decisively poured coffee on the thief's head.

The thief subconsciously dodged, but the distance was too close and he still caught it all over his head. Brown coffee liquid dripped wetly everywhere.


"Look at the good things you've done!"

The big black man smiled coldly and said, "I haven't done it yet." As he spoke, he slapped the thief on the face!


With a crisp sound, the person who was slapped turned around in a circle, and his head fell to the ground in confusion. Only then did he react, and he didn't dare to say provocative words, and ran away crawling!

The big black man who was left standing frowned and looked at the coffee liquid on his brand new suit. The coffee was not poured very well, and some of it splashed back on him.


He cursed in a low voice,

"Hoo, ho!" Song Jiang panted and ran to him, "Hello, thank you so much, otherwise this person would have disappeared!"

"If you don't want to be stared at, hide your things." The cold voice combined with the ferocious face can make anyone awe and fear.

"Thanks for the reminder!"

Song Jiang's eyes were slightly curved and he smiled brightly.

It seems that it is rare to see such a bold Chinese. The black man was stunned for a moment, and his tense face relaxed slightly. He was silent for a moment and uttered something.

"Don't take out your mobile phone. Chinese people are easy targets. If you are in danger, you can go over there." He pointed to the left, which was the direction of the embassy.

Song Jiang nodded, noticing that the black man was unconsciously wiping the coffee on his clothes, and quickly handed over a piece of white paper.

The other party was stunned for a moment, then took it and whispered softly.

It seems to be thank you?

"Shall I pay you a piece of clothing?"

The black man was stunned for a moment and quickly waved his hand, "No, it's just..." He scratched his hair irritably, "Okay, it will have some impact. But it's not a big problem. Take care of yourself, kid!"


What did you call me?

"I'm 24, sir."

The other party was a little skeptical, but finally accepted: "Chinese people do look younger." As he spoke, he looked at the shops on both sides of the street, trying to find a dry cleaning shop.

Unfortunately, no.

"Shift!" He cursed and turned around.


"What else do you want?"

Turning his head impatiently, Song Jiang saw the suit held high and smiled slightly.

"If you don't mind, please wear my suit?"

"It must be a very important meeting."

As soon as these words came out, the black man who was planning to refuse was silent for a moment, and then took it stiffly. He promised: "I will return it to you!"

"For you."

"No! Give me your address and I'll return it to you!" You can tell by touching it with your hand that the material is better. This dress should be worth a lot of money.

"I'm just here for a trip, maybe I'll leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Hearing this, the black man's eyebrows furrowed. He thought for a moment, took off his suit and handed it to the other person.

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment and laughed, "What a great idea!"

The two exchanged clothes and said goodbye.

It's just that they all have the same final direction!


Half an hour later.

Morgan approached his interview location. Before entering the supermarket, he loosened his narrow collar. The Chinese are still too small!

It barely covered him.

Although it didn't fit well, it was better than being considered dirty by the interviewer!

If he knew that the first impression of the interview was to be clean and tidy! With coffee all over his body, he might have been eliminated in the first round.

"Please wait here for a while."

The staff guided him to sit down in the rest room. There were already several people standing in the wide room.

The white-skinned people sat together consciously. Seeing another black man coming in, they couldn't help but despise him.

"They are simply polluting the air." A white person said sarcastically, but unfortunately no one in the room paid attention to her, and the scolding became louder.

"You should all go to the slums!"


Someone cursed in a low voice. One of the black people was about to get up and teach her a lesson, but the person next to him stopped him.

"Don't let the bitch affect the result!"

The black man who was successfully persuaded to sit down again had an angry look in his eyes. He clenched his fists and endured the discrimination of racists not far away!

"It's all because of these black slaves who stole our jobs! I even have to compete with them now! It's ridiculous!"

The chattering voice.

The veins on Morgan's dark face spread.

"Madam, please shut up!"

The blonde woman looked at him in surprise, as if she had seen a very funny drama, and pointed her finger at him, "Look at him! What is he saying? Please shut up~hahaha~"

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