Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 292 Let more people ignite hope in life!

Tong Yuyu didn't understand the complicated emotions in his eyes and only received a favor.


Tong Yuyu rolled his eyes, "I have a name! Tong Yuyu!!"

"Oh~ Brother Tong, I have a favor for you. Go down to the Sioux City Cross-River Bridge, there is a bridge hole, and there is a wild cat over there. According to you young people, it is a breed cat! It is very expensive!"

"?" Tong Yuyu looked at him with squinted eyes, and the man held his arm happily: "I have been feeding cats for a while, but cats are not allowed in the house. Think about it, you young people have a way, find someone to adopt them."

"No help!"


Tong Yuyu glanced at him and said, "What a troublesome thing, just keep feeding me."

"Hahaha~ That's okay." He smiled, "Keep feeding."

The next day.

Tong Yuyu came to the kitchen on time at 5 o'clock. After so many days, he almost developed a habit and picked up the planer skillfully.

"Click." The sound of pushing the door open, and he called out skillfully, "Team Leader Sun is here?"

The old man who usually loves to show off rarely responded this time. He only heard the sound of his butt falling on the bench.


"?" Tong Yuyu raised his head and looked at his face, which looked like he had aged five years after just one night. His heart seemed to have some kind of premonition, and he only heard a very loud sound.

"Two died."



He lowered his head and continued peeling. After half an hour, there were only two potatoes left in the basket, "Which two?"

"I don't know the name, one is in the middle stage and the other is in the late stage." The old man had a complicated mood. "After struggling for half the night, You Yao followed him to the hospital."



The stool rolled on the ground. Old Man Sun looked up in surprise, only to see the trembling corners of his clothes disappearing in the blink of an eye. The door panel was shaking, and the handle on it was somehow empty.


Roiling emotions, heavy footsteps on the floor tiles, making a thumping sound, there is only a fire in the heart of the running young man, which is getting stronger and stronger! !

It wasn't until another corner that he finally found the target person! !

Cold eyes and fiery pupils meet!

"Fuck you!!"


You Yao's back hit the wall hard, his collar was pulled up tightly, and his empty eyes met a ferocious face.

“Aren’t you a fucking researcher?!”

"Aren't you going to develop anti-cancer drugs? This is your anti-cancer drug, this is tmd anti-cancer drug!!"

"You Yao!! You are a waste!!"


With a venting voice and trembling fingers, You Yao quietly stared at the unfamiliar stranger in front of him and stretched out his hand.

The next second, he was slapped hard on both sides of his head. Tong Yuyu only felt a roar and a heavy forehead hit his head.


With a dull voice, the two people's foreheads instantly turned red.


Tong Yuyu's eyes were a little blurry, his whole brain stopped, and he could only hear soft sounds, which seemed to be hallucinations.

The next second he was thrown to the ground with great force. He slowed down for a few seconds and raised his head with his hands on the ground. The anger had not disappeared yet. He only saw a pair of pure eyes. There was no anger or sadness, only calmness and terrifying silence. .

Not like a human, more like a machine.


The other person turned around.

"It will be developed." Like a promise, "Definitely."


Tong Yuyu was half sitting on the ground. He raised his hand to cover his painful forehead, as if he was frustrated. Lie down completely.

"What...can I do?"

The door to the laboratory was pushed open violently. Xu Shen and Pei Gangjie were stunned for a moment and looked at You Yao at the door.


Pei Gangjie subconsciously glanced at the other person's hand with the needle still in it, "I'm not telling you to take a rest today!!"

"Go back and lie down!"

"No, I am the person in charge."

He strode to the experimental table and looked through yesterday's record book. It was densely packed with data. Yesterday's experiment was recorded perfectly, and even far exceeded the quota.

"Yesterday's contribution was huge."

"Peng Wenle."

He recounted yesterday's drug tester, "He described the human body's reaction and feeling at each temperature very straightforwardly."

He still remembered that his voice was trembling but strong, as if he was trying his best, and his eyes were full of encouragement. At that moment, You Yao felt that he was the one being comforted.

"We need to find out the dosage of medicine for each body type faster and more accurately!!!" The sharply raised tone revealed suppressed emotions!

Despite the setbacks, as the person in charge, he wanted to inspire the entire project team! !

"If the project has progressed to 74%, just one night! We are already close to 80%!! We are closer to success than yesterday!!"

Xu Shen and Pei Gangjie looked at each other. They took a deep breath and responded loudly!


The loud sound echoed in the laboratory! !


Countless people in suits and ties came to the open space of the institute. A lawyer with a kind smile tried his best to comfort the grieving family members. He put his bank card into the other person's hand.

"Life has to go on. Before he left, he said that his biggest wish was for the family to be well."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The sad old mother burst into tears, Gong Xijin gently stroked the other person's back and sighed.

With the submission of the signed contract, all compensation is delivered.

The body was transferred to his hometown to await cremation.

Song Jiang, who was silent not far away, looked at the drug tester who felt somewhat sympathetic. Everyone pursed their lips in silence, as if they were looking at themselves tomorrow.

"Boss." Shen Xingyu was a little worried, "Are you okay?"

"Shen Xingyu." With a calm voice, Song Jiang's mood was more stable than everyone expected. Perhaps he knew that the sacrifice was necessary for a better future!

"There's only one thing we can do."

Everyone is working hard, researchers, drug testers...

If you can take care of it, come here; if you can't take care of it, come to Teng Sheng! !

I want to get ready as quickly as possible! !

The moment the drug is released, approval, negotiation, listing, price... everything must be implemented!

"We are responsible for opening up the links and making anti-cancer drugs legal and compliant faster!"

The steady voice, as usual, made the heart beat fast.

"Boss!" Shen Xingyu smiled brightly, "The new lesson I learned recently is to use public opinion to override the rules."

"Leave it to me, okay!"

Song Jiang looked at him deeply, "Let it go!"


Taking advantage of public opinion?


Don't care at all! !

Tengsheng has never been Everbright's enterprise. It does not need to be kidnapped by any morals. It only needs to follow a set path full of disputes and excitement and move forward! !

The next day.

Tong Yuyu opened the door and saw Shen Xingyu holding a camera, "Hello, Shen Xingyu from the Public Relations Department. Are you interested? Can you help me?"


"Let more people ignite hope in life."

What? Like a pyramid scheme?

Facing that smiling face, Tong Yuyu couldn't help but complain in his heart.


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