[Xunyou's development trend must be to focus on both online and offline. At present, offline lacks specialized brand stores. ]

A simple line of words was finally noticed late at night.

"Boss, his strategy is the same as mine." Ji Ziping took out the application form and handed it to Song Jiang who was screening.

"Brand store." Song Jiang thought for a while, picked up the seal, and tapped it on the application form.



A few days later, the students who were notified of the selection were excited and danced.

They pushed open the classroom 304, which would be their fixed professional classroom.

It was not Song Jiang who welcomed them, but the bald middle-aged man.

"Since you are here, sit down."

The middle-aged man stood up, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Xia Pengyun, an economist. I will be responsible for teaching you economics in the future." After the voice fell, he pulled out a chair and sat down leisurely.

"From now on, you all bring your own recorder. If I say something once, I won't explain it to you for the second or third time. You can listen to it repeatedly and ask me after you figure it out. You can also ask me in class-"

"It's just not worth it."

As a well-known economist, the price of inviting him to give a lecture is not cheap, 3,000 per class!

Of course-for both parties, it is often worth it.

"Everyone is here, then I..." Before the words fell, there was a click, and the door of the classroom was pushed open.

"Mr. Song?"

"Boss Song?!"


The familiar figure paused at the door, walked to the first row and sat down, and spread out his notebook.

"Am I not late?"

"No" Facing his sponsor, Xia Pengyun's attitude was still very good.

"Then let's get started."

After a faint voice fell, Song Jiang picked up a pen and prepared to write down the key points. And behind him, there were a number of selected candidates.

No one expected that the boss would come to listen to this course.

No one dared to whisper now, and everyone looked at Song Jiang's back.

After a class, Xia Pengyun stood up and cleared his throat, "That's all for today. Tomorrow, at the same time, I'll start the class for five minutes and answer your questions." He said, and looked at Song Jiang.

"I'm leaving."


After the voice fell, Xia Pengyun breathed a sigh of relief, packed up his things neatly and walked out the door. The person who came towards him attracted his attention slightly.

He had a beard and looked a little sloppy and loose.

Could it be a student's parent?

After a little guess, he went home without caring.

At the same time, Huang Bohan, who stood on the podium, looked at Song Jiang in the first row and smiled bitterly.

"Boss, you've brought me trouble!"

It was the first time in my life to be a teacher!

There were more than 20 students!

"Come as you like." Song Jiang's eyes were slightly curved, looking at the still loose person standing on the stage.

"Then I'll just talk casually." He turned around and left three big words on the blackboard, "You can call me Mr. Huang, or Master Huang."

"In this class, I'm talking about how to use information gaps."

"The root of information gaps is industry barriers, which result in different perspectives and starting points."

As the words fell, the sound of countless pen tips rubbing against paper, Huang Bohan's explanation was old-fashioned, but very practical.

It was the essence sorted out from life bit by bit.

If Song Jiang hadn't asked him to, he would have kept these words to himself until he was buried.

It was very pleasant to listen to his lectures. The tiny sounds naturally merged into the mind with laughter.

As time passed day by day, Song Jiang followed to study, and unknowingly a month had passed.

In this month, he felt that he had gained a lot, and the originally nervous students also relaxed a lot after getting along with each other, and they could see it.

The other party was really busy!

During the short break between classes, the other party would open his notebook and start to deal with work. Sometimes he would leave in a hurry when he received a call during class.

Despite this, the assigned tasks will still be completed!

"Duxi, you said it's been a month, and we haven't got Mr. Song's contact information. After all, he is the future boss, so it's better to get close to him as soon as possible." The man was lying on the table and whispering to the person next to him.

Duxi was flipping through the materials, "We will always get familiar with each other in the future, and it's better to improve your grades than to think about these things."

"Hey - I hate studying the most! So much homework every day?! I'm in college, why do I still have so much homework!" Just when I was going crazy, the bell rang.

Xia Pengyun walked in, "No class today, take you out to see the world."


"Go out to play?"

"Fuck! The sun rises from the east!"

Amidst the shocked and joyful voices, Xia Pengyun smiled and said nothing: "Everyone write me a 1,000-word report when you come back."


"I said there is no such thing as pie in the sky!!"

"Why don't you go out?"

Someone asked tentatively, and was scolded: "I gave you a chance but you don't use it, you can't help the wall!"

OK, it's mud again.

The students who were scolded every day had no expression on their faces. They followed Xia Pengyun on the bus and went to the nearby enterprises for field interviews.

Talk without action!

Since Xia Pengyun took the money, he should do his best!

In this small-scale mineral water processing factory, they learned every link and personnel management, and even sales.

"What do you think are the shortcomings of this company?"

The order class looked at each other, and Du Xi raised his hand: "The problem lies in the pricing issue. Since we have decided to do local business, it is difficult to achieve good quality and low price. It is better to improve the quality and specialize in the business of the rich, and make an average of 200 per barrel."

"It's a bit naive, but one thing is right. The concept of good quality and low price is a taboo in business." Xia Pengyun pointed to the rows of mineral water barrels placed on the wall, "The local water market has been suppressed badly, and he wants to fly in. Then who will tolerate him?" He signaled all students to turn on the recorder.

At the moment when the red dot appeared, Xia Pengyun no longer suppressed himself and spoke freely. Familiar or unfamiliar words burst out, some words were mixed with Chinese and English.

In the endless voice.

Knowledge was expanded bit by bit.


One month later.

In the office of Tengsheng, Ji Ziping was reporting the latest progress.

"The current online store can reach a million sales this month, and all data are rising, with good stickiness and repurchase rates.

"I have outsourced the game of General Killing, which is currently being produced and is expected to be launched in two months."

He paused for a moment, "For offline brand stores, we need to arrange our own staff." He looked down at Song Jiang.

"Boss, you haven't let the employees you have kept for two months go?"

These two months of hard work, high hiring fees - even the travel expenses for outings!

The training made Ji Ziping jealous.

"You are so good to them."

"Good?" Song Jiang looked up: "What value can they bring to me? More than that."

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