
Xunyou Conference Room.

The huge round table was filled with young college students, who sat stiffly in their chairs. This was the first time they had come to Xunyou headquarters since joining the order class.

The first meeting.

"I'm a little nervous!"

"What do you think we were called here for?"

"Are we going to do some practical work?"

"I don't know."

"I feel dangerous!"

In the whispered conversation, the clattering footsteps came closer and closer until they stopped at the door.

"Huh--" With heavy breathing, everyone moved their butts forward and sat up straighter. Their sight drifted vaguely towards the brown-red door.


A crisp sound, accompanied by a twisting handle.

"Gulp" A fat man swallowed his saliva, and the first thing that appeared was a bony hand tightly grasping a folder, with protruding veins on it, which looked full of power.

Looking up was an indifferent face, with eyes covered by lenses emitting cold light, sweeping them aggressively.

"Order business?" There was no ups and downs in the tone. Ji Ziping pulled the corner of his mouth, trying to smile, but finally found that he was not in the mood.

He strode to the main seat and sat down. He stretched out his hand to adjust the microphone.

"Huh!" A harsh breathing sound, and he opened his mouth.

"You come to the meeting with this attitude?"


Someone exclaimed, and quickly suppressed the sound. Everyone was stiff and looked at him at a loss.

"You" He stretched out his finger neatly and pointed at the young man opposite.

"Wearing a hat in the meeting - do you think this is home?"

The man quickly took off his hat and was shocked.

"Also, the guy in the blue jacket, his nails are so long, but he doesn't know how to trim his facial hair. Do you know the importance of first impression?"

"The girl on the left, if you don't know how to put on makeup, don't put it on. You look like a ghost, minus points."

"And you," Ji Ziping pointed at the tall and thin boy, "dress like a ghost."

"Huh——" Du Xi took a deep breath and slightly loosened his curled fingers.

The conference room was terribly quiet at this time. Except for Ji Ziping, everyone felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

This boss——is not easy to deal with!

At this time, Ji Ziping reached out and pressed the device on the table. Soon. The curtain fell from the wall, and the projector illuminated the entire curtain.

"Let me introduce myself first, Ji Ziping. I am currently in charge of the Xunyou project. In other words, if the job does not change in the future, I will be your boss."

The cold words made all the students look bitter.

Play ball!

I feel that my future life will not be easy if I am assigned to work under this person!

Among the countless frustrated expressions, Ji Ziping glanced at them and said, "Don't look so depressed, I'm not blind."


Everyone smiled and silently raised their middle fingers in their hearts.

"The boss has high expectations for you, and so do I." He paused, "It's not that I owe hundreds of thousands of dollars just after I started working."

"I hope you are worth this investment."

He said the polite words cleanly and got straight to the point.

"You are lucky. It's just when Xunyou is expanding. You have been sitting in the classroom for a long time, and you should use what you have learned."

He stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the image was instantly projected on the wall, "Currently, Xunyou plans to open a franchise store in each of the surrounding cities."

The enlarged map was marked with red dots, which were the cities radiating out from Yanjing.

Jingshan, Hangzhou, Wushi, Ninghai, Licheng

"Five locations, 20 people. Practical training in groups of four, and initial job assignment." His sharp eyes swept over them, "I can tell you directly that your performance this time will determine your future salary."

"Are you getting the base salary, or twice as much as others?" He paused and looked across.

Some people touched their noses nervously, some pursed their lips, and some were in a daze, not knowing what they were thinking.

"This-it depends on you."

"What else do you want to ask?"

Soon someone raised his hand, "Manager Ji, Ji? Are we going to be waiters in these stores?"


Ji Ziping almost laughed out loud, "Do you think that we have invested so much money in you and hired professionals to teach you, just so that you can become waiters?"

"Of course - it's not impossible. If you can't do anything, then you can only be a waiter."

The male classmate who was ridiculed for asking a question blushed, "I, you didn't explain it clearly!"

"Not clear? OK." Ji Ziping sat up straight and said neatly, "The addresses of these five stores have been selected! There is nothing but simple decoration! In other words, you go there to expand the market!"

"You can think of yourself as a waiter or a store manager! It doesn't matter! All I want is performance!"

"Which group has outstanding performance in three months! They are useful people!"

Which group has outstanding performance is useful people!

There is no concealment in the words, which is so straightforward that it makes people tremble.

Let this group of people who have never entered the society directly take on the heavy responsibility!

This is undoubtedly a big joke!

Du Xi couldn't help but raise his hand.

"You say."

"Manager Ji, are you sure you want to let us, who have no experience, go out to run the business?"

Will it really not lose money?

"With the first step, there can be the second and third steps." Ji Ziping replied.

"In addition to the basic supply of goods, each group will have 100,000 marketing funds."

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Everyone looked at each other, and someone simply asked, "Should you allocate the personnel, or should we choose ourselves?"

"You decide for yourself."

"Then, does the company have instructions? Do we need to operate according to the company's instructions, or..."

"Not yet."

After briefly answering a few questions, Ji Ziping raised his hand and said, "Now I will give you 10 minutes to form a team, and then choose which city store."

"I suggest you hurry up, otherwise the good place will be robbed by others."

The light voice fell and the countdown began.



In a tight time, it was a mess, with some people shouting and some confused.

"Who will join me!"

"Liang Liqiang, come here quickly, let's go together."

"There's still one left, whoever comes will come!"

Anxious voices, like figures huddled together like headless flies. Ji Ziping remained quiet and watched the farce quietly.

Weak resistance to stress, unclear division of labor, and unclear priorities.

Hopefully, things will change in the future.

"Didi didi——"

"Time's up."

"Start choosing a city now"

"Hangcheng!" A girl spoke first. She faced Ji Ziping's narrowed gaze and emphasized: "I want a store in Hangcheng!"

"Understood." With two simple words, Ji Ziping swept through their lineup.

"Han Lingyao, Xiao Li, Wang Kaikai, Shi Ling, you four, right?"

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