His words made Sun Yaqin's face change suddenly.

She hated Bai Liyue, what's more, a few days ago, Bai Liyue sent her to the police station to eat for a few days, and she hated Bai Liyue even more.

She would not accept Bai Liyue as Mu Yebai's wife no matter what.

Moreover, Bai Liyue is not only married, but also an orphan.

Regardless of her life experience or other aspects, she is completely unworthy of her son!

Seeing Mu Yebai's iron-hearted attitude, she looked resentful and puzzled: "Yebai, what on earth is that woman so good, worthy of your persistence?"

Mu Yebai faintly licked her lips without explaining too much.

"Mom, don't persuade me. I have decided. Since seeing her, I have decided that I don't want anyone except her."

Sun Yaqin looked at him with a firm face, and instantly felt that he was a little unreasonable.

"Ye Bai, I think you are confused, she is now married to Mu Jingchen.

If you want to be with her, Mu Jingchen will not let you go. If you can accept the public opinion from the outside world?

At that time, I am afraid that outsiders' spit stars can drown us!

If you don't think about the Mu family, you have to think about yourself. It's not worth it to ruin a good future for a woman! "

Sun Yaqin panted heavily.

What she said was rough but not rough.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Bai Liyue promises to be with him, he is afraid that he will be scolded by someone on his back when he goes out, not to mention that he will be able to develop in Jiangcheng in the future.

Mu Yebai looked at her full of anger, took two steps forward, and smiled: "Mom, don't worry, what you worry about will never happen."

Sun Yaqin looked at him suspiciously.

"Yebai, what do you mean, what do you want to do?"

Mu Yebai put his hands on her shoulders, and comforted: "Mom, don't worry about so much, I have a sense of measure, and I will never let you make the Mu family laughed at!"

Sun Yaqin sighed helplessly.

"Now that you have your own business, Mom can't control you, but Mom must remind you that Mu Jingchen is not easy to mess with.

In addition, he is now the person in charge of the Quan family. The power of the Quan family is spread all over the country. If we confront him head-on, we will only suffer.

Besides, now that Qin Yahan is missing, the police and Mu Jingchen are both investigating this matter. If you go to provoke Mu Jingchen at this time, don't you just throw in the net! "

Sun Yaqin was nervous, always feeling that this woman Bai Liyue was a scourge.

When he was at Mu's house, he should have dealt with this woman early, and Mu Yebai would not have been thinking about her forever.

Mu Yebai snorted coldly when he saw his mother arrogantly belittle herself.

"What about the Quan family, no matter how powerful he is, can he still fight against the royal family?"

Confused, Sun Yaqin asked, "The royal family? Ye Bai, what are you talking about? What is the relationship between Mu Jingchen and the royal family?"

Mu Yebai did not answer her question directly.

"I mean, Mu Jingchen has offended the royal family, even if he is in power, but the royal family suppresses him, I may not have the chance to bring him down!"

Sun Yaqin nodded seemingly.

"However, Ye Bai, Mu Jingchen put it aside for the time being, now he has to deal with Qin Yahan's matter.

You kidnapped Qin Yahan, anyway, the marriage to Qin's family was in vain.

With Qin Yahan's character, if he is rescued in the future, he will definitely go to the police to expose you.

According to my mother, just don't do it forever! "

When the words fell, she was ruthless and made a gesture of wiping her neck.

Mu Yebai was expressionless, and said: "Since I dared to tie her, I won't let her have a chance to be rescued, otherwise, wouldn't I just lift a rock and hit myself in the foot?"

Sun Yaqin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ye Bai, since you didn't plan to let her go, why didn't you solve her as soon as possible? Keep her, it will be a disaster!"

Mu Yebai smiled sinister and wanton.

"Liyue treats me like a stranger now. With Qin Yahan, I'm taking advantage of Liyue's weakness. I am not afraid that she will turn a blind eye to me. Liyue will soon be mine!"

In his heart, he had a careful plan.

Sun Yaqin was worried.

Ye Bai wanted to use Qin Yahan to get Bai Liyue. This move was too dangerous.

"Ye Bai, don't forget, Mu Jingchen is not a vegetarian! He is with Bai Liyue every day, and if you think about Bai Liyue, he will be the first to let you go!

You listen to me, quickly solve Qin Yahan, don't touch that woman's mind anymore, that woman will only become an obstacle to your success! "

Mu Yebai did not listen to dissuasion at all, instead he believed in himself: "Mom, you can rest assured, Mu Jingchen, I have my own way!"

Two days passed in calm and calm.

Yujing Bieyuan.

Bai Liyue leaned on the sofa with her elbows, closed her eyes and meditated.

Lin Ze reported the situation of the investigation in the past two days.

"Madam, it's been two full days. Young Master Dongfang is guarding at the entrance of Mu Yebai's villa day and night, but there is no news on Mu Yebai's side.

Mu Yebai has not been anywhere in the past two days between the company and his home, nor has he contacted any suspicious persons. "

For two days, Bai Liyue was annoyed by these news.

It's been a few days, and Mu Yebai hasn't heard any wind there.

She has some doubts whether this matter is related to Mu Yebai.

She slowly opened her eyes, and just about to speak, Mu Jingchen walked downstairs.

"There is no news, sometimes it is the best news."

Bai Liyue raised her head and looked at him: "Jing Chen, what do you mean?"

Mu Jingchen looked faint, and explained: "In the past two days, there has been no news from Mu Yebai and no news from the police. This at least shows that Qin Yahan is likely to be safe."

His words were vague, but Bai Liyue understood what he meant.

He was saying that if Qin Yahan did something, then at least her body would be found.

But the police did not receive any news in the past two days, which means that Qin Yahan is still alive.

Even so, Bai Liyue's worries did not subside.

"Mu Yebai hasn't had any news in the past two days. He doesn't want to lock up secretly Yahan for the rest of his life, right?"

Mu Jingchen frowned and shook his head.

"No, he doesn't like Qin Yahan. It doesn't make any sense to shut her down, but if he just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction with Qin Yahan, he would have dealt with Qin Yahan a long time ago.

It's been so many days now that Qin Yahan's life and death are unknown, which makes people wonder whether he has any other purpose in hiding Qin Yahan. "

Bai Liyue was lost in thought.

Before the thoughts came up, on the day Yahan and Mu Yebai got engaged, she boldly guessed what Sun Yaqin said: "He doesn't want to hold Yahan, he wants the Qin family company?"

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