After saying this, she herself was discouraged and denied the idea: "It seems unlikely."

When he was worried, guessing Mu Yebai's purpose, a maid walked over from the living room in a panic.

"Master, madam, it's not good! Just now, Mr. Bai Xiao's master, Mr. Qi Lang, called and said that the stage suddenly collapsed when the young master was performing with him, and the young master was injured!"

Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue got up at the same time, and said nervously: "How is the young master?"

The maid hurriedly replied: "The young master is now being rescued in a foreign hospital, but he has lost too much blood and needs blood transfusion. The hospital blood bank temporarily does not have blood matching his blood type.

Mr. Qi Lang said that Young Master’s blood type is rare, and if the hospital now mobilizes matching blood from other places, it will take at least three days.

If you wait for three days, I am afraid that the young master's body will not be able to support it, so Mr. Qi Lang asks the young master to go abroad as soon as possible to give the young master a blood transfusion. "

Bai Liyue's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

She was even a little flustered when she heard that Sibao suddenly had an accident.

Then, she calmed down and said to Lin Ze without hesitation: "Quick! Get ready for a car!"

She and Mu Jingchen left the hall without thinking, speeding up their pace, ready to go abroad immediately to see the situation of the Four Treasures!

The gate of Yujing Bieyuan.

When the two were about to get in the car, Bai Liyue suddenly received a call.

She picked it up and saw that it was the number of the police station.

After being connected, a male voice came from inside.

"Miss Bai, we found a female corpse by the lake, which has been soaked up beyond recognition, but in terms of dressing, it looks like Miss Qin. Now we need you to come and identify it."

Bai Liyue's hand suddenly squeezed the phone tightly, and couldn't talk: "What are you talking about, female corpse?"

The police officer replied very painfully: "Yes, Miss Bai, don't get excited, it's just very similar and hasn't been confirmed yet."

"okay, I get it!"

Bai Liyue hung up the phone, looked up at Mu Jingchen, and solemnly said: "The police said that they found a female body somewhat similar to Yahan. Let me go and identify it."

Although the police did not confirm, but there has been no news of Yahan for so many days, it is very likely that the female body was Qin Yahan.

Just now I received the news that Sibao was seriously injured, and now I learned that Qin Yahan was probably gone, Bai Liyue couldn't hold back it for a while, and her eyes blushed easily.

She has her son on one side and her best friend on the other. The two have accidents at the same time, and she will inevitably feel exhausted.

Mu Jingchen hugged her in his arms and patted her back to comfort him: "It's okay, you stay, I'll go see Sibao."

Bai Liyue wiped off the sparkle from the corner of his eyes, and got up from his arms.

"But, I don't worry about the Four Treasures, I'm afraid..."

"do not be afraid."

Mu Jingchen stroked her soft hair and whispered: "Just now, I have asked Lin Ze to call the hospital to confirm. As long as the Sibao has a blood transfusion in time, there is no danger."

Hearing what he said, she eased her emotions.

At this moment, she also thanked Mu Jingchen for his calmness.

As a mother, when she heard that the child had an accident, she couldn't sensibly ask about the child's condition in depth. She just wanted to rush to the child.

Now that he said that the Four Treasures were not in danger, she was finally relieved, and her mood gradually eased.

Mu Jingchen comforted: "Well, you quickly go to see what happened to Qin Yahan. There is me on the side of the Four Treasures, and I promise to return you a healthy son."

He never deceived her, and she was relieved immediately, and nodded immediately: "Okay! I'll go right away. If there is anything going on at Sibao, you remember to notify me immediately."


After the two discussed, they got into a car and drove in opposite directions.


Upstairs in the opposite of Yujing Bieyuan.

Tang Chen was looking at the situation at the gate of Yujing Bieyuan with a binoculars.

Seeing Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue left separately, he immediately dialed Mu Yebai's phone.

"Mr. Mu, it's done. Mu Jingchen has been disbursed. He is going abroad now, and he won't be able to come back tomorrow night at the soonest!"

On the other end of the phone, Mu Yebai sneered and praised: "Good job! When he comes back tomorrow, he will find that his beloved woman has already been embraced by others, hahaha..."

Listening to Mu Yebai's gloomy laughter on the phone, Tang Chen immediately agreed: "Mr. Mu, then I congratulate you in advance for your reward and embrace the beauty!"

"Don't worry, when I get my wish, your benefits will be indispensable!"

"Thank Mr. Mu, thank Mr. Mu!"

the other side.

Bai Liyue followed the address given by the police and rushed to an artificial lake in Jiangcheng.

The police have pulled a cordon at the scene, and no one is allowed to approach.

When Bai Liyue came here, Qin Xiong had already arrived.

She heard Qin Xiong's cry from a distance, and her heart chuckles.

Qin Xiong sat in front of a female corpse and wailed: "Yahan, you just left, what should you tell me and your mother in the future!"

Bai Liyue's heart also picked up fiercely following his cry.

She moved heavy steps and approached the female corpse step by step.

The female body was covered with a white cloth by the police because of her frightening appearance.

When Bai Liyue walked over, although she could not see the full picture of the female body, she could clearly see the dress on her body, which Yahan wore on the day she disappeared.

Her heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and there was a strong sense of sourness in her eyes.

She couldn't believe that Yahan, who was still alive a few days ago, was so gone?

Bai Liyue was instantly numb, her face as gray as death.

She slowly squatted down, staring at the corpse covered with white cloth in front of her, and slowly touched a corner of the white cloth with her hand.

The moment she lifted the white cloth, she saw the corpse, which had been soaked and swollen, and it was even hard to tell the true face. There was even some fishy smell on her body.


She loosened the white cloth and turned her head to the side with a retched sound.

Although the corpse was a little illegible, Bai Liyue could still see that it was not Yahan, and even the hair color was wrong.

Looking at Qin Xiong, who was sad and running, Bai Liyue stood up and reminded: "Uncle Qin, don't cry, this is not Yahan."

She stopped Qin Xiong's crying with a word.

When Qin Xiong arrived here just now, he saw the female corpse wearing Yahan's clothes, and there was no news of Yahan in these two days. His defense broke through in an instant. He was sad and didn't dare to open the white cloth to identify it.

He was extremely resistant to the child who identified himself with a corpse.

Now that Bai Liyue said so, he had the courage to lift the white cloth and check it.

Although this female corpse was wearing Yahan's clothes, her figure was very similar, but a closer look revealed that it was not Yahan.

Bai Liyue helped Qin Xiong up and comforted: "Uncle Qin, a false alarm. Since it's not Yahan, it means Yahan must be alive. Don't worry."

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