The maid looked at her dangling body with a worried expression on her face.

"Princess, you better rest first. If you go to the queen like this, the queen will blame us when you see it."

Ji Lingxi gently pushed away the maid, staggered and walked out.

At the door of the room, the queen did not know when she appeared there, looking at Ji Lingxi indifferently.

"Lingxi, your body is just right, where do you want to go?"

Seeing the mother emperor, Ji Lingxi greeted him directly, holding the mother emperor’s arm, and begged: "Mother emperor, please let Ye Ting go. He just doesn’t want me to marry a man he doesn’t like. Deliberately sabotage my wedding."

The queen looked at her weak face and did not immediately answer her. Instead, she looked at the maid on the side and said coldly: "The princess is sick, don't you help the princess to rest on the bed?"

The maid was frightened by the queen's fierce eyes, and quickly stepped forward to help Ji Lingxi, and persuaded: "Princess, your body is not healed, go back to bed and rest."

Ji Lingxi shook off the maid's hand without hesitation, and grabbed the mother emperor's arm again.

"Mother Queen, please spare Ye Ting and let him go!"

The queen stared at her thinly and said: "I can let him go."

As soon as joy appeared on Ji Lingxi's face, she changed her conversation and said, "When you and Tang Yuan successfully married, I will immediately send someone to let him go."

Tang Yuan in the queen's mouth was the husband-in-law she had arranged for Ji Lingxi.

Ji Lingxi bit her lower lip lightly and expressed her thoughts: "Mother Emperor, I don't like Tang Yuan, I..."

The queen's cold eyes shot at her.

"I don't like Tang Yuan, I like Huangfu Ye Ting, do you?"

Ji Lingxi nodded solemnly and admitted, "Yes."

A smile appeared on the corner of the queen's mouth.

"Lingxi, do you remember how you ended up when you chose to be with Huangfu Ye Ting?"

Ji Lingxi knew that the mother emperor was talking about her being poisoned.

"Mother, the fact that I was poisoned has nothing to do with Ye Ting!"

"It has nothing to do with him, it is always related to Huangfu's family, right?"

The words of the queen, Ji Lingxi was speechless.

Seeing her speechless, the queen continued: "At the beginning, you only went to King Y’s Palace for a few days and almost killed your life. It can be seen that Huangfu’s family is perilous and it is not a good home. You think the mother will send you to the fire pit. Push it?"

"Mother Queen, the Queen Y who gave me the love gu has already broken the law, and the rest of Huangfu's family are all good people!"

Regarding Ji Lingxi's explanation, the queen had nothing but disdain on her face.

"Lingxi, since you are so persistent, the mother emperor will give you a chance. You go to jail now and ask Huangfu Ye Ting if you want to join my country E!"

Ji Lingxi's gaze was stagnant, and he was suddenly silent.

She knew that he must be unwilling.

"Mother Queen, he is a prince, he can't possibly..."

"A joke! A man who doesn't even want to abandon his status as a prince, why do you think he will treat you well for the rest of his life, just relying on his mouth?"

The queen was stern, and Ji Lingxi didn't know how to refute the question.

The queen ignored her.

"Lingxi, the mother emperor has given you two choices.

One or three days later, after remarrying Tang Yuan, I immediately let Huangfu Ye Ting go.

Second, if you want to be with Huangfu Ye Ting, let him join my Ji's family, and then you will cut off righteousness with Huangfu's family!

If you choose neither of these two, I will not hesitate to offend Country Y, kill Huangfu Ye Ting, and make you completely cut off your thoughts! "

Huangfu Liyue stood by, with a complex color in her eyes.

It could be seen that the queen had a lot of opinions on Huangfu's family because of Ji Lingxi's Gu.

Ji Lingxi looked at the queen pitifully: "Mother emperor..."

With a wave of her hand, the queen directly ordered the maid: "Help the princess back to bed to rest!"

The maid did not dare to defy, and helped Ji Lingxi, who was absent-minded, back to the bed.

The queen then retracted her eyes and moved her gaze to Huangfu Liyue who was aside.

"You have heard what I said just now. This is also the answer I gave you to the king of country Y!"

After leaving these words indifferently, the queen turned and walked out of the room.

Standing in place, Huangfu Liyue exhaled heavily.

The two choices the queen gave were very difficult choices for Lingxi and Ye Ting.

She walked to the bed, looked at Ji Lingxi who was lost, and comforted: "Lingxi, don't be sad, maybe there are other ways."

Ji Lingxi shook his head dumbly.

"My mother emperor always says that she is the same, she won't change her mind easily."

Huangfu Liyue pursed her lips lightly and asked, "Lingxi, what are you going to do?"

Ji Lingxi lowered his head somewhat discouraged.

"The mother emperor has a lot of opinions on Huangfu's family because of the previous incident. If I force Ye Ting to stay with Ye Ting, she will definitely demand that Ye Ting and Huangfu's family are cut off.

If this were the case, not only Ye Ting would not agree, but I would not agree, so, sister Li Yue, I seemed to have no choice but to marry Tang Yuan. "

Huangfu Liyue knew that she didn't want to fall into Ye Ting's infidelity.

If Ye Ting broke off righteousness with Huangfu's family because of her, he would be jabbed in the backbone for a lifetime.

Besides, Ye Ting was a sober person, he would not agree to such an unreasonable condition.

For a while, Huangfu Liyue couldn't think of any good ideas to change the queen's mind.

She can only appease Ji Lingxi first.

"Lingxi, don't think about it so much. Your body is just right. Take a good rest. I'll go see Ye Ting."

Ji Lingxi nodded lightly, and exhorted: "Sister Liyue, can you please say sorry to him for me, I am the one who hurt him."

"Don't say that, Lingxi, Ye Ting only wants you to be happy."

After comforting Ji Lingxi, Huangfu Liyue immediately left the room.


Huangfu Liyue was taken to one of the cells.

Through the fence door of the cell, she saw Huangfu Yeting sitting on the single bed inside, holding his head in both hands, looking very bored.

"Ye Ting."

She yelled, and Huangfu Ye Ting immediately raised his head.


He immediately walked over to her and looked at her through the cell door: "Sister, why are you here!"

Huangfu Liyue's tone was slightly reproachful.

"You said that, didn't I remind you not to act impulsively? In this situation, my father won't be able to protect you anymore."

Huangfu Ye Ting lowered his head in shame.

"Sister, I am also helpless. I heard that Lingxi has a high fever and is in danger, but the queen refused to let me see her, so I made this bad move and injured the guard."

Huangfu Liyue sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, now is not the time to pursue these, first think about how to get out of here!"

Huangfu Ye Ting didn't worry about his current situation, but hurriedly asked, "How is Lingxi?"

Huangfu Liyue smiled helplessly when he saw that he couldn't protect himself, and thought of Ji Lingxi.

"Don't worry, I'm here with your sister, I won't cause trouble to your Lingxi!"

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