Huangfu Ye Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

"She's fine."

Seeing his infatuation, Huangfu Liyue conveyed to him what the queen had just said.

"Ye Ting, Lingxi's body is fine, but the queen gave her two choices.

One or three days later, when Lingxi re-marries Tang Yuan, she will let you go immediately. "

Before she finished speaking, Huangfu Ye Ting interrupted: "No! Lingxi doesn't like that Tang Yuan at all, she can't marry him!"

Seeing that he was anxious to deny this choice, Huangfu Liyue continued: "I haven't finished speaking yet. The queen gave her another choice, which is to agree with you together, but the premise is that you must join the E country. And sever ties with Huangfu's family."

Huangfu Ye Ting's face suddenly changed.

"The Queen's request is too much!"

Huangfu Liyue nodded.

"It's a bit too much, but it's understandable.

Thinking about it from her perspective, Lingxi almost lost her life in Country Y last time, so she thought that Huangfu's house was not a good home for Lingxi.

Therefore, she wants you to enter Country E so that you can live under her nose in the future.

Besides, King E was passed on from female to male, and Lingxi was her only heir. If she wanted to marry her daughter, she could only be married. "

Huangfu Ye Ting was bored.

"I am a dignified man of seven feet, and I will enter country E. What kind of style? If I do this, not only me, but also my father will be laughed at for a lifetime. I absolutely disagree!"

Huangfu Liyue had already guessed his answer, and said, "It's not you that is the most annoying now, it's Lingxi.

The queen gave her the two choices. If she doesn't choose, three days later, the queen will not hesitate to offend our country Y, kill you, and stop her thinking. "

Huangfu Ye Ting looked at her in surprise, and guessed: "Sister, what the queen said is angry? If she kills me, my father will not give up, and this will destroy the friendship between the two countries. Is it too much for the loss?"

Huangfu Liyue shook her head uncertainly.

"I don't dare to speculate whether it's angry or not, this queen is my first contact with this queen, and I don't even know what kind of person she is.

However, we don't have the capital to gamble. Some time ago, tens of thousands of arms in the underground palace were blown up and our military suffered heavy losses.

Now, if the two countries are torn apart and the queen is determined to head-on with country Y, we will never get any benefits.

So, in any case, we cannot get to this point. "

Huangfu Ye Ting was extremely irritable, and said, "In any case, I won't let Lingxi marry someone she doesn't like!"

Huangfu Liyue reached into the iron fence and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, don't worry, there are still three days left, we will think of a way, maybe things will turn around."

Huangfu Ye Ting nodded, and looked at her gratefully: "Thank you, sister, for coming to Country E for me."

Huangfu Liyue smiled broadly.

"What silly thing to say, you are my brother, you have an accident, I naturally have to help you solve it."

Huangfu Ye Ting smiled embarrassedly, and then asked: "By the way, sister, is my mother's health better?"

"It's much better. I guess when you go back, mother will be able to get out of bed and walk around."

"Very good!"

After the two chatted for a few words, the time set by the queen for Huangfu Liyue's visit was also up.

Huangfu Liyue left the prison and went to the residence arranged for her by the queen.

In the residence.

She went back to the room, lying on her back on the big bed, thinking about what to do.

When staring at the ceiling in a daze, what appeared in her mind was the appearance of the majestic queen.

This queen should be the former Wan Qing.

As for how she would become the Queen of Country E now, it is still a big mystery.

What is even more strange is that this queen knew where Jingchen was, but never sent anyone to find him, as if she didn't care about this son at all.

However, when she offered to treat Ji Lingxi today, the queen agreed without thinking.

Ji Lingxi is the queen's only daughter, and the treasure is so tight that she can't even have an investigation, so she just asks people to treat Ji Lingxi.

She had promised so readily at the time, and there was only one possibility: the queen had investigated her in advance and knew that she could heal, so she was relieved to give Ji Lingxi a diagnosis and treatment.

Thinking about it this way, Huangfu Liyue felt even more strange.

What did the queen investigate her in advance?

Except for Jing Chen, she couldn't think of any other reasons.

However, if the queen cares about Jingchen, why doesn't she recognize him?

There were more and more mysteries in Huangfu Liyue's mind, and she felt that the queen was too mysterious.

After meditation, she couldn't bear her curiosity, got up and walked to the computer desk, and turned on the computer.

She searched for news about the Queen of Country E.

The information on the Queen of Country E on the web page is very limited, almost only a few well-known, simple introductions.

The current queen is called Ji Yao.

According to the website, Ji Yao is the daughter of the former queen. After the former queen abdicated, she officially succeeded her as the queen.

Seeing this, Huangfu Liyue muttered suspiciously: "No, isn't Wan Qing the grandmother's daughter?"

Even if Wan Qing can change her name, she can't change her life, right?

Or, Wan Qing is not actually the grandmother's daughter, but the child adopted by her grandmother?

Huangfu Liyue thought about breaking his head, but didn't figure out the reason.

I want to investigate further, but there is no too much information about the queen on the Internet.

It seems that if you want to solve these mysteries, you can only inquire in private.

When Huangfu Liyue stared at the computer screen in a daze, the phone on hand suddenly rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Jing Chen.

He must be asking about the situation in Country E.

She picked it up without hesitation, and told him about the situation here.

After introducing the situation here, she said again: "Now, Ye Ting and I are trying to figure out how to make the queen change our minds."

Mu Jingchen said in a cold tone, and said slowly: "Since she keeps talking about Ji Lingxi, you should let her know that Ji Lingxi and that Tang Yuan will not be happy together. Maybe, there will be a better chance."

Huangfu Liyue was awakened at once.

But then, new problems came again.

"Jing Chen, but I heard that this Tang Yuan tutor has good conduct, and he seems to like Lingxi very much."

Mu Jingchen seemed to have anticipated what she was going to say, and said directly: "From a male's point of view, no man will be willing to become a parent, even if the other party is the future queen.

I've checked it for you. The status of the Tang family in King E's Palace is not high or low. Judging from his identity, Tang Yuan is not worthy of Ji Lingxi at all.

Tang Yuan's family education is very good, it is impossible not to understand this truth, and he will not deliberately climb high, but he agreed to become a parent. There must be another reason for this. "

He has broad ideas and is more thoughtful than her every time.

She immediately replied: "I see."

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