Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 900: Bai Liyue, is this scared?

As soon as Lin Zhixi said this, Casey and the judges on the scene looked at each other.

The audience sitting around the catwalk suddenly became lively.

"I heard that when Lin Zhixi was working in the Mu Group in S City, she had a little holiday with Bai Liyue. Now the two came to participate in the design competition at the same time and became rivals. There was a problem with Lin Zhixi’s work. Bai Liyue was indeed the most likely behind the scenes. Ghostbusters."

"I've also heard that in the past when they were in the Mu Group, there was a lot of trouble between the two of them. In the end, Lin Zhixi's design draft was lost to Bai Liyue."

"I am a designer who has won an international award. How could I lose to Bai Liyue, a well-known designer like Bai Liyue? There must be something tricky!"

"I also think it is. At that time, Mu Jingchen was still the president of the Mu Group. Bai Liyue had an unclear relationship with him. It is difficult to guarantee that she left the backstage. If her design draft has won Lin Zhixi, she will not believe it. !"

The audience in the show was discussing vigorously.

These words naturally fell into the ears of Casey and the judges on site.

This competition is of great importance, and for the participating designers, it is a rare opportunity to become famous.

The designer's work is checked before the model goes on stage, but suddenly something goes wrong on the stage. This is indeed very strange.

If someone is really making a ghost behind the scenes, it must not be tolerated.

As the person in charge and host of this design competition, Casey naturally attaches great importance to it.

She walked to the judges' station and after asking the opinions of several judges, she took the microphone to appease the audience.

"Don't worry, everyone, for this accident, I apologize to you, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to the designers, judges and audience.

I have sent someone backstage to see the wedding dress that had a problem. It was indeed because the waistband on the back was touched by someone. It was not the problem of Lin Zhixi's designer.

The model once went to the bathroom before going on stage, but because of fear of soiling the wedding dress, she took it off in the dressing room backstage. I think it is likely that someone got into the dressing room and tampered with the wedding dress during this period.

But the backstage changing room is a private place, so now it is impossible to find out who this person is.

This game is broadcast live. The game cannot be terminated due to a small accident. As for this person with dirty hands and feet, after the game, we will definitely look into it! "

At this point, Lin Zhixi interrupted Casey angrily.

"Kathy, since it has been found out that someone deliberately framed him, and knows that this person is probably Bai Liyue, I ask Bai Liyue to prove himself, otherwise, it would be unfair to me at all!"

As an old man in the design industry, Lin Zhixi naturally has some weight.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Zhixi spoke, the audience in the audience shouted for her.

"Let Bai Liyue prove herself! Otherwise, it would be unfair to Lin Zhixi!"

"If Bai Liyue's work is outstanding enough, then we believe that she did not do it! Otherwise, she would be jealous of Lin Zhixi!"

Regarding the shouts from the audience, Casey knew that if they did not give the audience an explanation, they would not give up, and it would have a major impact on the game.

Casey looked at Lin Zhixi and replied without evasiveness: "Designer Lin, please calm down first. If something like this happens on the show floor, our organizer has certain responsibilities, and we will give you a satisfactory answer."

At this point, Casey's eyes fell on Bai Liyue.

"Designer Bai, first of all, let me state my position. I have never suspected that this matter has anything to do with you.

But everyone present knows that you and Designer Lin are having a feast, therefore, to suspect this to you, I know, it is also very unfair to you.

But you have seen the situation now. I hope you can cooperate with us. I believe that you are very confident in your work. "

Bai Liyue instantly became the target of public criticism.

In today's situation, if she does not agree, others will even think that she is a guilty conscience.

In response, she suddenly raised her eyes and stared at the people in the entire show.

"Okay, I promise!"

Thinking about it, she went directly from the last one to show her work to the second one. In fact, it was an opportunity for her.

As soon as Bai Liyue spoke, Casey looked at her gratefully: "Thank you for your cooperation."

In fact, Casey had never doubted Bai Liyue, and if Bai Liyue refused, that was her right.

But she agreed, and Casey can also give an explanation to the surrounding audience.

Just as Casey's voice fell, Bai Liyue looked at Lin Zhixi with a smile on her face.

"Suddenly something went wrong with the designer Lin's work. I suspected it was my work, but there was no definite evidence. I have to cooperate with you to regard myself as a suspect and prove myself.

This is an insult to me personally and a denial of me as a designer.

Designer Lin thinks that I am suspected of ruining your work because of my low self-esteem, lack of confidence in my work, and jealousy of you.

In this regard, I would like to ask designer Lin Da, if it proves for a while that my work is not as unbearable as you said, designer Lin Da, should you give me an explanation? "

Seeing Bai Liyue's self-confident appearance, Lin Zhixi sneered and smiled contemptuously.

She really didn't know where Bai Liyue's self-confidence came from.

"Okay! If your work is really good enough, I will apologize to you in public!"

Seeing Lin Zhixi's reluctance, Bai Liyue suddenly sneered, and asked: "Designer Lin slandered and insulted me in front of everyone. Did he just apologize and just apologize?"

Lin Zhixi became hostile to Bai Liyue's aggressive question.

"Bai Liyue, don't you feel good like this? Do you really think you can beat me?"

Bai Liyue's eyes stopped and smiled: "Of course."


Lin Zhixi laughed directly: "Okay! Then I, Lin Zhixi, promise everyone that if you Bai Liyue can beat me, I will withdraw from this competition on the spot and never step into the design world again!"

As soon as Lin Zhixi spoke, the entire show was quiet for a few seconds.

The audience and the judges suddenly felt that Lin Zhixi's bet was a bit bigger.

"Lin Zhixi confirms that Bai Liyue will never beat her. Otherwise, how dare to say this in public?"

"Lin Zhixi has been engaged in design for ten or twenty years. If she retires from the design world, it would be a waste of 20 years of hard work."

"They call it self-confidence, and they will never lose to Bai Liyue. Wait and see, Bai Liyue must be very ugly to lose!"

Lin Zhixi's words really made Bai Liyue stunned.

She kindly reminded: "Designer Lin, you have been designing for many years, so you'd better consider it seriously."

"Why, Bai Liyue, is this scared?"

Lin Zhixi snorted coldly: "I haven't finished speaking yet. If you lose, you have to pay the same price!"

Bai Liyue gave her a faint glance, looked at her arrogant appearance, and said calmly: "Okay."

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