Both Casey and the judges on the runway shook for a few seconds.

Lin Zhixi has more than ten years more qualifications than Bai Liyue, and she promised Lin Zhixi this condition, undoubtedly pushing herself into the fire pit.

Casey immediately said: "Two designers, the matter has not been found out yet, you two should not make such a fearless bet."

Regarding Casey's kind reminder, Lin Zhixi stopped immediately for fear that Bai Liyue would regret it.

"Kathy, Miss Bai is confident that she will not lose to me, so please don't persuade me. This is our personal grievance."

Bai Liyue looked at Casey, knowing that Casey was thinking about her, and chuckled lightly: "Kathy, the designer of Lin University is right, don't let the audience and the judges wait, let the competition continue."

Bai Liyue said so, and Casey did not persuade him anymore, but directed at the staff behind him, and ordered: "Go backstage and let designer Bai's model play first."

Following Casey's words, all the designers sat down quietly again.

Lin Zhixi sat back to her position and looked at Bai Liyue provocatively.

"Designer Bai, it's up to you to perform."

Bai Liyue ignored her, straightened her back, and walked toward the show platform with her foot up.

The people in the entire show were quiet, their eyes fixed on Bai Liyue's body.

When the show lights went out, only a beam of light turned on Bai Liyue's body.

Wearing a white dress with slanted shoulders, she walked to the center of the show with a confident step.

She took the microphone handed over by the staff and looked at the hundreds of spectators and even the judges present, with a clear voice: "Next, I will introduce my work to everyone and realize my dream."

After Bai Liyue's words were over, another light from the show shone to the innermost position of the middle T station.

I saw a tall model, wearing a wedding dress designed by Bai Liyue, walked up to the runway with a confident step, and showed her work to everyone.

This wedding dress adopts a one-shoulder design, and the shoulder is a layer of soft petal-like gauze that is not exaggerated. It shows the model's exquisite clavicle and improves her overall temperament by several degrees.

The wedding dress finely outlines the model's slender waist, and the hem is a smooth long trailing skirt.

The white inner petticoat plus the two thin layers of soft yarn on the outside, under the shining of the light, the soft yarn seems to emit a shining light, becoming the focus of the audience in one second.

The moment the model walked onto the stage, Bai Liyue told all the judges the origin of the wedding dress.

"The wedding dress, for some people, may be just a form, but for most girls, it carries the dream of love and the future. This is the origin of the name of my work."

Bai Liyue's words came to an end, and the model also stood at the forefront of the runway.

Everyone in the show can clearly see the wedding dress on the model.

Beautiful but not vulgar, like an exquisite artwork, no flaws can be found from top to bottom.

However, the judges did not give a score for a long time.

The audience in the audience also had a lively discussion.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but compared to Lin Zhixi's, it still feels much inferior!"

"Yes, it doesn't have any characteristics. It seems to be beautiful for the sake of beauty. It seems that she is defeated!"

"Let me just say, Bai Liyue is a rookie in design, how can she compare to Lin Zhixi, she was so ridiculous just now, it's ridiculous!"

On stage, Lin Zhixi sneered disdainfully.

Bai Liyue really didn't know herself.

It's okay now, everyone is laughing at her to see how she ends up!

Bai Liyue stood at the forefront of the show, listening to the doubts of the people below, but her face remained calm.

The judges in the judges' bench shook their heads in disappointment.

When they were about to raise their hands to score, Bai Liyue suddenly said to the staff in the audience: "Hello, the lights on the catwalk can be turned off."

After the talk, the lights went out, leaving only a few faint beige atmosphere lights around the runway.

These atmosphere lights have little effect, and the whole show is still gloomy.

The audience and the judges were at a loss.

In the next second, in this so dark environment that you can only see five fingers when you reach out, all your eyes are on the wedding dress in the middle of the runway.

After the light went out, the wedding dress suddenly became the color of the summer night sky, glowing with stars.

The skirt is the night sky, and the silver gleams as stars.

Such as the dazzling starry sky, the sky is full of stars, so beautiful that it is suffocating.

The whole show was quiet and terrible, with hundreds of eyes staring at this piece for fear of missing this rare moment.

Bai Liyue's clear voice sounded again.

"The sky is full of stars, beautiful and shocking but far away, reflecting every girl, a beautiful life, a bright future, and a dream will eventually come true!"

In the audience, fierce applause rang out for a long time.

Then the lights of the show stage were turned on, illuminating the entire show stage.

When everyone looked at Bai Liyue in the middle of the show, they all cast admiration.

At this moment, some girls even resonated and were deeply moved.

The judges nodded in praise, and even Casey was shocked.

She has seen countless excellent works, but never seen such a realistic "Night Sky Wedding Dress".

When Casey took the stage, she couldn't help asking: "Designer Bai, how did you do it?"

Bai Liyue smiled and gave her a very general answer.

"As long as you want to do, there is nothing you can't do."

Casey knew that every designer has his own unique ideas, and did not ask deeply.

But for Bai Liyue, she is now clearly impressed.

Casey retracted his eyes and looked at the judges on the stage.

The five judges collectively passed and gave Bai Liyue the highest score.

The chief judge, Yuan Wei, has not only won N international design awards, but also brought several famous designers with him. He was once rated as the most influential genius designer in the design world.

This person has always been Bai Liyue's idol.

At this moment, he did not hesitate to praise Bai Liyue and said: "It's still young people who have more ideas. Blue is better than blue, which is not bad."

Complimented by the idol, Bai Liyue's mouth raised slightly, and she smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Teacher Yuan."

As an old senior, Bai Liyue respectfully called him a mentor, and he naturally felt it.

Yuan Wei nodded and replied: "I hope you can see your better works in the finals."

Bai Liyue nodded firmly: "Definitely."

At this moment, without Kathy's announcement, Yuan Wei's mouth had announced that Bai Liyue had entered the final.

Although Yuan Wei has a resounding name in the design world, everyone knows him, but he can be very cold and serious.

Being able to praise Bai Liyue like this really made other designers on the field jealous!

On the stage, Lin Zhixi clenched her fist tightly, her nails almost falling into her palm.

She didn't believe that this was actually a work designed by Bai Liyue.

How could she lose to such a young rookie designer?

This is never possible!

Behind Lin Zhixi, the designers who had touted her before now looked as ugly as if they had eaten flies.

They mocked Bai Liyue before, but now Bai Liyue slapped her face severely, her face hurts!

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