The three-legged golden crow had never seen such a monster, bloodthirsty, crazy, and out of line, and when the person in front of him pierced from the divine sun and pierced the dark red blood sword into his body, the fear in his heart gushed out like a mountain spring.

"Monster! monster!" the three-legged golden crow hissed, pushing away the person who was clinging to him in front of him, but the sword simply pierced his entire body, and gave birth to a terrifying suction force that continued to draw his blood, causing him to control the strength of his whole body to resist, and countless uncontrolled blood was swallowed into it.

Mo Yi and the three-legged golden crow fell to the earth together, and the moment the divine sun exploded, Mo Yi's skin all over his body was burned to ashes, but he couldn't stop because he was absorbing the blood of the three-legged golden crow and recovered at a high speed, constantly replacing in the destruction and rebirth, while the three-legged golden crow under his hand became weaker and weaker.

"You bastard, a lowly race, how dare you... How dare you...!" The three-legged golden crow's heart was filled with fear and anger, he and Mo Yi fell heavily to the ground and smashed a large pit of hundreds of meters, the violent impact did not cause him substantial damage, only a slight surge of qi and blood, but it was this trembling blood sword inserted in his chest that sucked him a mouthful of blood again.

"Hahaha, this flat-haired beast really has a bit of divine beast blood, although it is not born 06, but the taste is also wonderful after making up for it the day after tomorrow!" "The blood sword no longer concealed himself, and shouted in front of the three-legged golden crow, acting like a villain who was more villain than the villain, without making people suspect that his old master was actually a big devil who flew to the immortal realm and was killed by the righteous path before losing him.

Mo Yi held the blood sword, a steady stream of blood and qi flowed into his body from the hilt of the sword, while the blood shadow magic skill was running, he also continued to block the three-legged golden crow's struggling attack, the blood sword pierced from the back of the three-legged golden crow and haunted the ice, and the blood-colored silk thread gradually spread in the ice under the two of them, which was used to fix the three-legged golden crow on the ice.

"You want to suck me to death!" The three-legged golden crow understood Mo Yi's realization, his realm was higher than Mo Yi, but the situation at the moment could not exert his due strength, the blood sword was like a suppressor to contain the power he could exert, and the strength of his own body was completely exploded by Mo Yi, resulting in an embarrassing situation that he could not break free from now.

"Yes, I see that your wings have been greedy for a long time, and it must be good to tear them off for a while to make grilled chicken wings. Mo Yi smiled at him, and the right hand holding the Blood Sword turned it vigorously again, enlarging the wound.

"Four Divine Beasts!" the three-legged golden crow screamed but did not respond to him with any sound, he suddenly cast his gaze to the sky, only to see that the burning cyan shadow was expressionless and withdrew his hand from the head of the majestic green dragon, bringing out a large piece of blood and a stream of dragon tendons, the green dragon lost its color and fell into the emperor violently, and the tide-like demon insects surrounded it and devoured it with the belt bones, revealing the bones of several other divine beasts below when it dispersed.

The cyan crimson shadow glanced at him from afar, and the glimpse from the misty green flames was a gaze that looked at the grave without warmth.

The three-legged golden crow beast showed a hideous expression on its face, and the light of desperate fighting flashed in his eyes, and Mo Yi in front of him also knew that this guy was going to start desperately, the blood-colored little sword on his chest doubled the speed of blood, and the side effects of the sword of the Heaven Sacrifice Sword were now completely made up for by the blood of the three-legged golden crow absorbed, and the scales of Ying Long gradually appeared on Mo Yi's skin, and the color of his eyes also glowed golden, and he was now 100% fully exerted the power of Ying Long's sword!

"The sun is not extinguished, and the divine fire burns all things. "

The three-legged golden crow recited a sentence in an ugly screaming sound, and then his eyes really turned into two small suns, and the light released was scorching and terrifying, directly melting the gray annihilation mana of Mo Yi's body, and burning Mo Yi into a bloody man!

"Blood Shadow Magic, Kai!"

Similarly, as expected by the three-legged golden crow, there was no intention of retreating, he could have taken advantage of the current situation, beat the three-legged golden crow to weakness and get out and continue to look for opportunities, but he chose to fight the three-legged golden crow to the death!

"Let's see if you die first, or if I die first!" The three-legged golden crow roared hysterically, and his wildness also completely burst out, when he was in the demon beast world, he was a little crow with thin blood of divine beasts, but now he is different, he is a divine beast! He is the successor of the divine sun and sun! He is the ruling spirit of fate!

Once in his world, the more demon beasts containing the blood of divine beasts, the more terrifying they were, the strong man covered the sky and the sun under one foot, devouring the sun, moon and stars between breaths, and he also started from a little crow, awakened the bloodline, devoured the strong, and climbed step by step to the present, recovering the four divine beasts, and being the king alone!

"This world lives on the true fire of the sun!This world is the king of light and flame!You!Human!Why are you standing in front of me!" The three-legged crow's wings spread, and the three bird's feet actually grabbed the ice and tried to stand up, but Mo Yi stepped on his head and pressed his whole body back into the ice!

"Why?" Mo Yi laughed lightly, facing the light that was enough to illuminate the entire snowfield firmament, even if the flesh and blood on his face continued to melt and recover, he laughed, his four eyes and the three-legged golden crow did not have the slightest timidity and retreat, and there was indifferent killing intent inside: "Do you think that this heaven and earth, this region, this abyss of ten thousand worlds, this cemetery of nine salienent beings, this snow field, who do you think has the final say?"

"Kneel! in front of the heir of the Divine Day!" The three-legged golden crow looked directly at Mo Yi, at this moment he seemed to have thrown life and death away from the nine heavens, and the blood veins belonging to the divine beasts on his body boiled, and his eyes were like a terrifying divine beast that had once obscured the universe and was born in the fiery sun.

"Panic sentient beings, three thousand worlds, even if you are a vast sun, what if you are too yin and the sun is born immortal?"

The three-legged golden crow looked at a pair of clear but indifferent eyes, without the slightest wavering, not even a ripple.

The three-legged golden crow was furious, but Mo Yi crushed it in a more domineering tone in a flat tone: "In the Three Thousand Worlds 707, the heavenly immortals are not benevolent to all things as dogs, and so are you!"

"What are you!?" The three-legged golden crow burst out with the strongest divine flame, but under the weakening of the annihilation mana layer by layer, Mo Yi always had time to absorb the blood of the three-legged golden crow under his feet to recover his injuries, and he stood on the ground that turned into a fiery golden flame hell and looked down at the other party.

Under the furious and majestic gaze of the three-legged golden crow, Mo Yi raised his foot and stepped on his proud head again to block that sight and said, "At least here, under my sword, your life and death are up to me." "

He pulled out the bloody sword, and in the next moment, he directly took the instep of his own foot and pierced the head of the three-legged golden crow below!

A violent light suddenly spread, and half of the creatures in the snow field suddenly lost their sight, but in an instant, the light shrank at a high speed, and at this moment, the strong creatures who were besieging the Qingxuan Venerable on the heavenly dome looked down one after another, and saw that the golden scales of the three-legged golden black body under Mo Yi's feet were no longer brilliant, and when the bloody sword was slowly pulled out, a pair of dried and godless beast pupils were revealed after raising their feet.

Mo Yi's naked and burned flesh and skin gradually recovered, a bloody sword lingered in front of his chest, he turned around and stepped on the corpse of the three-legged golden crow to look up at the sky, and raised his sword to point at it.

In the distance, Luo Xue, the sword-wielding phoenix, was silent, she held a sword flower with one hand and turned to leave.

High above the edge of the battle situation, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the incarnation outside Nanxun Holy Venerable. _

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