Venerable Qingxuan and Mo Yi are in full swing, and similarly, the battle situation of the World Tree has also entered a white-hot stage, and the first to reach the top of the World Tree is the Thunder Crow Clan, although the Thunder Raven Clan belongs to the middle or even lower middle strength races in the entire snowfield environment, but their advantage is also particularly obvious, that is, flying in a group.

The entire Thunder Raven clan gathered together like a dark cloud, and the black thunderclouds poured rolling thunder, flying straight through the battlefield towards the top of the World Tree, and even a mountain-like mountain giant tried to reach out and take it all down, but before the palm of the rock that covered the sky was pinched, it was completely shattered by a thunderous force that burst out together!

The Thunder Crow Clan does not love war, the goal is clear, and it is directed at the twelve Heavenly Immortal Fruits on the World Tree, unless it is a super power that is terrifying enough to turn the tide of the war with its own strength, and the one who finally succeeds in obtaining the Immortal Fruit will never be just a superior in strength, but a stealer like the Thunder Raven Clan has a greater chance of success.

And just when the thunder crow clan was about to leap to the top of the world tree, suddenly a thunder crow led by a thundercloud stiffened as if it had touched the edge line, and then fell downward, no matter how he fluttered his wings, it was useless, a group of thunder crows all reached a certain height, touched the invisible "line" and then fell like rain, and finally fell again when they fell to a certain height.

"Forbidden Sky Domain?" The patriarch of the Thunder Raven clan suddenly had a terrifying thought in his heart, even the noise was stuck in his throat and could not be released, to know what a terrifying blow the meaning of these four words was to the entire Thunder Raven clan who were proud of flying and the sky was powerful.

"No, this is impossible, God bless my Thunder Raven Clan, reach the Ten Thousand Worlds Tomb recorded on this inheritance stone tablet, those twelve divine fruits belong to our Thunder Raven Clan!" the Thunder Raven Clan patriarch roared and slammed back towards the World Tree Gaokao, but when he jumped over the line again and sprinted upwards for a distance, his entire body suddenly lost its buoyancy and fell down.

The predicament encountered by the Raven Clan terrified the rest of the flying races, and several flying races tried to rush up the World Tree from another angle, but after reaching a certain height, they all lost the power of flight and fell down, which could not help but confirm the fact of the so-called "forbidden air domain".

"Heaven is dead to my clan!" "The patriarch of the Raven Clan looked up at the twelve scarlet fruits on the top of the World Tree and let out a hysterical roar, the only advantage of their Raven Clan is that they are in the air, and now if they want to climb the World Tree, they have to fall down on the trunk of the World Tree and climb, doesn't that cost them the life of the Raven Clan?

Compared to the Thundercrow Clan, the rest of the flying creature races, the Celestial Wing Clan's Patriarch with ground combat ability with wings on his back was suspended in the air with a spear in his hand, looking at the invisible line in the sky and pondering for a while, then turned around and ordered the clansmen: "Fall to the ground, kill along the branches of the World Tree!"

All the creatures were like locusts fighting and running on the thick trunk of the World Tree, and all the races in the original sky also fled to the ground, and the speed of advancement was slowed down at once, and the Thunder Raven clan was immediately besieged by the rest of the creatures after escaping into the ground, although they lost the advantage of the sky, but the thunderstorm released by gathering together was undoubted.

During this period, the most eye-catching thing is naturally the creatures of the rest of the world of cultivating immortals, the monks of the immortal cultivation world all have systematic cultivation techniques, and the moves and paths of the original strict and clear hierarchy are innovative, while most of the creatures of the rest of the world are ignorant, and they find routines between killing and bloody competition, which are far less sophisticated than the monks of the immortal cultivation world, and can even be described as shoddy.

There is innate suppression, and it is also under the law that the peak of the vast period is the bottleneck, just like everyone has a hundred basic powers, and the wild world and the rough world can exert a hundred basic powers to eighty or ninety-nine, because those are all using the most primitive techniques.

Immortal cultivators are different, after a long history of accumulation, and walking on the road opened up by the previous emperors of demons, a hundred basic powers, through different exercises and means, can exert a thousand or even ten thousand effects, this is the gap between immortal cultivators and the creatures of the wild and uncivilized race.

Taking the Changfeng Gate Sword Cultivation disciples as an example, thousands of sword cultivators formed an unbreakable small sword formation according to the Changfeng Gate Secret Sword Formation Dafa, and they were comparable to a meat grinder on the battlefield of the trunk of the World Tree, and the sword blade was full of blood and mud and flesh foam, and the power condensed by this unbroken small sword formation was completely unmatched by the other three thousand world beings.

In the same realm, it is often the Terran who can play all kinds of flowers for a few forces, and the most eye-catching is a group of warriors who have opened up their fists and feet and blasted a bloody path in the battlefield.

All the creatures of the three thousand worlds, but all the alien beast races all gathered together to rush towards the human forces, because even they are murderous and they are well aware of a truth, that is, at this moment, the aliens must unanimously solve these biggest threats, otherwise all the twelve World Tree fruits will fall into the hands of the human race.

And the most important thing is that even the alien beasts know that they are united and hateful, these human races are still in their own camps at such a critical moment, not to mention that the immortal cultivators and those martial artists do not conspire with each other, and even the immortal cultivators themselves are divided into many different camps, and each major sect is in its own camp, such as the ten immortal gates, Nanxun Holy Mountain and various hidden sect forces, and some small sects choose to get together, but even so, the immortal cultivators are scattered, and they are besieged by alien beasts.

Despite this, it is extremely difficult for the alien beasts to break through the Terran forces, because the immortal cultivators are too strong, and now these separate sects in front of them are all hard bones that cannot be gnawed, and those alien beasts that originally used the sky advantage as the battlefield still had the opportunity to snatch the World Tree Fruit, and now the emergence of the forbidden space realm has completely pulled all living beings to an equal starting line, and the human power is undoubtedly the most powerful race among all living beings.

Not to mention... Behind the World Tree, the battle on the snowy field is not over yet.

All the creatures on the World Tree didn't dare to look back at that battlefield, and the phantom of the burning bamboo forest permeated by the entire snowfield sky couldn't help but make all the living beings (King Qian's) spirits feel ashamed, it can be said that all the strong people went to contain the powerful Terran female cultivator in the green flame, but now it seems that the battle situation advantage is constantly tilting towards the terrifying female cultivator, even on the side of the World Tree, there are constantly living beings who are incinerated into ashes by the green flame, it is really like a sword hanging above the head all the time.

The light that erupted from the last divine sun before Fang Qian Jinwu died spread to the side of the World Tree, and the Terran man who killed Jinwu seemed to be on the side of the Qingyan female cultivator, if the two of them really broke through the siege of the strong people, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Be sure to collect all twelve fruits before the two arrive.

This is the common thought of all living beings in the World Tree.


Chapter pushes a book.,The theme is the same as this book.,The same style of writing is similar to this book.,Of course, it's a new book.,It's just a new one today.,You can go collect it first.,He said he collected more than a thousand and pressed me in front of the computer to update or something.。

Title: "Fantasy: Infinite Arms System"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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