Mo Luoxue raised the sword with both hands, the sword was like an arm finger, the person and the sword were one, and like the divine beast true phoenix lightly raised its wings, and the third sword above her head stood in the air, facing the three white ghosts, the golden flame shadow continued to rise and fall on her side, at first glance, it really looked like a phoenix with a sharp beak lightly, and its wings stretched.

The third sword of the Extreme Phoenix Sword, the white ghost has never heard of the Extreme Phoenix Sword, and even the Tiangu Sect Master has not used the Extreme Phoenix Sword to kill during the Phoenix Blood Tribulation, this sword skill is as powerful as if it came out of thin air, especially the inexplicable terrifying momentum before the sword is locked, and the suppression makes people unable to return to the sky even if they have the heart to resist.

"The first sword, the second sword is terrifying, this third sword is really going to kill?" The white ghost and the sword Wuxian were extremely cold, and the Qilin real person on the side was bloodshot and red, after the Qilin was cut down by Mo Luoxue Shuangxuan, he couldn't control the anger in his heart at all, and his mental state was extremely unstable.

"Give me death!" "Death for me!" Qilin Zhenren was the first to suppress the killing intent, and suddenly rushed out, he stepped out of a string of pale cloud flames with both feet, just like the Rui Beast Qilin stepped into the air, his body was almost to the extreme, and his hands changed between the magic seals, and the Qilin made good use of his teeth and claws when hunting prey, and the Qilin's claws were the most ~ fierce killing methods.

Mo Luoxue did not retreat, but drove straight in, her dark golden eyes focused on the Qilin Zhenren, and a great pressure suddenly descended and suppressed the soul of the Qilin Zhenren, and the sword Wuxian and the white ghost, who felt the aftermath of the coercion, were in high spirits and knew that the killing move of the third sword was coming, and they respectively sacrificed the sword array and the innocent fire rushed behind the Qilin Zhenren, trying to find Mo Luoxue's sword after the sword, and then work together to strangle!

Yes, the Qilin Zhenren has been given up by the Sword Wuxian and the White Ghost at the moment, and the monks who fall into a rage and are delirious are no different from beasts, and the killing trick of the Qilin Claw can still have dozens of changes when the Qilin Zhenren is awake, but now that he is in a state of rage and only wants to avenge his Qilin, this Qilin Claw seems to be fierce but it is also a straightforward fight.

Mo Luoxue raised her sword, Jian Wuxian and the white ghost were engrossed! But the next moment, Mo Luoxue's figure suddenly disappeared, and the sight of the white ghost and Jian Wuxian could only see a thinner golden streamer piercing through the flowers.

It's like escaping into space, swimming in the slit of time, and the white ghost suddenly realized this sword... It's not the third sword of the Extreme Phoenix Sword, this is clearly the first sword of the Extreme Phoenix Sword that cut off the arm of the white ghost at the beginning, a beak!

With a fast and terrifying sword, the Celestial Phoenix shook its wings and swooped down to hunt, and the Qilin Zhenren only felt that he had pounced on a cloud of air, and a chill felt in his chest.

The white ghost and the sword Wuxian stopped sprinting, standing in the air and looked at the Qilin Zhenren with an ugly face, in their opinion, the Qilin Zhenren's chest had been opened a hole the size of a human head, and there was no blood flowing out because of the golden flames burning on the edge of the wound, the Qilin Zhenren looked back at the white ghost and the Jian Wuxian stiffly: "Help...."

But before he could finish speaking, the golden flames burned brightly, turning his body into a cloud of flying ashes.

Before the white ghost and the sword could feel their scalps tingle, they suddenly felt the same terrifying pressure fall on their bodies again, and their blood instantly froze, as if they were paddling in a quagmire.

Here it is! Here it is! Morocher's sword!

Great fear enveloped the white ghost, this was an invincible thought, he had already felt the sword intent that prick people with pain all over his body locked on, this sword was the first sword, the first sword and a beak, or the second sword Shuangxuan? Is it the third sword that has not yet appeared?

"No... No!" The white ghost let out a low roar, and instead of fighting back with the sword entwined with the Innocent Flame in his hand, he wrapped all the Innocent Flames around his body in one go!

Jian Wuxian on the side looked embarrassed, he didn't have a fire like Innocent Fire to defend himself, he could only rely on his own ability to get through this moment of killing.

In the next moment, Mo Luoxue's sword arrived, and it was the second sword of the Extreme Phoenix Sword, Shuangxuan!

The rainbow-like dazzling gold almost obscured the entire sight of Jian Wuxian, and the magnificent and suffocating coercion of the real phoenix came to his face, and these two swords came from the left and right, just like the whole sky was the wings of the phoenix, one left and one right, folded into two petals and slashed towards his whole person!

Jian Wuxian's pupils dilated but he didn't die immediately, he let out a low roar and spurted out a large amount of blood, these blood beads condensed in the air into a blood-colored small sword stabbed at his back, and at this moment, his eyes were red and the long sword in his hand suddenly swung forward, and a half-crippled blood moon slashed out in the air, and he resisted Shuangxuan hard!

0··· Ask for flowers············

Mo Luoxue, who took out the sword, had a strange look in her eyes, knowing that the other party had used a sword move to fight for her life, but she didn't choose to avoid its edge, and Shuangxuan still fell indomitable!

"Blocked..."Jian Wuxuan's face was pale, looking at the gradually fading Shuangxuan's heart for the rest of his life, the price of this blood moon sword is most of his essence blood, and his combat power will plummet when he cuts out this sword, and he can almost only escape.

................ 0

What's ridiculous is that this Blood Moon Sword is placed in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, who would dare to take it head-on in the world's unphased period? Jian Wuxian dared to say that even if it was a talented sword idiot in the way of the sword, Cheng Jingyu would have to sink under his own Blood Moon Sword. But now in the abyss of all worlds, his Blood Moon Sword can only compete with the disciple of the lonely phoenix on this day?

Jian Wuxian slashed out and was about to turn around and flee immediately, but the moment he turned around, he suddenly saw three flowers blooming in front of his eyes.

It was three white-gold lotus flowers, which appeared in front of him, the light and shadow were scorching and beautiful, and they flew not far away with pieces of afterimage, he was stunned and didn't know what this was, but the next moment he found that his arms were unconscious, and his head was suddenly light... Then comes eternal darkness.

Extreme Phoenix Sword, Third Sword, Three Flowers.

Mo Luoxue raised his hand, and the three white-gold lotus flowers stopped rotating, and only then could he see that the true body of the three platinum lotus flowers was three flying swords.

The most proud of the phoenix is not a simple sharp beak, nor a simple claw, any bird's nirvana is nothing more than soaring for nine days and then fierce killing, the sharp beak and claws in parallel, the light and shadow drawn out are also like lotus blooms.

The sword was not killed, Mo Luoxue withdrew the three swords, and stood in the air silently looking at the white ghost whose innocent flame gradually faded to reveal his true face.

There is only one mortal left. _

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