If you want to ask the white ghost now if he is afraid, the white ghost is afraid, if you want to ask the white ghost if he is aggrieved, it must be aggrieved, aggrieved to the home, since he was promoted to the phaseless period, he has never been aggrieved to this extent.

Is the Qilin real person strong? Not strong, because he and his Qilin were cut by Mo Luoxue with two or three swords, without any mud and water, if this is called strong, there will probably be no strong person in the world. But the Qilin Zhenren is really strong in a sense, his reputation is well-known in the world of cultivating immortals, and the Qilin secret method he cultivates is rare and difficult to target, and it complements each other with the accompanying Qilin, but after falling to the vast realm, it is not enough for Mo Luoxue to be a sword.

And who is the sword Wuxian? The great elder of the sword furnace of Changfeng Gate, who has practiced swords for hundreds of years, has cultivated to the great realm of Wuxiang, can move the power of heaven and earth with the way of the sword, and sense the opportunity of life and death with the sword... Then he died, and there were no bones left.

As soon as Mo Luoxue's three swords came out, he suddenly broke his sword and beheaded the Qi "640" Lin Zhenren, leaving the white ghost alone at this moment.

High in the air, the three flying swords slowly rotated on Mo Luoxue's side, and the golden afterimages frequently brought out by the blades almost made it impossible to distinguish the trajectory of the sword, and her opposite, the white ghost was surrounded by layers of innocent flames, which looked impressive, but the fearful and jealous eyes below revealed that he was only strong on the outside.

The white ghost knew that Mo Luoxue's sword was not really unstoppable, Fang Qian slashed Shuangxuan and Sanhua who were immortal, and wore a beak of Qilin Zhenren, each sword has a fixed sword move, one beak is a stabbing sword, Shuangxuan is a double sword with an oblique slash and an oblique slash, and Sanhua has not seen through it for the time being, but it should be roughly a trick of a flying sword.

The white ghost knows that these moves of these so-called Extreme Phoenix Swords are certainly strong, but what is really difficult to parry and unguardable is the strange momentum suppression! Every time Mo Luoxue wants to take out the sword, the target she locks on will be shocked by an extremely terrifying coercion, under this unwarranted momentum, any person who is locked will be like being covered in lead, unable to move freely, and even mana cannot flow smoothly.

Can't smoothly mobilize mana, just by virtue of this, the average inexperienced monk can't even play one-third of his usual strength, and even more so, there will even be a terrible consequence that the magic trick can't run successfully and goes crazy, and the white ghost and the sword Wuxian are because they have the experience of the phaseless period as the background, and they can resist a little after being locked by this terrifying momentum, such as the unicorn claw of the Qilin real person, and the blood moon sword of the sword of the sword of the sword.

The white ghost is different from the two who have died, he can hardly use his own magic without mistakes under the terrifying suppression and locking, and more importantly, the natural protection of the innocent fire makes him like a turtle shell, if Mo Luoxue forcibly wants to kill him, he will be injured by the innocent fire if he doesn't pay attention, and the innocent fire that can scorch the soul and the soul is not a joke.

"Gotta find a way to crack that damn coercion. "

When the fear reached its peak, and the mental state was tense and could not die anymore, the white ghost actually calmed down, he had to calm down, if he was like a Qilin real person, he could only be cut faster and more neatly by Mo Luoxue. A hundred years of cultivation has proved that the phaseless period is not fake, even if he only returns to the ruins now, he still has a strong mentality that has experienced strong winds and waves.

"Do you still have a fourth sword, or do you think it's enough to kill me with three?" The white ghost and Mo Luoxue maintained an absolutely safe distance and stalemate in the air, and in the distance behind Luo Xue were Qingxuan and Mo Yi, and the surrounding airspace idlers had already been cleared, and the Tiangumen had blocked this, and no one could come in and disturb the fight here.

Mo Luoxue didn't answer the white ghost, because her Extreme Phoenix Sword could indeed only use the third sword, or the third sword Sanhua was still imperfect until now, and the previous sword killing was all due to surprise and Sanhua's extremely fast and extremely concealed characteristics, coupled with the coercion of the core of the Extreme Phoenix Sword, it was so tolerant and uneventful.

"Doesn't it look like there is a fourth sword?" The white ghost was still probing, because he hadn't found Mo Luoxue taking out the fourth sword, but this still couldn't lower his vigilance, although the number of flying swords needed for One Beak, Shuangxuan, and Sanhua increased in turn, but who could be sure that the fourth sword would need four swords?

"To kill you, three swords are enough. Mo Luoxue said lightly.

The white ghost received such a reply, and he was a little relieved in his heart, but he still hid his vigilance in his heart, the ghost knew if Mo Luoxue would hide it clumsily, and used the fourth sword of the Raush Ziji Phoenix Sword at the most critical time, wasn't this how he killed the Qilin before?

You can't treat this young and excessive woman in front of you as a chick, the lion fights the rabbit with all her might, not to mention... Now it's impossible to say who is the lion and who is the rabbit0.....

Mo Luoxue took a step, the white ghost suddenly tensed, and the innocent flame suddenly rose up and spun around him, like a stone thrown into a lake, layer after layer of ripples rippled, wrapping his whole person inside, and the sword in his hand was also suddenly entangled by the innocent flame, and for a while it was like a god descending to earth!

Sure enough, the white ghost saw Mo Luoxue raise his sword and then his entire body gradually turned gray and disappeared into the air, and the great irresistible coercion descended on him in an instant, as if he felt that there was a majestic mountain overhead that covered the sky and the sun and was collapsing, his ant-like self was fragile and helpless, the blood in his body was cold, and the mana was blocked and could not flow smoothly.

If you go on like this, you will die!

The white ghost's eyes unconsciously became red, his spirit began to be agitated and unstable, the Innocent Flame was filled with black negative emotions at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the temperature in the air soared to the point where it could directly melt the ordinary flying sword into molten iron!

This is the horror of the owner of the alien fire, which is impeccable in both attack and defense.

But the white ghost knows that under the impeccable surface, the Innocent Flame can't really make himself invincible, and the explosion of the alien fire to such a degree will make the origin of the alien fire in his own qi sea load! If Mo Luoxue has been stalemate like this without a sword, he is likely to take the initiative 2.4 and he will not be able to maintain the burning of the alien fire in one step, and he will go off and set himself on fire!

"Come on, come and kill me!Extreme Phoenix Sword?" The white ghost's low roar was like that of a hellish ghost, and the black and innocent fire that wrapped around him showed his madness to the fullest.

The black innocent flame burned ring after ring around the white ghost, not giving Mo Luoxue a chance to use the sword at all, and the white ghost's spirit reached the extreme of tension under the terrifying coercion oppression, just like a tight bowstring, Mo Luoxue was slow to come out of the sword, and as the stalemate became longer, although maintaining the innocent fire overwhelmed him, his spirit became more and more unstable but dozens of times more excited than usual.

Gradually, the white ghost actually felt that the coercion on his body seemed to be decreasing with the change of time?

There's a play!

The white ghost sensed a glimmer of life, maybe this is the real way to crack the seemingly insoluble Extreme Phoenix Sword!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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