Evergreen Peak.

On the mountainside, an old man in a yellow robe waited in the direction of Xiaozhufeng with his hands behind his back, and from time to time, a long rainbow struck, which was An Zhi's order to return with the sword, and the red clothes fluttered and fell behind the old man.

"Master. After An Zhiming put away the sword, he held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the tip of the sword was facing down respectfully: "The Dongfu waist card ordered by the head has been sent out." "

The old man was none other than Elder Huanghai, and he turned to look at An Zhi's head: "Good job, you can see that person?"

"Is the master talking about Wang An?" An Zhiming put the long sword into the scabbard.

"Naturally, that's His Holiness... What do you think is capable of the person whom Your Excellency has personally ordered to be valued?"

"Although he is young, he has a mature mind, a steady temperament, and self-control, and his cultivation is about three layers in the Mortal Period, and the disciple sees that he is wearing a gift ring on his left hand, but Wang An's identity should not have such a thing, and it is very likely that he has encountered an adventure in the near future. An Zhiming said carefully.

"What else?" Elder Huang Hai bowed slightly.

“...... Nothing else. "

"You hesitated. Elder Huang Hai looked at An Zhiming's eyes and said, "If you want to say anything, just say "five-two-three", there are no outsiders here, and we won't do anything to that Wang An, that is the person who was trained by His Excellency the head of the sect, and this Qingshan Sect does not have so many guys who are not long-sighted." "

"The disciple just wanted to say that Wang An may have high ambitions, and I didn't see the color of ordinary disciples when they looked at me in his eyes. "

"Awe, can it be hoped for?" Elder Huang Hai naturally knew what An Zhiming was talking about, this was his most outstanding disciple, and he should have been looked up to by everyone.

"Wang An's recent adventures have given him self-confidence—the confidence to reach the qualification of an inner disciple in a short period of time, and the disciple thinks that Wang An's strength is very likely not as simple as the third layer of the Mortal Stage on the surface. An Zhiming also let go and said her speculation.

"Being able to hide your true cultivation in front of you in the Vast Realm and the Half-Step Heavenly Palace, it is amazing to say that this Wang An has obtained. Elder Huang Hai frowned slightly.

"Does the master want me to find out his secret?" An Zhiming gently stroked the dark red scabbard, and the flying sword buzzed and trembled, and there was a sword flying into the sky.

"No, no need, I said it, Wang An is the person named and cultivated by His Excellency the head of the family, and we can't touch him no matter what. Huang Hai shook his head categorically and refused, and An Zhiming had to press the hilt of the sword to restore his composure.

"I just want to know why it's Wang An, why a little-known disciple of Xiaozhufeng is favored. Huang Hai let out a long sigh.

An Zhiming in front of him didn't know that the current Qingshan Sect had changed the sky, Qingyunzi's body had been burned to ashes, and the four elders of the main peak were in danger, although they had reached an agreement with the Venerable of Tsing Yi, but they were always the weak side, and they were uncomfortable after all.

It is a blessing and a curse for a group of people who are suspected of being from a hidden family to be dormant in the Qingshan Sect, and today's Wang An is the so-called blessing, and the Yellow Sea knows better than anyone how much opportunity a force that is very likely to be a family or a family of the Middle Ages behind it can bring them. Isn't Wang An an example? Half a day ago, this son was just an ant, but now he can't even see through his proud disciples, and even gives a very high evaluation.

But why, why is it Wang An who gets the blessing? Not anyone else? Is his disciple safe and fatal?

An Zhiming, who was standing still waiting for the master to speak, found that Huang Hai's eyes were a little strange when he looked at her: "What's the matter, master, is there something wrong with the apprentices on Xiaozhu Peak?"

"No, you're doing the right thing, don't make friends easily or make enemies easily, when you have both..."Huang Hai said for a moment, as if he had realized something and seemed to be sighing helplessly: "... Alas, but sometimes there is always a need for some black and white in this world, that is, that chance, it is also a matter of ascending to heaven and falling in one step. "

"The disciple didn't understand. An Zhiming clasped his hands together and whispered, "Please make it clear to the master." "

"Do you know how many more inner disciples have been accepted in the sect recently?"

"This matter... Something to do with the unprovoked fragmentation of the Great Array of the Protector Sect?" An Zhiming deserved to be the senior sister of the Qingshan Sect, and with just a few words from Huang Hai, he connected some extremely deep hidden things together.

"It has nothing to do with it, the mountain gate array is just a trivial matter, just break it and then stand up, you know those inner disciples. "

"Knowing one or two, the disciples in the sect have spread widely, saying that they have seen mortal fairies and ancient demon beasts in the sect, presumably those rumors are the inner disciples of the master. "

"Descend to the mortal fairy..."Huang Hai paused, thinking of the female disciple in the hidden family, who is indeed worthy of the word beautiful as a heavenly immortal: "This time, the new inner disciples of the sect have four people and one demon, and the four men and women are half, and they will also appear at the sect competition tomorrow, and they will also go to the thirty-three kui of the next month to compete for the ranking of the sect, if you meet them tomorrow, pay attention as much as possible." "

"Four?" An Zhiming slightly tapped the hilt of the sword on his waist: "The master means to retreat as much as possible when he meets them in Dabi?"

"No... I'm telling you to go all out, don't take the enemy lightly, lest it make a big mistake. Huang Hai glanced at An Zhiming and found that the other party had misunderstood what he meant, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head, how could those disciples of the hidden family need the people of their Qingshan Sect to release the water?

"These four inner disciples have a great background, remember not to fight evil, if there is an inevitable conflict, back down, back down, back down, don't touch each other's moldy heads. Huang Hai's three consecutive retreats made An Zhiming a little surprised, it was the first time she had seen her master warn herself like this.

"Where they came from... Is it big?" An Zhiming couldn't help but ask.

"Big, huge, big enough to determine the fate of this Qingshan Sect in one word. Huang Hai said that after saying that, he felt that he had lost his words, so he stopped revealing it.

"Yes, the apprentice will not be careless. An Zhiming bowed his head and said.

Huang Hai was silent for a long time, looking at An Zhiming in front of him and thinking about a lot of things, he finally figured out something and asked:

"Knowing your fate, you've been worshipping my disciple for ten years, right?" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Back to the master, exactly ten years ....." An Zhifang bowed his head.

"In the past ten years, I, as a master, have not given you any opportunities, and it can be regarded as a reputation for profit. Huang Hai shook his head and sighed.

"It's the disciple who is stupid, and he can't pass on the true master, and he doesn't break it and return to the ruins for a long time. Hearing this, An Zhiming immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"No, it's my problem, this Qingshan Sect is still too small after all, once I thought it would be difficult to enter the ruins in this life, but I never escaped when the years were about to dry up, but the ruins are probably the end of my generation's immortal road, in the years of stepping into the ruins, I have tried to further extravagant in various means, but the way of heaven is ruthless. Although there have been several opportunities in front of me, they have all been given up because of the common principles of secular ethics, and I have to sigh when I think about it today... But you're different. Huang Hai looked at An Zhiming, who was half-kneeling in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"You are the only disciple I accepted after returning to the ruins, in you I see in you the future is much wider than me Immortal Road, I don't want some opportunities to fall on you when you give it up, the opportunity given by the Heavenly Dao in the immortal cultivation world is like a white mist cliff, one step forward may rise to heaven in the daytime, or it may fall into the abyss forever, but you can only stand still but can only stand on the edge for the rest of your life and look at the untouchable beautiful scenery... There are times when you need to make sacrifices and make choices. "

"The disciple didn't understand. An Zhiming trembled a little after hearing Huang Hai's heartfelt words, but he didn't know what to do.

"You're smart, you know what I mean. Huang Hai nodded and said: "Whether it is advance or retreat, it all depends on the choice, the master will only show you the way, and will not force Liangshan." "

"The master treats me well, everything is only according to the master's instructions. An Zhiming said.

"Not this time. Knowing your fate, not this time, you can only look at yourself. Huang Hai smiled and shook his head: "You look up and let me see." "5.3

An Zhiming raised his head, willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, red lips and bright teeth, and because of his major in swordsmanship, a sharp heroic aura lingered in the corners of his dark red eyes, which was a bright white snow and cold plum. It's no wonder that the disciples of the Qingshan Sect dream of a companion is Senior Sister An who fell into the city with that sword.

"Not bad. Huang Hai said with a smile.

An Zhiming couldn't help but close her eyes when a burst of green smoke swept across her eyes, and when she opened it again, Elder Huanghai was already gone, leaving only a gust of breeze and white mist on the edge of the cliff halfway up the mountainside. She stood up, but found that there was a waist card on the ground, and when she saw the waist card clearly, her whole body trembled, because she recognized this waist card, which was the waist card of a certain male disciple of the inner door.

From this moment on, she also knew the meaning of her master's last words.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are tens of millions of opportunities, the cliff is a light, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you advance, you will make steady progress, and if you retreat, you will be self-defended and depressed for life. And it all depends on whether the person standing on the edge of the cliff is willing to sacrifice something in exchange for the opportunity to twist and turn.

An Zhiming, who was standing on the edge of the cliff, bent down and picked up the Dongfu waist card, his white fingers were held tightly, and his straight fingers were blue and bloodless.

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