The sun sets, and the stars and the moon descend.

The top of Evergreen Peak, outside the Sun Moon Cave.

"Who knows where the cumin is? It's in the jar, the yellowish powder, I remember putting it with the chili powder and the salt... What are you giving me pepper for? You're such a prince of a country, you don't even know cumin?"

"Why do I need to know cumin? I'm a prince, don't you understand the truth of a gentleman's cooking?" Zhao put down the pepper jar angrily in front of the stone platform.

"You know a fart, only if you can grab a woman's stomach can you capture a woman's heart, and I won't have a few Barbie hands this year... Oh, I mean barbecue, I'm embarrassed to come out and walk the rivers and lakes. Mo Yi mixed barbecue condiments on the purple wood plate, and counted Zhao Mad at the same time: "Besides, the meaning of the gentleman's kitchen is not that men don't go to the kitchen, the original meaning is that the gentleman can't bear to hear the screams of the animals being chopped alive in the kitchen, which means that the gentleman is a person with a compassionate heart... How many people have you slaughtered in the abyss of all worlds, and you still have mercy?"

As you can see, under the night sky with sparse moons and stars, this group of people are barbecuing meat on the top of Evergreen Peak, Mo Yi, Zhao Mad and Gongsun Ruoji are guarding in front of the stone platform to mix condiments, the saint is enjoying the starry sky not far away, and the nine-headed golden lion king is pondering how small the claws must be to be used as a kitchen knife to dissect the three fat cranes in front of him.

Because he didn't know firewood, rice, oil, salt and vinegar, Zhao Mad was silent by Mo Yi, and Gongsun Ruoji on the side handed the cumin jar to Mo Yi expressionlessly.

"That's right! Sure enough, it's still a girl with a delicate mind, and she didn't suffer less before she came!" Mo Yi took the cumin jar and shook it on the condiment, and then turned to the nine-headed golden lion king on the stone platform not far away and shouted: "Let you deal with the cranes, don't steal food for me, three cranes have six legs, and one chicken leg will be missing for a while... Crane legs, I'll roast your hooves to fill the number!"

"Senior Brother Mo... Isn't this okay?" A weak voice sounded on the side, and the person who spoke was Chen Yin, who was also in this barbecue feast, and was considered a special guest of Mo Yi, and he pulled out this senior brother of Qingshan Sect in the spirit of solitary music 15 It is better to be happy.

Chen Yin, who was pulled to the front of the Mo Yi Cave Mansion, was so shocked that his eyebrows trembled when he saw this battle, not to mention that in the cave mansion of elders and inner disciples like Evergreen Peak, the three immortal cranes trembling under the paws of the nine golden lion kings not far away were the spirit beasts raised by Elder Yang Holmium!

Chen Yin remembered clearly, those three cranes were superior in the Qingshan Sect on weekdays, haunting the desperate scenery every day, drinking the elixir and jade liquid, eating the elixir, the white feathers were smooth and soft, and the cry was crisp, but whenever any disciple frightened them, they would arouse the anger of Elder Yang Hao, but now...

"Whew!" The nine-headed golden lion king finally made a move, his front paws ignited with snow and white cloud flames, and in an instant, thousands of claw shadows covered the stone platform, but in an instant, the three cranes were all killed, and the feathers were burned to ashes by the cloud flames, leaving only snow-white flesh and skin!

"Take it, make these beads of herbs into juice, spread them evenly on the crane's flesh, remove the internal organs, and then stuff these fruits into the crane's belly. Mo Yi saw that the nine-headed golden lion king did not fail in his mission, and casually threw a few spirit grasses and fiery vermilion fruits that were flowing in the night

"Xingluocao and Zhu Fengguo...?" Chen Yin trembled when he saw the Zhu Guo and the Spirit Grass, especially when he was sure that the stars in the sky would form a whirlpool-like vision with the Spirit Grass, it must be the Star Falling Grass that was only born in the spiritual energy vortex when the sun and the moon converged!

"Gadgets, not worth a few dollars. Mo Yi saw Chen Yin's dream-like gaze and smiled and said.

The nine-headed golden lion king took over the spirit grass and Zhu Guo and was also greedy to death, Gongsun Ruoji and Zhao Mad couldn't help but look at it, Mo Yi said that there was an opportunity waiting for them tonight, what I wanted to say was this barbecue, using Zhu Fengguo and Xingluo grass as the seasoning of crane meat, this kind of violent behavior of destroying the heavens is simply unreasonable.

And what is even more unreasonable is still to come, Chen Yin and Zhao Madness watched Mo Yi sluggishly take out Baihua Pill powder, lightning strike mahogany, red dust medicine, blood Luo Lingzhi from the meaning of the Nawu ring... All kinds of rare and valuable things are used to... Grind into powder and add to barbecue seasoning.

This barbecue is priceless, and every kind of heavenly treasure can make the vast and ruined monks work hard, but in Mo Yi's hands, it has become a barbecue seasoning.

"It's not enough to just eat meat, you still have to get some vegetarian. Mo Yi muttered a few words, and started to lose again, only to see him take out a few barbecue iron skewers and start to string Wutong tail, purple mushroom, reishi, yellow essence grass, biluo ginseng... On the stone platform, the light was overflowing, and there seemed to be a rainbow rising.

"Senior brother... You are... It's a waste..."Chen Yin's eyes were red, his throat was dry, his lips were shaking when he looked at one of the Zizhi, looking at the size of this Zizhi, it would take at least a hundred years to start, although it was not as good as a thousand years, but a hundred years of Zizhi Absolute Skill helped him break through to the vast Heavenly Palace realm in one go!

"Wherever it's wasted, you'll have to eat it for a while. Mo Yi glanced at Chen Yin strangely, and skewered the three purple mushrooms into a skewer.

"It's not... These spiritual herbs and immortal herbs cannot be burned with mortal fire, they will lose their spiritual energy and medicinal properties!" Chen Yin jumped anxiously, could this be the disciple of the family? Waste must also have a scale! Haven't you read the spiritual grass classics? He really wants to start wasting money in Mo Yi and looting these precious spiritual objects on the stone platform.

"Who said I was going to roast it over a mortal fire? Mo Yi rolled his eyes, groped around in the gift ring and made a grill he made himself and put it in the open space, snapped his fingers with his right hand, and the blue-green flame suddenly rose under the grill!

"This flame..."Chen Yin retreated ten meters the moment the green flame burned, and the long sword was unsheathed and covered in hair!

"Barbecue is special, it can perfectly block the aura, and ensure that you bite down and your tongue blooms lotus!" Mo Yi gave a thumbs up and pointed to the saint who was looking at the stars at night not far away, and she was like an independent saint: "On barbecue, I am first-class, I don't believe you ask my junior sister!"

Chen Yin looked at the white-clothed saintess, and saw that the starlight illuminated the side face of the beauty, and his heart throbbed, so he didn't dare to look at it anymore, so he had to put away his long sword and sit back on the stone platform honestly, and glanced at Qingyan under the iron frame with fear: "This is... Strange fire?"

"Sort of. Mo Yi smiled perfunctorily, then turned to look at the nine-headed golden lion king and shouted, "Is the meat cut, the fire has risen!"

The nine-headed golden lion king was not annoyed, and obediently moved the processed crane meat with the stone platform, Mo Yi glanced at the crane legs, crane head, and crane chest with great satisfaction... and so on, the layered crane meat, I didn't see that this lion still has the talent to be a cook!

In fact, Mo Yi misunderstood the nine-headed golden lion king, and he was able to handle the crane so well, purely because this guy had done more than one thing in the demon beast world to kill the enemy, anyway, the enemies were all demon beasts, and the meat that was slice down after Ling Chi was eaten as sashimi, and the crane demon killed less than the nine-headed golden lion king, but the chicken demon he killed a lot, and there was no problem with practice making a crane.

The processed crane meat was smeared with the juice of the star-falling grass, and then wrapped in the hot Zhu Fengguo, and placed on the mother fire of all things to burn repeatedly, and in less than a moment and a half, the fragrance that could make any monk go crazy was diffused, Chen Yin, the nine-headed golden lion king, and Gongsun Ruoji were all moved, and even the saint in the distance turned their heads.

"Senior Brother Mo... Why do you want to gather to barbecue tonight?" Chen Yin swallowed his saliva back with all his might, and his eyes moved from the crane meat on the barbecue grill to Mo Yi, who was humming the song of roasting chicken wings while brushing Zizhi with oil.

"It's a big competition tomorrow, don't you treat yourself well?" Mo Yi's answer was quite improper: "I also invited your senior brother and brother, but they all refused and you came alone." "

"This is also inevitable...... Chen Yin had a little headache, Mo Yi did invite him in advance, and the invitation read: At noon tonight, barbecue on the peak, come quickly.

I think that other inner disciples also received this invitation, but they didn't know who "Senior Brother Mo" was at all, let alone give up cultivation on the eve of the big competition to eat Laoshizi barbecue, and Chen Yin alone knew what this Senior Brother Mo was about, and gave up the important cultivation time to go to the banquet alone, and as soon as he came to the peak, he saw the nine-headed lion holding down the three cranes of Elder Yang Hao grinding their claws Huo Huo...

"Actually, there is another person who may come tonight. Mo Yi put Zizhi and Chizhi full of seasonings and put them on the iron frame, and suddenly the green flame rose with purple and red brilliance, and the aura rose and hovered on the two-flavor Xianzhi for a long time, Chen Yin next to the iron frame couldn't help but run the exercises and took a deep breath, the purple and red aura escaped into his body, and the mana in the sea of hot qi surged all over his body!

Mo Yi didn't blame him for his rash move, he just smiled and sealed the green flame into the purple red zhizhong, and Ning Qi would not leak it again. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Yin felt out of shape, but he felt that he was really loosened from the threshold of the vast Heavenly Palace realm, and he couldn't help but be even more excited, once he broke through the thirty-three kui of the Heavenly Palace realm, he would definitely be able to shine in it and win a place for the sect! And this barbecue party hadn't even started yet...

"Senior Brother Mo, who else will come tonight?" Chen Yin couldn't help but ask, Mo Yi said that this barbecue was an opportunity, but if any senior brother or sister came to enjoy this Lingzhi crane meat, their cultivation would inevitably soar to the sky after they returned!

"If nothing else, your senior sister of the Qingshan Sect will come back?" Mo Yi thought for a while and said.

"Senior Sister An?" Chen Yin was stunned for a moment: "She will come too?"

"I don't know, although I didn't invite her, she should come to me. Mo Yi shrugged his shoulders: "Before, the teacher sent me a message to tell me that your Elder Huanghai gave your senior sister the waist card that can open my cave mansion." "

"How could Elder Huanghai do this, it is impossible for our Qingshan Sect to be unfavorable to Senior Brother Mo!" Chen Yin's face changed greatly, and the delicacies and spiritual objects on the iron frame were no longer coveted, and he immediately expressed his kindness to Mo Yi, but before the words came out, Zhao Yan on the side suddenly sneered.

"Are you thinking about it? Mo Yi roasted the lingzhi and crane meat and asked, "Do you think your Senior Sister An will come to my cave to assassinate me?"

"Isn't it?, even your Dongfu waist card was given to Senior Sister An..."Chen Yin was also stunned, but he finally reacted when he looked at Zhao Mad and Gongsun Ruoji with a foolish gaze, and then his face became extremely ugly: "No... This is impossible, Elder Huang Hai is respected and upright, and he loves Senior Sister An very much, how could he send Senior Sister An in..."

"Sent to the Demon Cave?" Mo Yi burst out laughing.

"No, no, no, I don't mean to leave you behind!" Chen Yin realized that he had said the wrong thing and immediately apologized.

"Ann. Mo 197 also waved his hand and continued to toss on the grill: "Didn't you say that Elder Huanghai is an upright person, and he will definitely not do such a thing as forcing a good person to become a prostitute." "

"But, that waist card..."Chen Yin's face changed unpredictably.

"Do you like An Zhiming?" Mo Yi asked jokingly.

"No, my path is only the Immortal Dao, and what I am cultivating below is the Pure Yang Exercise, and I can't break it in my life. Chen Yin's face was serious.

"Oh... It seems that you are not the life of the protagonist.,The abstinence of the male protagonist has not been popular for a long time.。 Mo Yi looked at Chen Yin with a disappointed expression.

"I understand Senior Sister An's character, Senior Sister An is a rare genius in our Qingshan Sect in a hundred years, and she will definitely not commit herself to seeking trouble for Senior Brother Mo. "I also have to thank Chen Yin's speech skills to pass the test, and neither side is offended.

"Where can I be, I'm not afraid of trouble. Mo Yile said with a smile, but he didn't know that Chen Yin's face was dark, helpless and angry.

"But let's make a bet, just bet on whether your Senior Sister An will come. Mo Yi flipped over the crane leg: "Bet on a crane leg, if you lose, your crane leg will be mine." "

"What? How can this kind of thing be a child's play bet! This is related to Senior Sister An's solar terms!" Chen Yin was greatly troubled.

Mo Yi raised his eyebrows, and found out from the acceptance ring... Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass, the moment the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass was taken out, the entire peak was filled with a strange aura mixed with the smell of blood, Zhao Mad, Chen Yin and others were all terrified, and even the Holy Maiden stared at Mo Yi.

"I got this thing from an immortal spirit treasure somewhere, smell it and prolong life for five thousand years... Of course, it's impossible, but smelling it can make the mana surge temporarily double the cultivation, and if Brother Chen Yin takes it, he should be able to fight in a short period of time without fear of dying from exploding. Mo Yi patted Chen Yin on the shoulder: "This thing is a bet, does Senior Brother Chen Yin dare to bet with me on whether your Senior Sister An is high and bright and not moved by the beauty of the younger brother?"

"......" Chen Yin's face twitched, as far as he knew, An Zhiming would certainly not be moved by Mo Yi's beauty, but it was unknown whether he would be deterred by Mo Yi's financial resources... Not to mention the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass that shocked the heavens when he was born, the heavenly treasures that Fang Qian took out and wasted like a big road commodity are enough to make too many so-called "fairies" and "saints" devote themselves to service, can An Zhiming really control his own ethics in front of this mysterious Senior Brother Mo?

"How about a gamble? If you lose, you will lose a crane leg to me, and you will not lose. The corners of Mo Yi's mouth rose, and he looked at Zhao Mad and Gongsun Ruoji again: "You can also bet and play, there is more than one piece of scarlet jade grass in the wheel." "。

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