"Zhao Ma, do you think this Qingshan Sect Senior Sister will throw herself into her arms because of the so-called chance?" Mo Yi picked up a crane leg and compared it to the moonlight.

"Yes. Zhao said madly.

Anyway, there is no capital to trade, if you lose, you will lose a crane leg, and if you win, you can take out the fairy grass from the mouth of the big dog, why not?

"No, Senior Sister An won't, she's not such a person!" Chen Yin's face struggled for a while, and then he became determined: "I have known Senior Sister An since childhood, and she will never betray for chance..."

"Sell intangible assets. Mo Yi smelled the roasted crispy outside and tender crane breasts inside, and felt refreshed: "So, do you think Senior Sister An you said won't appear here tonight?"

"No!" Chen Yin said seriously.

"Huh. Gongsun Ruoji, who had not spoken, suddenly sneered, and glanced at Zhao Mad and Chen Yin like fools, and Mo Yi smiled strangely and immediately said, "Okay, the bet is established!"

As he spoke, the barbecue iron grill was shining, and there was a faint crane chirping, Chen Yin was stunned for a moment, and found that it was the spirit of three cranes. In the Qingshan Sect, he drank morning dew and took the elixir for too long, and he also cultivated some realms, and now he was made into a barbecue spirit, and naturally he didn't want to be humiliated, and he was ready to ascend to the six realms of reincarnation.

"Hey, where to run!" Mo Yi made a move, and the green flames under the iron frame rose up like dragons, and actually tied up the untouchable crane spirit, and tore it to pieces between the crane's tragic cry, pressing it back into the six crane legs. Finally, a bottle of Jindan jade liquid was taken out from the acceptance ring, and it landed evenly on the surface of the crane's legs.

In an instant, colorful neon-like clouds spread out from the iron frame, and Chen Yin finally couldn't help but sit up: "Danxia!"

Danxia, the different xia after alchemy becomes Dan, and Danxia usually only appears when the high-grade spirit pill above five or six grades is baked! Can you bake a crane leg and draw out Danxia?

"Lock, lock, lock. Mo Yi waved his hand and locked all these scattered Danxia into the crane's legs, each wisp of Danxia was immeasurably pure in medicinal properties and aura.

"This flame can even be stored by Danxia. Chen Yin gasped, and his eyes looked at Mo Yi even more weirdly.

At this time, even the saint came over and sat on the stone bench by the stone platform without saying a word, looking intently at the crane legs on the iron frame, Zhao Madness and Gongsun Ruoji couldn't help but look at the saint twice, in their hearts, this woman has always been like an immortal descending to the earth, and does not eat fireworks in the world, but now how can she actually be roasted chicken legs... The roasted crane leg attracted me.

Mo Yi looked at the saint's focused appearance and snorted in a low voice, not surprised, after all, he had understood some of the other party's small personalities in the blood field.

"It's almost time... Mo Yi raised his hand to look at the non-existent watch, raised his hand and pressed it, and the green flames in the iron frame suddenly turned into stars, only using low temperature to do the final warm roasting, and before he left the grill, he walked to a place on the ground, touched a spirit stone and pressed it. Chen Yin couldn't understand what Mo Yi was doing, but after the spirit stone was put down, an invisible film rose up, separating them from Mo Yi!

"Formation?" Chen Yin was stunned for a moment, and found the two areas separated by the formation.

"Small square formation, one-way sound insulation and anti-peeping formation. Zhao Yan said lightly: "I didn't expect him to be proficient in formations." "

Gongsun Ruoji looked at the formation with an expressionless face, it is not uncommon for there to be a formation in her world, and the holy woman... The saint still looked at the barbecue on the barbecue grill intently, as if she was comprehending some immortal secret method.

"Someone is coming. The Nine-Headed Golden Lion King sniffled for no reason.

"No... No, it won't. Chen Yin was shocked, and looked into the distance in disbelief, where a red-clothed figure was walking on foot under the light of the starlight.

An Zhiming held the waist card on the peak of the evergreen peak, she looked up and looked into the distance, it was the Sun and Moon Cave engraved on the waist card, a peach blossom tree that was not originally planted in the cave not far away, the bright moon on the horizon hung on the branches of the peach blossom tree like a white-breasted phoenix, the closer she walked, the clearer she looked, An Zhiming saw a person standing in front of the peach blossom tree, white clothes and long hair, looking up at the moon.

"It's already late at night. "

Before An Zhiming could come to him, he heard the man in white say, "Senior Sister An is blindfolded and lost in this desperate situation?"

An Zhiming paused slightly, this was not the same scene as she imagined, but there was not much change on her face, she just asked lightly: "Do you recognize me?"

"Senior Sister of Qingshan Sect knows her fate, who doesn't know who doesn't? Although I am a new disciple, I have admired the elegance of Senior Sister for a long time, I wonder if I can invite you to talk under the peach blossom tree?"

"Good. An Zhiming said.

"She's really here..."Chen Yin stared blankly at An Zhiming, who was walking under the peach blossom tree outside the formation, the red as blood-red long clothes and sharp and beautiful eyebrows and eyes were all Senior Sister An he knew, but the right person appeared in the wrong place today.

"When did you get a peach blossom tree here? Zhao Yan frowned and looked at the peach blossom tree under Mo Yi and An Zhi's fate.

"The peach blossom tree is extraordinary. Gongsun Ruoji frowned slightly and said.

Obviously, the attention of the two of them is not on whether the so-called senior sister of the Qingshan Sect is as pure as her appearance, for them, the genius of the Qingshan Sect in Chen Yin's eyes, An Zhifang, is just an ant, and they have stepped on Pinger, why should they care about whether the ant is tenacious?

"Alright. "

Suddenly, the saint said.

Gongsun Ruoji and Zhao Mad subconsciously turned their heads to look, only to see a flash of light like a bright moon in their stunning eyes, the yin and yang sword appeared in the night, and jumped up in the hands of the holy woman who was as bright as the moon-accurately stabbed a crane leg and forked it in front of him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's late at night, when is Senior Sister An looking for her junior brother?" Mo Yi looked at the peach blossom tree and never bowed his head.

"Are you waiting for someone?" An Zhiming looked at Mo Yi and asked.

Why do you ask? "

"Tomorrow is Dabi, if you don't do cultivation, standing under the peach blossom tree is not waiting for someone. An Zhiming said calmly.

"Count the peach blossoms. "


"I'm counting peach blossoms. "

An Zhiming raised his head and swept over the peach blossom tree, each branch of the peach blossom promised, from time to time because of the night wind on the peak and fell down for the bright moon dotted with a little bit of powder, not long An Zhiming said: "The peach blossom has five hundred and twenty-seven petals, you can count them at a glance with your cultivation, you shouldn't stand for so long, so you are still waiting for someone." "

"No, we were counting peach blossoms in front of us. Mo Yi sighed and lowered his head to look at An Zhiming: "It's just that there are too few peach blossoms, I can't bear to count, I just want to keep the number of petals for a long night." "

"So now I'll count it for you. An Zhiming said.

"Yes, after counting, it's time to wait. Mo Yi bowed his head. (Zhao Haohao)

"Have you waited?"

"Maybe it's time to wait. Mo Yi looked at the Sun Moon Cave Mansion waist card in An Zhiming's hand and said.


Within the formation, everyone in front of the stone table was creepy, not for anything else, just because this moonlit night, the peach blossom tree, and the dialogue between men and women were too weird, and the whole article was filled with an indescribable strange feeling.

"I didn't expect him to really have a hand in harming women. Zhao Yan looked at Mo Yi under the peach blossom tree and couldn't help but whisper.

"This pair of whites is simply too poetic..."Chen Yin looked at the two of them blankly, unable to express the bitterness in his heart.

Two idiots.

Gongsun Ruoji sat down in front of the iron frame expressionlessly and raised her hand to grab the roasted crane breast meat, but before she could catch it, a ray of white light as fast as time suddenly snatched away the crane meat under her hand. Gongsun Ruoji was stunned for a moment, looked up and found that the saint on the side had the same face as usual, the crane meat was gone, but there was no grease left on the Yin and Yang Slashing Sword in her hand, and the claws of the nine-headed golden lion king were cut off by half a centimeter, but you dare not speak angrily!.

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